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Use kebab-case names for test functions
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The test function names with underscores are deprecated in favour of the
kebab-case equivalents.  The old function names will be removed in the
2015.09 release of Rakudo.  This change updates all tests to use the new
function names.
  • Loading branch information
Paul Cochrane committed Jun 20, 2015
1 parent eb4e07a commit ceee969
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Showing 10 changed files with 52 additions and 52 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion t/01-connect.t
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ use Test;

plan 1;

dies_ok {'') }
dies-ok {'') }

# vim: ft=perl6
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions t/02-connection.t
Expand Up @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ $r.auth('20bdfc8e73365b2fde82d7b17c3e429a9a94c5c9');

plan 4;

#dies_ok { $r.auth("WRONG PASSWORD"); }
is_deeply $r.echo("Hello World!"), "Hello World!";
is_deeply $, True;
is_deeply $, True;
is_deeply $r.quit, True;
#dies-ok { $r.auth("WRONG PASSWORD"); }
is-deeply $r.echo("Hello World!"), "Hello World!";
is-deeply $, True;
is-deeply $, True;
is-deeply $r.quit, True;

# vim: ft=perl6
26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions t/02-hashes.t
Expand Up @@ -16,30 +16,30 @@ if $<redis_version> gt "2.6" {

# hset & hget & hmset & hmget & hsetnx
$r.hdel("hash", "field1");
is_deeply $r.hset("hash", "field1", 1), True;
is_deeply $r.hsetnx("hash", "field1", 1), False;
is_deeply $r.hget("hash", "field1"), "1";
is_deeply $r.hmset("hash", "key", "value", key2 => "value2"), True;
is_deeply $r.hmget("hash", "key", "key2"), ["value", "value2"];
is-deeply $r.hset("hash", "field1", 1), True;
is-deeply $r.hsetnx("hash", "field1", 1), False;
is-deeply $r.hget("hash", "field1"), "1";
is-deeply $r.hmset("hash", "key", "value", key2 => "value2"), True;
is-deeply $r.hmget("hash", "key", "key2"), ["value", "value2"];

# hdel & hexists
is_deeply $r.hdel("hash", "field1", "key"), 2;
is_deeply $r.hexists("hash", "field1"), False;
is-deeply $r.hdel("hash", "field1", "key"), 2;
is-deeply $r.hexists("hash", "field1"), False;

# hgetall
$r.hset("hash", "count", 1);
is_deeply $r.hgetall("hash"), {key2 => "value2", count => "1"};
is-deeply $r.hgetall("hash"), {key2 => "value2", count => "1"};

# hincrby & hincrbyfloat
is_deeply $r.hincrby("hash", "count", 10), 11;
is-deeply $r.hincrby("hash", "count", 10), 11;
if $<redis_version> gt "2.6" {
is_deeply $r.hincrbyfloat("hash", "count", 10.1), 21.1;
is-deeply $r.hincrbyfloat("hash", "count", 10.1), 21.1;

# hkeys & hlen & hvals
is_deeply $r.hkeys("hash"), ["key2", "count"];
is_deeply $r.hlen("hash"), 2;
is-deeply $r.hkeys("hash"), ["key2", "count"];
is-deeply $r.hlen("hash"), 2;
$r.hset("hash", "count", 10);
is_deeply $r.hvals("hash"), ["value2", "10"];
is-deeply $r.hvals("hash"), ["value2", "10"];

# vim: ft=perl6
42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions t/02-keys.t
Expand Up @@ -16,68 +16,68 @@ if $<redis_version> gt "2.6" {

# del
is_deeply $r.del("key", "key2", "does_not_exists"), 0;
is-deeply $r.del("key", "key2", "does_not_exists"), 0;

# dump & restore
if $<redis_version> gt "2.6" {
$r.set("key", "value");
my $serialized = $r.dump("key");
is_deeply $r.restore("newkey", 100, $serialized), True;
is_deeply $r.get("newkey"), "value";
is-deeply $r.restore("newkey", 100, $serialized), True;
is-deeply $r.get("newkey"), "value";

# exists
$r.set("key", "value");
is_deeply $r.exists("key"), True;
is_deeply $r.exists("does_not_exists"), False;
is-deeply $r.exists("key"), True;
is-deeply $r.exists("does_not_exists"), False;

# expire & persist & pexpire & expireat & pexpireat & pttl & ttl
if $<redis_version> gt "2.6" {
is_deeply $r.expire("key", 100), True;
is-deeply $r.expire("key", 100), True;
ok $r.ttl("key") <= 100;
ok $r.persist("key");
is_deeply $r.ttl("key"), -1;
is_deeply $r.pexpire("key", 100000), True;
is_deeply $r.expireat("key", 100), True;
is_deeply $r.ttl("key"), -1;
is_deeply $r.pexpireat("key", 1), False;
is_deeply $r.pttl("key"), -1;
is-deeply $r.ttl("key"), -1;
is-deeply $r.pexpire("key", 100000), True;
is-deeply $r.expireat("key", 100), True;
is-deeply $r.ttl("key"), -1;
is-deeply $r.pexpireat("key", 1), False;
is-deeply $r.pttl("key"), -1;
} else {
is_deeply $r.expire("key", 100), True;
is-deeply $r.expire("key", 100), True;
ok $r.ttl("key") <= 100;
ok $r.persist("key");
is_deeply $r.ttl("key"), -1;
is-deeply $r.ttl("key"), -1;

# keys
$r.set("pattern1", 1);
$r.set("pattern2", 2);
is_deeply $r.keys("pattern*"), ["pattern1", "pattern2"];
is-deeply $r.keys("pattern*"), ["pattern1", "pattern2"];

# migrate TODO

# move TODO

# object
$r.set("key", "value");
is_deeply $r.object("refcount", "key"), 1;
is-deeply $r.object("refcount", "key"), 1;

# randomkey
is_deeply $r.randomkey().WHAT.gist, "Str()";
is-deeply $r.randomkey().WHAT.gist, "Str()";

# rename
is_deeply $r.rename("key", "newkey"), True;
is-deeply $r.rename("key", "newkey"), True;

# renamenx
dies_ok { $r.renamenx("does_not_exists", "newkey"); }
dies-ok { $r.renamenx("does_not_exists", "newkey"); }

# sort TODO
#say $r.sort("key", :desc);

# type
$r.set("key", "value");
is_deeply $r.type("key"), "string";
is_deeply $r.type("does_not_exists"), "none";
is-deeply $r.type("key"), "string";
is-deeply $r.type("does_not_exists"), "none";

# vim: ft=perl6
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion t/02-pub&sub.t
Expand Up @@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ $r.flushall;
plan 1;

is_deeply $r.publish("queue", "data"), 0;
is-deeply $r.publish("queue", "data"), 0;
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions t/02-server.t
Expand Up @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ $r.auth('20bdfc8e73365b2fde82d7b17c3e429a9a94c5c9');

plan 3;

is_deeply $r.flushall(), True;
is-deeply $r.flushall(), True;

is_deeply $r.flushdb(), True;
is-deeply $r.flushdb(), True;

ok $ === Hash;
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions t/02-transactions.t
Expand Up @@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ $r.flushall;
plan 5;

# multi->...->exec
is_deeply $r.multi(), True;
is-deeply $r.multi(), True;
$r.set("key", "value");
$r.set("key2", "value2");
is_deeply $r.exec(), ["OK", "OK"];
is-deeply $r.exec(), ["OK", "OK"];

# multi->...->discard
is_deeply $r.multi(), True;
is-deeply $r.multi(), True;
$r.set("key2", "value3");
is_deeply $r.discard(), True;
is_deeply $r.get("key2"), "value2";
is-deeply $r.discard(), True;
is-deeply $r.get("key2"), "value2";
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions t/03-binary.t
Expand Up @@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ plan 2;

# arbitary binary string
my Buf $binary =,2,3,129);
is_deeply $r.set("key", $binary), True;
is_deeply $r.get("key"), $binary;
is-deeply $r.set("key", $binary), True;
is-deeply $r.get("key"), $binary;
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion t/03-multibytes.t
Expand Up @@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ plan 1;
# bug: multi-bytes chars and \r\n in data
my $str = "中文 string contains newlines\r\n";
$r.set("key", $str);
is_deeply $r.get("key"), $str;
is-deeply $r.get("key"), $str;
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion t/04-exec-any-commands.t
Expand Up @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ $r.auth('20bdfc8e73365b2fde82d7b17c3e429a9a94c5c9');

plan 1;

is_deeply $r.exec_command("CONFIG GET", "timeout"), ["timeout", "1"];
is-deeply $r.exec_command("CONFIG GET", "timeout"), ["timeout", "1"];

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