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FormatParser, like Parsec parsers, is a Monad and MonadPlus. Some of the
standard Parsec primitives are implemented (anyOf, noneOf, <|>,
many...). The CSV example from *Real World Haskell* works.
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colah committed Jun 4, 2012
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Showing 4 changed files with 180 additions and 0 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions FormatParser.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Name: FormatParser
Version: 0.0.1
cabal-version: >= 1.6
Synopsis: Like Parsec, but two-way! (Experimental!)
Description: A Parsec inspired library that allows you to
simultaneously write parsers and formaters,
avoiding duplication of effort.
License: GPL
Author: Christopher Olah
Maintainer: Christopher Olah <>
build-type: Simple
Category: Text

Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5
Extensions: ViewPatterns
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
FormatParser: Parsec-inspired (Simultaneous) Parsing & Formatting

Parsec and friends makes writing parsers in Haskell a lovely experience. But, if you're like me, you find yourself irate with the duplication of effort that comes with writing separate formaters. After all, they both convey essentially the same information!

The following, from *Real World Haskell* is one of my favorite Parsec examples:

csvFile = endBy line eol
line = sepBy cell (char ',')
cell = many (noneOf ",\n")
eol = char '\n'

Beautiful! We just said what a `csvFile` was and had a parser! But there is certainly enough information there to format the data as well. Why can't we?

With FormatParser you can!

import Text.FormatParser.Primitives

csvFile = endBy line eol
line = sepBy cell (char ',')
cell = many (noneOf ",\n")
eol = char '\n'

> "abc,def,egh\nfoo,bar,blah\n" `parseBy` csvFile
Just [["abc","def","egh"],["foo","bar","blah"]]
> [["abc","def","egh"],["foo","bar","blah"]] `formatBy` csvFile
Just "abc,def,egh\nfoo,bar,blah\n"

The Nitty-Gritty Details

A `FormatParser s i o` parses streams of `s`s into output `o`s and formats input `i`s into streams of `s`s.

It is a `Monad` and `MonadPlus`, but that only provides us with a way to route the output values, `o`. We need a way to handle the input values as well!

The key is the `=|=` operator, of type `(i1 -> i2) -> FormatParser s i2 o -> FormatParser s i1 o`, which allows one to transform the input type.

34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions Text/FormatParser/Definitions.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@

module Text.FormatParser.Definitions where

import Control.Monad

data FormatParser s i o =
FormatParser {
formater :: i -> Maybe (o, [s]),
parser :: [s] -> Maybe (o, [s])

instance Monad (FormatParser s i) where
return a = FormatParser (\_ -> Just (a, [])) (\b -> Just (a,b))
m >>= f = FormatParser formater' parser'
formater' val = do
(mval, mstr) <- formater m val
let n = f mval
(nval, nstr) <- formater n val
return (nval, mstr ++ nstr)
parser' str = do
(mval, str') <- parser m str
let n = f mval
(nval, str'') <- parser n str'
return (nval, str'')

instance MonadPlus (FormatParser s i) where
mzero = FormatParser (const Nothing) (const Nothing)
mplus a b = FormatParser formater' parser'
formater' val = formater a val `mplus` formater b val
parser' val = parser a val `mplus` parser b val

80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions Text/FormatParser/Primitives.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Text.FormatParser.Primitives where

import Control.Monad
import Text.FormatParser.Definitions

parseBy :: [a] -> FormatParser a b c -> Maybe c
parseBy a rw = fmap fst $ parser rw a

formatBy :: b -> FormatParser a b c -> Maybe [a]
formatBy a rw = fmap snd $ formater rw a

a <|> b = a `mplus` b

(=|=) :: (i1 -> i2) -> FormatParser s i2 o -> FormatParser s i1 o
f =|= FormatParser a b = FormatParser (a.f) b

oneOf vals = FormatParser formater parser
parser (x:xs) | x `elem` vals = Just (x, xs)
parser _ = Nothing
formater a | a `elem` vals = Just (a, [a])
formater _ = Nothing

noneOf vals = FormatParser formater parse
parse (x:xs) | not (x `elem` vals) = Just (x, xs)
parse _ = Nothing
formater a | not (a `elem` vals) = Just (a, [a])
formater a = Nothing

manyN :: Int -> FormatParser s i o -> FormatParser s [i] [o]
manyN n (FormatParser childformater childParse) = FormatParser formater (parse n)
parse n (childParse -> Just (v, xs) ) =
(results, remainder) <- parse (n-1) xs
return (v:results, remainder)
parse n l | n <= 0 = Just ([], l)
parse _ _ = Nothing
formater vals | length vals >= n = do
(newvals, strs) <- fmap unzip $ sequence $ map childformater vals
return (newvals, concat strs)

many = manyN 0
many1 = manyN 1

-- minor error, fix later
sepByN :: Int -> FormatParser s i o -> FormatParser s () o2 -> FormatParser s [i] [o]
sepByN 0 inter sep = sepByN 1 inter sep <|> (head =|= inter >>= return . return)
sepByN n inter sep = do
x <- head =|= inter
let intersep = do
(const ()) =|= sep
a <- inter
return a
xs <- tail =|= manyN (n-1) intersep
return (x:xs)

sepBy1 = sepByN 1
sepBy = sepByN 0

endByN n inter sep = manyN n $ do
a <- inter
(const ()) =|= sep
return a

endBy1 = endByN 1
endBy = endByN 0

whitespace :: FormatParser Char a String
whitespace = (const " ") =|= (many $ oneOf " \t\n")

char :: Char -> FormatParser Char a Char
char c = const c =|= oneOf [c]

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