Welcome! This is the organisation for Coem, a poetic programming language.
(I'll star the ones that are probably most interesting!)
jcoem — I started the project here, following the course of Robert Nystrom's Crafting Interpreters. It's written in Java. It may be archived, since my intention is now to work primarily in JavaScript.
★ jscoem — After mostly completing jcoem, I ported it over to JavaScript, following the example of YALI.js by Daniel Berezin (danman113). I am primarily working on this implementation.
★ coem-editor — This is the interactive web editor for the JavaScript implementation of Coem, using CodeMirror.
★ lang-coem — This is the Lezer grammar and language support for Coem, so CodeMirror can understand and do fancy things in Coem.
coem-web — This is the rest of the Coem website, containing all the relevant information and documentation. It's written in plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Thanks for visiting :)