BUILDING DAIKON: Install Prereqs: $sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk gcc ctags graphviz netpbm texlive texinfo $sudo apt-get install m4 automake autoconf binutils-dev zlib1g-dev Clone Git Repo: $git clone $git clone Setup Environment Variables: $export DAIKONDIR=/PATH/TO/daikon-5.8.0/ $source $DAIKONDIR/scripts/daikon.bashrc Make Daikon/Kvasir: $make -C $DAIKONDIR rebuild-everything $make kvasir Install Simplify: Download Unzip resulting file Note: I placed the /Simplify/ folder and the /daikon/ folder in the same location $cd Simplify $cp Simplify-1.5.4.linux Simplify $chmod +x Simplify $export PATH=/PATH/TO/Simplify:$PATH Acquire invariant files to compare: Navigate to daikon/examples/c-examples/wordplay/ $gcc -gdwarf-2 -no-pie wordplay.c -o wordplay $kvasir-dtrace ./wordplay -f words.txt 'Daikon Dynamic Invariant Detector' $java -cp $DAIKONDIR/daikon.jar daikon.Daikon --config_option daikon.derive.Derivation.disable_derived_variables=true daikon-output wordplay.decls daikon-output/wordplay.trace $mv wordplay.inv.gz wordplay1.inv.gz $kvasir-dtrace ./wordplay -f words.txt 'Some other phrase' $java -cp $DAIKONDIR/daikon.jar daikon.Daikon --config_option daikon.derive.Derivation.disable_derived_variables=true daikon-output wordplay.decls daikon-output/wordplay.trace Use LogicalCompare: $java -cp $DAIKONDIR/daikon.jar --config_option daikon.derive.Derivation.disable_derived_variables=true wordplay.inv.gz wordplay1.inv.gz