If you find this work is useful, please cite the following:
title = {Metric Learning for Adversarial Robustness},
author = {Mao, Chengzhi and Zhong, Ziyuan and Yang, Junfeng and Vondrick, Carl and Ray, Baishakhi},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32},
pages = {478--489},
year = {2019},
Install tensorflow:
pip install -r requirements.txt
All of our experiments are conducted on Amazon AWS EC2 server, with pre-installed tensorflow on the V100 GPU. If you use AWS server, can activate the conda environment: source activate tensorflow_p36
python utils_folder/save_mnist.py
All the hyper parameters are set up in config_mnist.json
Then run:
python train_update_fast_triplet.py
To reproduce the TLA algorithm
For baseline models:
Madry et al's
python train_at_madry.py
Note that this TLA algorithm takes almost the same time as Madry's baseline to converge, thus patience is needed.
First, set the path to the directory where the MNIST model is saved. Set up the attack type, the steps, the step size, and random start.
Then run python eval.py
to evaluate the model under certain attack
Download the data from https://github.com/MadryLab/cifar10_challenge/tree/master/cifar10_data into the folder cifar10_data
All the hyper parameters are set up in config_cifar.json
Then run:
python train_update_fast_triplet.py --dataset cifar10
To reproduce the ATL algorithm
For baseline models:
Madry et al's
python train_at_madry.py --dataset cifar10
Change the parameters inside the file (especially "mode" and "model_folder_dir") to reproduce results for Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively.
python tSNE.py
First update the path to the saved CIFAR10 model. Set up the attack type, the steps, the step size, and random start.
Then run python eval.py
to evaluate the saved model under the given attack.
Download dataset: https://tiny-imagenet.herokuapp.com to subfolder imagenet_data
python utils_folder/save_imagenet.py
to produce preprocessed dataset.
We have Res20 and Res50 architecture option.
set up the config_imagenet.json
first run
python train_at_madry.py --dataset imagenet
Then set up the finetuning model path in config_imagenet.json, and run
python train_update_fast_triplet.py --dataset imagenet --diff_neg
First update the path to the saved ImageNet model. Set up the attack type, the steps, the step size, and random start.
Then run python eval.py
to evaluate the saved model under the given attack.
Notice, AWS need first launch tmux, then activate the tensorflow
Tips: AAP and A1Ap both can give a bit higher performance
For cifar10, when using small models, the negative dictionary size need to decrease such that the selected negative is not too hard for the metric learning loss.
CIFAR-10: www.cs.columbia.edu/~mcz/publication/upload-cifar-models.zip
Tiny-ImageNet: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~mcz/publication/TLA-tiny-imagenet.zip