This is the code for the website and experiment.
A local instance of the app can be launched using Docker Compose:
docker compose build
docker compose up -d postgres
docker compose run --rm web initdb
docker compose run --rm web import-centroids /path/to/dataset_en.csv English en
docker compose run --rm web import-col-targets /path/to/targets.csv
docker compose up web
Under Linux the app can now be accessed at
localhost:5000. If you're using docker-machine
(e.g. on OS X) then run docker-machine ip
to get the machine IP
address and browse to port 5000 on that address.
The database can be reinitialized by running:
docker compose run --rm web dropdb
docker compose run --rm web initdb
Colour targets can be added by running e.g.:
docker compose run --rm web import-targets /path/to/targets.csv
To stop the test instance run:
docker compose down
The above commands are available through the command: -u # start the test instance -r # reinitialize the test database -d # tear down the test instance
To add a new language to the colournamer you need a CSV containing the
centroids of each colour term and set of .wav files containing the
spoken name of each colour. An example of the centroids CSV can be found
in the docs
directory. The audio files should be placed into a new
subdirectory of assets/audio e.g. assets/audio/en for English (the
country code must be two characters). Add a new rule to the Makefile
following the existing ones tehn run make
. Running make should create
a directory of .mp3 files in colournaming/static/audio.
Next add the centroids to the database:
docker compose run --rm web import-centroids /path/to/dataset_fr.csv Francais fr
The recommended way to install the Javascript development dependencies is using npm. Once npm is installed run:
npm install
This will install the additional tools required to prepare the Javascript and
CSS for production use. Changes to the front-end files should be made to the
files in the assets/js
and assets/css
directory. To build the production
front-end assets run make js
and make css
To extract strings run:
pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -k lazy_gettext -o messages.pot .
To add a new language, from the project root run:
pybabel init -i messages.pot -d colournaming/translations -l [language code]
This will create a new messages file at
colournaming/translations/[language code]/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
When a message file is completed or updated the messages must be compiled:
pybabel compile -d colournaming/translations
To include new strings in the translation files run:
pybabel update -i messages.pot -d colournaming/translations
See the Flask-Babel website for
more information on adding translations. Check the pages in
for an example of how to use
translated text.