Free and open-source library that improves unity inspector.
UniMob ·

Modern object-oriented reactive programming library for Unity. Inspired by MobX.
MVU/MVI/Redux like library for building declarative user interface in Unity. Built over UniMob. Inspired by Flutter.
Examples can be found in the UniMob.UI Samples repository
Mesh-Animation - Fast GPU vertex shader based animation library for Unity;TextMeshPro
TextMeshPro.SpriteAtlas.Support - SpriteAtlas to TMP.SpriteAsset converter;UI
View-Binding - View binding library for Unity;UI
Style-Components - Library for styling game objects in Unity;Utilities
Expression-Parser - Simple math expression parser library for Unity;ECS
Morpeh.Events - Events for Morpeh ECS;ECS
Morpeh.SystemStateProcessor - Reactivity for Morpeh ECS;Editor
Package-Symlinker - Utility that simplifies UPM package development;Editor
NpmPublisherSupport - Publish Npm packages to your registry directly from the Unity;Editor
SceneMaterialAnalyzer - Tool for analyzing materials and shaders used in scenesRoslyn
RequiredFieldsInit-Analyzer - C# 11 "Required Members" for Unity;