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DavyMaddelein committed Jun 16, 2015
1 parent 728415a commit f546078
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Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public interface AminoAcidInterface {

* fetches the amino acids from the proteome discoverer database
* @param iConnection connection to a msf file
* @param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve the amino acids for
* @return a List containing all the amino acids stored in the msf file
* @throws java.sql.SQLException if something went wrong with the retrieving
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Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public interface CustomDataInterface {

* @param iConnection a connection to the msf file
* @param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve the custom data from
* @return a hashmap containing the custom fields key: fieldid in the db
* value: displayname given in the db
Expand All @@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ public interface CustomDataInterface {

* @param msfFileConnection connection to the msf file
* @param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve the custom spectrum data from
* @return an List with the custom spectra data
* @throws SQLException

public List<CustomDataField> getCustomSpectraData(Map<Integer, CustomDataField> iCustomDataFieldsMap, MsfFile msfFile);
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Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public interface ModificationInterface {
creates a hashmap containing the modifications stored in the msf file
@param iConnection: a connection to the SQLite database
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve the modifications from
@return hashmap containing the modifications
@throws SQLException if something went wrong with the retrieving
Expand All @@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ public interface ModificationInterface {

* fetch all the abbreviated names of the modifications used in the msf file
* @param aConnection a connection to the SQLite database
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve the modification names from
* @return a List containing all the names of the modifications used in the msf file

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Expand Up @@ -16,18 +16,15 @@ public interface PeptideInterface {

@param protein: a Protein object
@param iMsfVersion: enumeration object containing the version number of the current Msf file
@param iAminoAcids a List containing the objects returned from the AminoAcid
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from
@return a List containing all the peptides connected to the given Protein, empty if none are found

public List getPeptidesForProtein(ProteinLowMem protein,MsfFile msfFile);

@param lProteinAccession: a string containing the accession of the protein
@param msfFileConnection: a connection to the SQLite database
@param iMsfVersion: enumeration object containing the version number of the current Msf file
@param iAminoAcids a List containing the objects returned from the AminoAcid
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from
@return a List containing all the peptides connected to the given protein accession, empty if none are found

Expand All @@ -46,33 +43,29 @@ public interface PeptideInterface {
* @param confidenceLevel the confidence level of the peptides wanted
* @param msfFileConnection connection to the msf file
* @param iMsfVersion the version with which the msf file is made
* @param iAminoAcids vector with the amino acids fetched from the amino acid lowmem class
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from
* @return a vector containing the peptides identified and the specified confidence level, empty if none are found
public List<PeptideLowMem> getPeptidesWithConfidenceLevel(int confidenceLevel,MsfFile msfFile);

* @param confidenceLevel the confidence level of the peptides wanted
* @param aConnection connection to the msf file
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from

public int getNumberOfPeptidesForConfidenceLevel(int confidenceLevel,MsfFile msfFile);

* @param proteinLowMemList a vector containing the protein objects we want to retrieve the peptides for
* @param msfFileConnection a connection to the msf file
* @param iAminoAcids a vector of the amino acids retrieved from the msf file
* @param iMsfVersion the msf file version
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from
* @param confidenceLevel the confidence level we want to retrieve the peptides at
public void getPeptidesForProteinList(List<ProteinLowMem> proteinLowMemList,MsfFile msfFile,int confidenceLevel);

* @param msfFileConnection connection to the msf file
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from

public int returnNumberOfPeptides(MsfFile msfFile);
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Expand Up @@ -18,21 +18,16 @@ public interface ProteinControllerInterface {
a method to fetch all the proteins stored in the msf file
@param iConnection connection to the msf file
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from
@return an iterator containing all the proteins in Protein objects
@throws SQLException if something went wrong with the retrieving

public List getAllProteins(MsfFile msfFile);

get a protein from an accession
@return a Protein object
@throws SQLException if something went wrong with the retrieving
* @param proteinAccession an accession
* @param iConnection a connection to the msf file
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from

public ProteinLowMem getProteinFromAccession(String proteinAccession, MsfFile msfFile);
Expand All @@ -41,9 +36,8 @@ public interface ProteinControllerInterface {
get the accession from a protein
@param proteinID a protein id in the db
@param iConnection a connection to the msf file
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from
@return the accession for a given Protein object
@throws SQLException if something went wrong with the retrieving

public String getAccessionFromProteinID(int proteinID,MsfFile msfFile);
Expand All @@ -52,9 +46,8 @@ public interface ProteinControllerInterface {
* get the sequence stored in the db for a given ProteinID
* @param proteinID the ID of the protein in the SQLite DB
* @param iConnection connection to the SQLite DB
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from
* @return string containing the sequence stored in the DB
* @throws SQLException if something went wrong with the retrieving

public String getSequenceForProteinID(int proteinID,MsfFile msfFile);
Expand All @@ -63,9 +56,8 @@ public interface ProteinControllerInterface {
* method for retrieving all the proteins connected to a given peptide in the DB
* @param PeptideID peptideID stored in the SQLite DB
* @param iConnection connection to the SQLite DB
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from
* @return a vector containing all Protein objects connected to a given peptide
* @throws SQLException if something went wrong with the retrieving
public List<ProteinLowMem> getProteinsForPeptide(int PeptideID,MsfFile msfFile);
Expand Up @@ -16,9 +16,8 @@ public interface RatioTypeInterface {

* @param aConnection connection to the SQLite db
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from
* @return vector containing the ratio types
* @throws java.sql.SQLException if something went wrong with the retrieving

public List<RatioTypeLowMem> parseRatioTypes(MsfFile msfFile);
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Expand Up @@ -14,23 +14,23 @@ public interface RawFileInterface {
* @param fileID the file id stored in the msf file
* @param aConnection connection to the msf file
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from
* @return hashmap connecting the file name entry to the fileID
public Map<Integer, String> getRawFileForFileID(int fileID, MsfFile msfFile);

* @param aConnection connection to the msf file
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from
* @return a vector containing all the names of the stored raw files
public List<RawFileLowMem> getRawFileNames(MsfFile msfFile);

* @param fileID the file id stored in the msf file
* @param aConnection connection to the msf file
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from
* @return a processed filename (eg sample4_1.raw)
public String getRawFileNameForFileID(int FileID, MsfFile msfFile);
public String getRawFileNameForFileID(int fileID, MsfFile msfFile);
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public interface ScoreTypeInterface {
method to fetch the score types stored in the msf file
@param aConnection a connection to the msf file
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from
@return a Hashmap containing the score types
* @throws java.sql.SQLException if something went wrong with the retrieving
Expand All @@ -30,23 +30,23 @@ public interface ScoreTypeInterface {

* @param peptideLowMemList a vector containing the peptides we want to retrieve the scores for
* @param aConnection a connection to the msf file
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from

public void getScoresForPeptideList(List<PeptideLowMem>peptideLowMemList,MsfFile msfFile);

* @param peptide a peptide to which we want to add the scores
* @param aConnection a connection to the msf file
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from

public void addScoresToPeptide (PeptideLowMem peptide, MsfFile msfFile);

* @param peptide a peptide to return the different score types for
* @param aConnection a connection to the msf file
@param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve from
* @return a hashMap with key scoreID value: scoreValue
* @throws SQLException
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public class AminoAcidLowMemController implements AminoAcidInterface {

* @param aConnection a connection to the msf file
* @param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve the amino acids from
* @return a vector containing all the amino acids in the database
* @throws SQLException
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Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class ChromatogramLowMemController {
* returns the chromatogram for a given peptide ID in the SQLite db
* @param peptideID the id of the peptide
* @param iConnection connection to the msf SQLite file
* @param msfFile the proteome discoverer file to retrieve the chromatograms from
* @return a vector containing the chromatogram files
//TODO check of this returns one or multiple files
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Expand Up @@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ public List<CustomDataField> getCustomPeptideData(Map<Integer, CustomDataField>
* adds the custom data of a protein to that protein object
* @param protein the protein (low memory instance) object
* @param iConnection connection to the msf file
* @param protein the {@link ProteinLowMem} to add the custom data to
* @param msfFile msf File to get the protein data from
* @throws SQLException
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Expand Up @@ -177,35 +177,15 @@ public List<Modification> getAllModifications(MsfFile msfFile) {
return getModList(msfFile, true, true);

* @param msfFileConnection
* @param msfVersion
* @param returnFixed
* @return

public List<Modification> getListOfFixedModificationNumbers(MsfFile msfFile) {
return getModList(msfFile, true, false);

* @param msfFileConnection
* @param msfVersion
* @return
public List<Modification> getListOfVariableModidifcationNumbers(MsfFile msfFile) {
return getModList(msfFile, false, true);

* @param msfFileConnection
* @param msfVersion
* @param getFixedModifications
* @param getVariableModifications
* @return
private List<Modification> getModList(MsfFile msfFile, boolean getFixedModifications, boolean getVariableModifications) {
StringBuilder modNumbersToFetch = new StringBuilder("(");
List<Modification> modsToReturn = new ArrayList<Modification>();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,12 +254,7 @@ private List<Modification> getModList(MsfFile msfFile, boolean getFixedModificat
return modsToReturn;

* @param modification
* @param aminoAcids
* @param msfFile

private void addAminoAcidsToModification(Modification modification, List<AminoAcid> aminoAcids, MsfFile msfFile) {
try {
PreparedStatement stat = null;
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