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Ruby Application for the Vroegtijdig School Verlaten Dagboekonderzoek. Ook in gebruik als back end voor Ieder Kind is Anders, U Can Feel en Your Special Forces.


Emerencia, A.C., Blaauw, F.J., Snell, N.R., Blijlevens, T., Kunnen, E.S., De Jonge, P. & Van der Gaag, M.A.E. (2017). U-can-act Web-app (Version 1.0) [Web application software]. Retrieved from

Frank J. Blaauw, Mandy A. E. van der Gaag, Nick R. Snell, Ando C. Emerencia, E. Saskia Kunnen and Peter de Jonge (2018). The u-can-act Platform: A Tool to Study Intra-individual Processes of Early School Leaving and Its Prevention Using Multiple Informants. Frontiers in Psychology


This application has been made possible by funding from The Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO) under projectnumber 405-16-401.



  1. Protocols and Measurements
  2. Questionnaire Syntax
    1. Type: Checkbox
    2. Type: Radio
    3. Type: Likert
    4. Type: Range
    5. Type: Raw
    6. Type: Textarea
    7. Type: Textfield
    8. Type: Number
    9. Type: Expandable
    10. Type: Time
    11. Type: Date
    12. Type: Date and Time
    13. Type: Unsubscribe
    14. Type: Dropdown
    15. Type: Drawing
    16. Type: Days
  3. Questionnaire Scores


Make sure that Docker Compose is installed, it will allow you to run the application with Postgress, Redis and MongoDB.

Clone the codebase and step into the directory.

  git clone
  cd u-can-act

Then fill in the .env or .env.local files (see Configuration) and run the back end with

  docker-compose up


The .env file is used for storing all ENV variables. Below is a list of all required ENV variables for production servers.

General settings

  PROJECT_NAME:      <name of the project (e.g., vsv)>
  POSTGRES_DATABASE: <prefix for the database used in development (e.g., vsv)>
  MONGO_DATABASE:    <prefix for the database used in development (e.g., vsv)>

  SECRET_KEY_BASE: <base used for the tokens>
  HOST_URL: <the url where the application is hosted (e.g.>
  HOST_DOMAIN: <just the domain part of HOST_URL (e.g.>
  INFO_EMAIL: <email address to use as sender for user account emails>
  FEEDBACK_EMAIL: <email address used by the feedback button>

  MESSAGEBIRD_ACCESS_KEY: <access key for messagebird>
  MESSAGEBIRD_SEND_FROM: <sender name shown for SMS>

  PERSON_SALT: <salt used to hash person ids in the exporter>
  STOP_SUBSCRIPTION_SALT: <salt used for hashing the stop_subscription keys>

  ADMIN_USERNAME: <user name for the admin panel>
  ADMIN_PASSWORD: <password for the admin panel>

  MAILGUN_API_KEY: <the API key retrieved from mailgun, starts with key->
  MAILGUN_DOMAIN: <the domain configured with mailgun to send mail from, e.g., or>
  FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS: <the email address to send the email from, e.g.,>

  AUTH0_CLIENT_ID: <the client id of the client used at auth0>
  AUTH0_DOMAIN: <the auth0 domain, e.g.,>
  AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET: <the client secret from auth0
  AUTH0_REDIRECT_URL: <the url to do the callback to. Should be something like:>
  AUTH0_AUDIENCE: <The auth0 audience>
  AUTH0_SIGNING_CERTIFICATE: <the BASE64 encoded certificate>

  REDIS_HOST: <the url of the redis host>
  REDIS_PORT: <the port of the redis host>
  REDIS_PASSWORD: <the password of the redis host>

  TEST_PHONE_NUMBERS: <the list of phonenumbers that are actually test phone numbers. The list needs to be comma separated, eg 0612341234,0676565641>
  SNITCH_KEY: <the key which the snitcher should call>

  API_KEY: <the secret username that can be used to access the api>
  API_SECRET: <the secret password that can be used to access the api>

  IP_HASH_SALT: <for certain users we store the hashed ip address. The hash is generated with this salt>

  INFO_SITE_URL: <site for more information about the u-can-act project, typically>

  PUSH_SUBSCRIPTION_URL: <for pushing results back to the base platform, e.g., 'http://web:3000/api/v1/data/create_raw'> 
  BASE_PLATFORM_URL: <the external url of the base platform for redirecting the user, e.g., 'http://localhost:3000'>

  SHARED_SECRET: <shared secret for generating hmac for generating invite params for invite token link>
  REGISTRATION_URL: <url for sending invites to for person email registration>

  WORKLESS_ENABLED: <set to 'true' if you want to enable workless>
  ELASTIC_APM_ENABLED: <set to 'true' if you want to report APM metrics to the elastic cluster>
  ELASTIC_APM_URL: <the url to push APM metrics to>
  ELASTIC_APM_SECRET_TOKEN: <the agent token as obtained from /app/apm/settings/agent-keys when creating a new token>
  ELASTIC_APM_SERVICE_NAME: <set this to how you want the service to show up on the elastic observability stack>

(Local) development settings

For developers, many of the above settings have default values specified in the .env file which is included in the repository and should work for development. However, a .env.local file is not included in the repository, and should be created by the developer. Since this file determines which project will run, it should at minimum have the following settings:

.env.local minimum settings:

  PROJECT_NAME:      myproject



After cloning the repo, be sure to create an .env.local file with at least the variables above.

When using the rake task to generate a new project (bundle exec rake "deployment:create_project[myproject]"), a .env.local file is automatically generated for you. But when switching to one of the existing projects in the repo, you need to set the above variables in .env.local.

Organization-specific settings

Organization specific settings can be found in the projects/<project-name> folder. config/settings.yml. One of the variables that should be defined is the PROJECT_NAME environment variable, which will translate to application_name in config/settings.yml. This variable is used in determining the directory for organization specific configuration files such as locales (e.g., files in the directory projects/my_organization/* are used if application_name is my_organization).

The file structure of the my_organization directory in the projects directory should be as follows:

|- config/
   |- settings.yml
   |- locales/
|- seeds/
|- asssets/
|- views/
   |- layouts/
      |- mailer.html.haml

In the project specific settings.yml, the following settings are required:

default_team_name:  <Name of the default team>
project_start_date: <Date that the project started in the format yyyy-mm-dd, e.g., '2017-10-01'>
project_end_date:   <Date that the project ended in the format yyyy-mm-dd, e.g., '2018-08-06'>
  mentor_logo: <Filename of the mentor logo, e.g., 'mentor_logo.png'>
  student_logo: <Filename of the student logo, e.g., 'student_logo.png'>
  fallback_logo: <Default logo when there is no student or mentor, e.g., 'logo.png'>
  company_logo: <OPTIONAL. Filename of a company logo. If missing, the header uses only one logo>

The settings in settings.yml should be sectioned under development, production, test, and staging. See the relevant files in this repository for examples.

You can override the default email layout (= all the HTML around the actual email, starting with and so on), by creating a file named mailer.html.haml in the views/layouts subdirectory in a project's directory. The same layout is used for all email invitations for this project. See app/views/layouts/mailer.html.haml for an example of this file. (You can copy this file to the views/layouts subdirectory of your project and start editing that version to customize it for your project.)

You can change the invitation email template per protocol (the invitation template is rendered inside the layout) by creating a file named <protocol_name>.html.haml in the views subdirectory of the project directory. Note that such a protocol invitation layout would typically include %p #{@message.gsub("\n", "<br>").html_safe} somewhere as the body text of the invitation, and it would use some form of =link_to @invitation_url to render the given invitation link. See app/views/invitation_mailer/invitation_mail.html.haml for an example of this file. (You can copy this file to the views subdirectory of your project and rename it to the name of your protocol.)

Additionally, one can set a default template for all protocols in their project that do not have their own special layout by creating a file views/invitation_mailer/invitation_mail.html.haml in their project subdirectory.

If any of the templates, layouts, or directories are missing, the default templates and layouts will be used. SMS invitations have no layouts/templates.

Feature toggles

The settings.yml file has a feature_toggles section with the following entries:

  • allow_identifier_export (defaults to false): By default, the Person export available from the admin dashboard only exports the properties gender and first_name (along with role, title, team name and organization name) for a Person. Enabling this feature allows for exporting an additional Identifiers file with email and mobile phone numbers, tied to a person id.
  • allow_distribution_export (defaults to false): Enabling this feature allows for exporting the distributions (i.e., how often people gave a certain answer, for all possible answers, for all questionnaires) for any valid JWT token (belonging to a person) through the JWT API. This is used e.g., for the IKIA project to display distributions in graphs alongside the scores of the user.
  • realtime_distributions (defaults to true): Whether or not the distributions (see above) should be kept up-to-date in real time (i.e., updated after every filled out response). This should typically be set to true, because it introduces very little overhead. There is also a nightly job that calculates distributions (doing the same thing, but then with a day delay), so if rather have that distributions update once per day, you can set this to false.
  • google_analytics (defaults to true): Whether or not Google Analytics should be enabled for the site. Currently, analytics for all deploys of this repo are reported under the UA-100060757-1 Compsy property. This should really be separate per deploy, but right now it isn't.
  • allow_response_uuid_login (defaults to false): Setting this feature toggle to true allows users to use a questionnaire uuid link to log in. This may or may not help with filling out questionnaires under Edge/Outlook where for some reason redirects are followed but cookies are not being set correctly. Since there are many UUIDs, the risk of a person randomly guessing one is low. This risk is further lowered because only UUIDs for responses that have been opened and are not yet completed are valid. And even when someone does guess a UUID, there is no information leaked: they can fill out a questionnaire but that's it.

Development configuration

In order to run the Capybara specs of the VSV project, you need to install the chrome headless browser. In MacOS you can do this using Homebrew:

  brew install chromedriver

Development seeds

At some point you might need pre-existing questionnaire responses in order to test the applications that integrate with the questionnaire engine. You can pre-seed the database with fake data using manual seeds. To run it simply call:

rails db:seed:<name of manual seed>

A list of available seeds can be found through the following command:

rails --tasks | grep db:seed:

Additionally, you can check the files under projects/sport-data-valley/manual-seeds to see their implementation.

Background jobs

The workings of the app rely on the following background jobs:

Daily (e.g., at 2:30am), the following rake task should run:

rake scheduler:complete_protocol_subscriptions

Daily (e.g., at 3am), the following rake task should run:

rake scheduler:cleanup_invitation_tokens

Every 10 minutes, the following rake task should run:

rake scheduler:send_invitations

Every hour, the following rake task should run:

rake scheduler:cache_overview

Daily (e.g., at 3pm), the following rake task should run:

rake scheduler:monitoring

Daily (e.g., at 3:30am), the following rake task should run:

rake scheduler:rescheduling

Daily (e.g., at 4am), the following rake task should run:

rake scheduler:generate_questionnaire_headers

When using Heroku these can be scheduled via the Heroku Scheduler. These jobs can also be executed via a scheduled CI job on GitLab or GitHub. Via GitLab or GitHub, use the Heroku CLI via, for example

heroku run --app=my-app-name --exit-code --size=hobby rails runner

In addition, a delayed_job worker should be available at all times. These can be started with bin/delayed_job start. To do this on Heroku, start an extra worker process and, optionally, add the workless gem to enable autoscaling.

Protocols and Measurements

In the system a Questionnaire denotes the definition of a questionnaire. A Protocol is the overarching type which contains questionnaires. To obtain data from people filling in the questionnaires, each questionnaire should contain Measurements. The measurements define when the user should (be nudged to) fill in the questionnaire. The filled in questionnaires are stored as Responses.

There are two types of measurements. Periodical and one-time measurements. Periodical measurements are measurements that have a period that is not nil. Periodical measurements are repeated each period from protocol_subscription.start_date + measurement.open_from_offset until protocol_subscription.end_date - measurement.offset_until_end. The protocol_subscription.end_date can be specified when creating a protocol subscription, or if it is not specified, it is initialized with a default value of protocol_subscription.start_date + protocol.duration. See the measurement model for the most up to date documentation.

For non-periodical measurements, the offset_until_end is ignored.

The protocol specification contains multiple variables for some protocol p and questionnaire q.

Variable Description
p.duration Duration of protocol. After protocol start date + protocol duration the protocol will be closed.
q.open_duration Time before a measurement is closed. If the user does not fill in the questionnaire before this time, an empty response remains in the database.
q.period Time between measurements.
q.open_from_offset What offset to apply before opening the protocol.
q.open_from_day By default open_from_offset offsets from the moment when the users logs in for the first time. This option can override that start moment. See the measurement model for more information.
q.stop_measurement If true this will end the protocol after user completes q. This overrides p.duration. This can be useful in diary studies where users receive reminders when new measurements are available.

One Time Responses

A One Time Response (or OTR for short), is a way to start a protocol from a URL, rather than it being scheduled. You can specify a token to be used in the URL, so the OTR link is always the same, or you can leave it blank and it will come up with its own random token for the link.

Other than a token in the URL, OTRs also use a token in the query parameters for the URL. This token is used to set the session. When a OTR URL is given a session token as a token parameter, the filled out response will be linked to the user with that session.

An OTR can be marked as a restricted OTR, which means that the link will only function if it is also given a token parameter and that there is a running protocol subscription started for that user. Note that protocols that have a restricted OTR do not schedule their measurements like other protocols. This is because starting a protocol subscription to a restricted OTR means that you are eligible for clicking the link, rather than subscribing to the protocol.

Prefilled measurements

A measurement in a protocol can be configured to be prefilled with past responses. This can be activated by switching the prefilled property of the measurement to true. When creating protocols programmatically via the basic auth api, the option is called prefilled under the measurement properties:

questionnaires = [
    key: 'key',
    measurement: {
      prefilled: true # set this to true to activate the prefilling feature

When prefilling is activated, the existing response used to prefill the new response will be the last completed response by the user from a measurement that uses the same questionnaire. Note that this response might be from a different protocol.

Importing new students and mentors

New mentors and students can be imported using the echo_people use case.

  be rake "maintenance:echo_people[CSV_NAME]"

in which CSV_NAME should be replaced with the file name of the CSV containing the mentor / student data. It is important that the format of the CSV is ordered as follows.

The Mentor CSV

For the Mentor data this should be:

type team_name role_title first_name last_name gender mobile_phone email protocol_name start_date filling_out_for filling_out_for_protocol end_date

In this case:

  • type should equal Mentor
  • team_name: the name of the team the mentor belongs to
  • role_title: the role the mentor has in the team ('mentor', 'maatje', or 'S-teamer')
  • first_name: the first name of the person
  • last_name: the last name of the person
  • gender: the gender of the person
  • mobile_phone: the mobile phone number of the person
  • email: the email address of the mentor
  • protocol_name: the name of the protocol the person will participate in (for mentors this is mentoren voormeting/nameting
  • start_date: the date at which the person should start
  • filling_out_for: the phone number for which the mentor is filling out the questionnaire
  • filling_out_for_protocol: the protocol the person is filling out for (this is mentoren dagboek for mentors)
  • end_date: the end date of the protocol subscription

The Student CSV

For the Student data this should be:

Type team_name role_title first_name last_name gender mobile_phone e-mail protocol_name start_date end_date

In this case:

  • type should equal Student
  • team_name: the name of the team the student belongs to
  • first_name: the first name of the person
  • last_name: the last name of the person
  • gender: the gender of the person
  • mobile_phone: the mobile phone number of the person
  • protocol_name: the name of the protocol the person will participate in (for students this is studenten)
  • start_date: the date at which the person should start
  • end_date: the end date of the protocol subscription

Variables that can be used in texts (case-sensitive!):

        VARIABLE                    DEFAULT VALUE               EXAMPLE
        begeleider                  begeleider                  s-team captain
        Begeleider                  Begeleider                  S-team captain
        zijn_haar_begeleider        zijn/haar                   haar
        Zijn_haar_begeleider        Zijn/haar                   Haar
        hij_zij_begeleider          hij/zij                     zij
        Hij_zij_begeleider          Hij/zij                     Zij
        hem_haar_begeleider         hem/haar                    haar
        Hem_haar_begeleider         Hem/haar                    Haar
        naam_begeleider             je begeleider               Elsa
        Naam_begeleider             Je begeleider               Elsa
        achternaam_begeleider                                   Groen
        Achternaam_begeleider                                   Groen

        je_begeleidingsinitiatief   je begeleidingsinitiatief   De Hondsrug
        Je_begeleidingsinitiatief   Je begeleidingsinitiatief   De Hondsrug

        deze_student                deze student                Rik
        Deze_student                Deze student                Rik
        achternaam_student                                      De Vries
        Achternaam_student                                      De Vries
        zijn_haar_student           zijn/haar                   zijn
        Zijn_haar_student           Zijn/haar                   Zijn
        hij_zij_student             hij/zij                     hij
        Hij_zij_student             Hij/zij                     Hij
        hem_haar_student            hem/haar                    hem
        Hem_haar_student            Hem/haar                    Hem

        datum                       <vandaag>                   01-11-2018
        datum_lang                  <vandaag>                    1 november 2018

So you can write a sentence as follows:

Heeft je {{begeleider}} al {{zijn_haar_begeleider}} vragenlijsten ingevuld voor {{deze_student}} en
{{zijn_haar_student}} vrienden? Of heeft {{hij_zij_begeleider}} daar nog geen tijd voor gehad.
{{Hij_zij_student}} al wel.

and expect output like so:

Heeft je S-team captain al haar vragenlijsten ingevuld voor Rik en zijn vrienden?
Of heeft zij daar nog geen tijd voor gehad. Hij al wel.

Please never use de {{begeleider}} or het {{begeleider}}, but always je {{begeleider}} or jouw {{begeleider}}.

Questionnaire seeds

About the questionnaire key, name, and title


  • unique
  • required (is not null or empty string)
  • specific format (/\A[a-z_0-9]+\Z/), i.e.: it can be symbolized if needed.
  • typically, the file that a questionnaire resides in is the questionnaire key (minus the .rb extension part)


  • unique
  • required (is not null or empty string)
  • can be any format (including spaces)
  • the intended use was for an "internal naming" of a questionnaire (i.e., not something that someone filling out the questionnaire would see), something that can be more verbose than a "key". (e.g., the only use of the name attribute that I can think of the admin questionnaire preview page, where you select a questionnaire from a dropdown and then press a button to preview it: here we use the name of the questionnaires in the dropdown).
  • For historic reasons, these names have to be unique, because in an old seeds we used to look up questionnaires by their name to update their other properties (nowadays, good-behaving seeds will use the key).
  • In most seeds created nowadays, the name is set to be equal to the key, so then this whole point is moot. (but in theory it can be more verbose)


  • optional, can be an empty string or nil
  • if you set a title, it will be rendered in a large size (like h2 or something) at the top of the questionnaire when it is filled out. So this is something that the user filling out the questionnaire sees. The questionnaire title is a separate attribute from the "content" property because we don't really have a "title" question type (perhaps we should add that), and because every questionnaire has a title, we decided to just add it as an attribute.
  • However, in most seeds these days, the title field is left empty and unused, and the reason is because the title field cannot be localized. so for questionnaires that are available in multiple languages, what we do instead is start with a :raw question type that has some <h2> or whatever with the title in it, but this can be localized, like so: { type: :raw, content: { en: '<h2>Title</h2>', nl: '<h2>Titel</h2>' } } and have that as the first "question" in the questionnaire so it shows up as the questionnaire title, but it can be localized. (because it is part of the questionnaire questions array that gets parsed through by the questionnaire engine, leaving only the appropriate strings in place wherever a { nl: ..., en: ...} struct is found. But this can't be done for the title field since it's a simple string.
  • the title field isn't used for anything else, so leaving it empty has no bad effects.

Questionnaire Syntax

The content attribute of a Questionnaire is a Hash with two keys, :questions and :scores. content[:questions] is a serialized array that stores the questionnaire definition. The following types of questions are supported: :checkbox, :radio, :range, :raw, :textarea, :textfield, :expandable, :time, :date, :dropdown, :unsubscribe, :drawing, :date_and_time, :days.

For all questions, it is allowed to use HTML tags in the texts. Also, you may use any of the special variables defined in the previous section.

All questions except checkboxes now support a combines_with attribute. The value of this attribute should be an array of (other) questionnaire IDs. This is used to indicate to the distributions engine that an additional conditional distribution histogram, combining the values of the question and the ones that it combines with, should also be calculated.

Type: Checkbox

Required and allowed options (minimal example and maximal example):

  id: :v1,
  type: :checkbox,
  title: 'Waar hadden de belangrijkste gebeurtenissen mee te maken?',
  options: ['hobby/sport', 'werk', 'vriendschap', 'romantische relatie', 'thuis']
}, {
  section_start: 'De hoofddoelen',
  hidden: true,
  id: :v2,
  type: :checkbox,
  required: true,
  title: 'Aan welke doelen heb je deze week gewerkt tijdens de begeleiding van deze student?',
  tooltip: 'some tooltip',
  options: [
   { title: 'De relatie verbeteren en/of onderhouden', shows_questions: %i[v2 v3], value: 'relatie' },
   { title: 'Inzicht krijgen in de belevingswereld', tooltip: 'de belevingswereld van de student', hides_questions: %i[v4 v5] },
   'Inzicht krijgen in de omgeving',
   { title: 'Zelfinzicht geven', shows_questions: %i[v8 v9], stop_subscription: true },
   { title: 'Vaardigheden ontwikkelen', shows_questions: %i[v10 v11] },
   { title: 'De omgeving veranderen/afstemmen met de omgeving', shows_questions: %i[v12] }
  show_otherwise: true,
  otherwise_label: 'Nee, omdat:',
  otherwise_tooltip: 'some tooltip',
  otherwise_placeholder: 'Vul iets in',
  show_after:, 5, 6).in_time_zone,
  section_end: true

The options array can contain either hashes or strings. If it is just a string, it is used as the title element. The show_otherwise field is optional, and determines whether or not the question should have an 'otherwise' field. The tooltip field is also optional. When present, it will introduce a small i on which the user can click to get extra information (the information in the tooltip variable).

Setting required: true for a checkbox question has the effect that the user has to check at least one of the options, or the form cannot be submitted.

In the options array, the stop_subscription: true property indicates that the protocol subscription should be canceled when this option is selected.

Options for Radios, Likerts, Dropdowns, and Checkboxes can have a value attribute. When specified, this value is used instead of the title for encoding the option in the CSV export. It is of use e.g., when the selected option(s) are long sentences, and you just want something shorter in your CSV export.

Note that this (and all other question types) may have a show_after property. This may have the following values:

# To indicate that a question should appear 4 weeks after the start
# of the protocol subscription, use:
{ show_after: 4.weeks }

# or alternatively, you may specify an absoute date:
{ show_after:, 6, 5, 9, 0, 0).in_time_zone }

# or you can specify that a question is only visible on the last questionnaire:
{ show_after: :only_on_final_questionnaire }

Note that the shows_questions and hides_questions option properties require the corresponding questions to have the hidden: true and hidden: false properties, respectively. For example:

  id: :v1,
  type: :checkbox,
  title: 'Vraag?',
  options: [{title: 'antwoord', hides_questions: %i[v2], shows_questions: %i[v3]}]
  id: :v2,
  hidden: false,
  type: '...'
  id: :v3,
  hidden: true,
  type: '...'

Type: Radio

Required and allowed options (minimal example and maximal example):

  id: :v1,
  type: :radio,
  title: 'Waar hadden de belangrijkste gebeurtenissen mee te maken?',
  options: ['hobby/sport', 'werk', 'vriendschap', 'romantische relatie', 'thuis']
}, {
  section_start: 'De hoofddoelen',
  hidden: true,
  id: :v2,
  type: :radio,
  title: 'Aan welke doelen heb je deze week gewerkt tijdens de begeleiding van deze student?',
  tooltip: 'some tooltip',
  options: [
   { title: 'De relatie verbeteren en/of onderhouden', shows_questions: %i[v2 v3], numeric_value: 20, value: 'relatie' },
   { title: 'Inzicht krijgen in de belevingswereld', hides_questions: %i[v4 v5], numeric_value: 40 },
   'Inzicht krijgen in de omgeving',
   { title: 'Zelfinzicht geven', shows_questions: %i[v8 v9], stop_subscription: true, numeric_value: 60 },
   { title: 'Vaardigheden ontwikkelen', tooltip: 'Zoals wiskunde', shows_questions: %i[v10 v11], numeric_value: 80 },
   { title: 'De omgeving veranderen/afstemmen met de omgeving', shows_questions: %i[v12], numeric_value: 100 }
  show_otherwise: true,
  otherwise_label: 'Nee, omdat:',
  otherwise_placeholder: 'Vul iets in',
  otherwise_tooltip: 'some tooltip',
  section_end: true

The options array can contain either hashes or strings. If it is just a string, it is used as the title element. The show_otherwise field is optional, and determines whether or not the question should have an 'otherwise' field. The tooltip field is also optional. When present, it will introduce a small i on which the user can click to get extra information (the information in the tooltip variable).

Note that the shows_questions, hides_questions, and stop_subscription option properties here work identically to those described above in the Type: Checkbox section.

Radios are always required, unless required: false is specified in the question syntax.

Radios, Likerts, and Dropdowns can have a numeric_value property attribute for entries in their option array. This value can be a float or integer, but the convention is integer, and that the options span a range from 0 to 100. In particular, one would want the numeric_values of different questions in the same questionnaire to be in the same scale, so that their average can be calculated in scores. The numeric_value is the numerical representation of each option, used when combining multiple of this of questions to calculate an average score. If the options array spans a consecutive interval whose high values should affect the average negatively (and vice versa), simply assign numeric_value the options from 100 down to 0 instead of the other way around. This attribute is optional, and there is no default value. If the chosen answer option does not have a numeric_value, it will be treated as missing for purposes of score calculation. Note that this attribute is only a requirement for score calculation, not for distribution calculations. For distribution calculations, we only keep frequency counts per option per question, and we don't combine anything so it doesn't matter that the options themselves aren't numbers.

Options for Radios, Likerts, Dropdowns, and Checkboxes can have a value attribute. When specified, this value is used instead of the title for encoding the option in the CSV export. It is of use e.g., when the selected option(s) are long sentences, and you just want something shorter in your CSV export.

Type: Likert

Required and allowed options (minimal example and maximal example):

  id: :v1,
  type: :likert,
  title: 'Wat vind u van deze stelling?',
  options: ['helemaal oneens', 'oneens', 'neutraal', 'eens', 'helemaal eens']
}, {
  section_start: 'De hoofddoelen',
  hidden: true,
  id: :v2,
  type: :likert,
  title: 'Wat vind u van deze stelling?',
  tooltip: 'some tooltip',
  options: [
    { title: 'helemaal oneens', numeric_value: 1, value: 'ho' },
    { title: 'oneens', numeric_value: 2 },
    { title: 'neutraal', numeric_value: 3 },
    { title: 'eens', numeric_value: 4 },
    { title: 'helemaal eens', numeric_value: 5 }
  section_end: true

The options array can currently only contain strings. The strings in the array are used as answer options. Likert questions are always required.

Radios, Likerts, and Dropdowns can have a numeric_value property attribute for entries in their option array. This value can be a float or integer, but the convention is integer, and that the options span a range from 0 to 100. In particular, one would want the numeric_values of different questions in the same questionnaire to be in the same scale, so that their average can be calculated in scores. The numeric_value is the numerical representation of each option, used when combining multiple of this of questions to calculate an average score. If the options array spans a consecutive interval whose high values should affect the average negatively (and vice versa), simply assign numeric_value the options from 100 down to 0 instead of the other way around. This attribute is optional, and there is no default value. If the chosen answer option does not have a numeric_value, it will be treated as missing for purposes of score calculation. Note that this attribute is only a requirement for score calculation, not for distribution calculations. For distribution calculations, we only keep frequency counts per option per question, and we don't combine anything so it doesn't matter that the options themselves aren't numbers.

Options for Radios, Likerts, Dropdowns, and Checkboxes can have a value attribute. When specified, this value is used instead of the title for encoding the option in the CSV export. It is of use e.g., when the selected option(s) are long sentences, and you just want something shorter in your CSV export.

Type: Range

Required and allowed options (minimal example and maximal example):

  id: :v1,
  type: :range,
  title: 'Was het voor jou duidelijk over wie je een vragenlijst invulde?',
  labels: ['helemaal niet duidelijk', 'heel duidelijk'],
}, {
  section_start: 'De hoofddoelen',
  hidden: true,
  id: :v2,
  type: :range,
  min: 0,
  max: 100,
  step: 1,
  value: 50,
  required: true,
  ticks: true,
  vertical: true,
  gradient: true,
  no_initial_thumb: true,
  title: 'Was het voor jou duidelijk over wie je een vragenlijst invulde?',
  tooltip: 'some tooltip',
  labels: ['helemaal niet duidelijk', 'heel duidelijk'],
  section_end: true

The range type supports the optional properties min and max, which are set to 0 and 100 by default, respectively. It also supports step, which sets the step size of the slider (set to 1 by default, can also be a fraction). The value denotes the default location for the slider, that is, the location of the slider when it is not yet changed by the user. If the ticks attribute is true, the slider will show ticks and values at each step (the default value for ticks is false). If the no_initial_thumb attribute is true, then the slider does not show an initial scrollthumb for unmodified range inputs. Only when the user changes the slider to set a value will the scrollthumb appear. (the default value for no_initial_thumb is false) If the vertical attribute is true, then the slider is a vertical slider, with labels on the right. This option defaults to false. Note that when this option is true, the array of labels must correspond to the same number of steps as provided by the min, max, and step arguments. If the gradient attribute is true, then the background of the slider is set to a gradient. Currently this only works for vertical sliders. If required: true is set for a question with type range, it means that the slider has to be clicked before the response can be submitted.

Type: Raw

Raw questionnaire types should not have an id! Required and allowed options (minimal example and maximal example):

  type: :raw,
  content: '<p class="flow-text">Zie het voorbeeld hieronder:</p><img src="/images/begeleiders/omgeving.png" class="questionnaire-image" /><p class="flow-text">Geef voor de volgende antwoordopties aan of ze moeilijk of makkelijk te begrijpen waren.</p>'
}, {
  section_start: 'De hoofddoelen',
  type: :raw,
  content: '<p class="flow-text">Zie het voorbeeld hieronder:</p><img src="/images/begeleiders/omgeving.png" class="questionnaire-image" /><p class="flow-text">Geef voor de volgende antwoordopties aan of ze moeilijk of makkelijk te begrijpen waren.</p>',
  section_end: true

Type: Textarea

Required and allowed options (minimal example and maximal example):

  id: :v1,
  type: :textarea,
  title: 'Wat zou jij willen verbeteren aan de webapp die je de afgelopen drie weken hebt gebruikt?',
}, {
  section_start: 'Tot slot',
  hidden: true,
  id: :v2,
  type: :textarea,
  title: 'Wat zou jij willen verbeteren aan de webapp die je de afgelopen drie weken hebt gebruikt?',
  tooltip: 'some tooltip',
  required: true,
  placeholder: 'Place holder',
  section_end: true

The `tooltip' field is optional. When present, it will introduce a small i on which the user can click to get extra information (the information in the tooltip variable).

The attribute required is false by default, but can be set to true.

Type: Textfield

Required and allowed options (minimal example and maximal example):

  id: :v1,
  type: :textfield,
  title: 'Wat zou jij willen verbeteren aan de webapp die je de afgelopen drie weken hebt gebruikt?',
}, {
  section_start: 'Tot slot',
  hidden: true,
  id: :v2,
  type: :textfield,
  title: 'Wat zou jij willen verbeteren aan de webapp die je de afgelopen drie weken hebt gebruikt?',
  tooltip: 'some tooltip',
  default_value: 'Niks',
  pattern: '[a-z]{1,10}',
  hint: 'Must be a lowercase word between 1 and 10 characters in length',
  placeholder: 'Place holder',
  required: true,
  section_end: true

The `tooltip' field is optional. When present, it will introduce a small i on which the user can click to get extra information (the information in the tooltip variable).

The property pattern is a regex that limits what the user can enter. The hint property is the error message shown to the user when the input does not satisfy the pattern.

Textfields also support a default_value property, which is a default value used to fill out the text field. This can contain a variable, e.g., default_value: '{{deze_student}}'.

The attribute required is false by default, but can be set to true.

Type: Number

Type for integer(?) numbers. Required and allowed options (minimal example and maximal example):

  id: :v1,
  type: :number,
  title: 'Wat is je postcode?'
}, {
  section_start: 'Tot slot',
  hidden: true,
  id: :v2,
  type: :number,
  title: 'Wat is je postcode?',
  tooltip: 'some tooltip',
  maxlength: 4,
  placeholder: '1234',
  links_to_expandable: :v3,
  min: 0,
  max: 9999,
  step: 0.01,
  required: true,
  section_end: true

Properties specific to number are min and max, for numerical limits, and maxlength, which can be used to restrict long numerical inputs (should probably be used in conjunction with pattern if the exact format of the number is known). If specified, the step property is used to set the number of decimals. For example, step: 0.01 will mean up to two decimals is allowed.

The required property is also supported. The default is that numbers are not required.

The number type does not support pattern or hint because these properties are not supported by the html 5 number input type.

A new unique property for the number type is the links_to_expandable property. Set this to the id of an expandable section to let the answer to this question set the number of expansions for the expandable question. If the user manually adds or removes expandable iterations with the + or - buttons, those changes are not reflected back to this number (i.e., it is used as a "default number of expansions").

Also, the placeholder property is supported for numbers.

Type: Expandable

Expandable questionnaire questions are essentially mini questionnaires within each questionnaire. They can introduce max_expansions new sub-questionnaires within the question (if not specified, this is 10). Furthermore, one can specify a number of default_expansions, which is the number of times the sub-questionnaire should be injected in the main questionnaire (if not specified this is 0).

  id: :v17,
  title: 'Doelen voor deze student',
  remove_button_label: 'Verwijder doel',
  add_button_label: 'Voeg doel toe',
  type: :expandable,
  default_expansions: 1,
  max_expansions: 10,
  content: [{
    id: :v17_1,
    type: :textarea,
    title: 'Beschrijf in een aantal steekwoorden wat voor doel je gedaan hebt.'
  }, {
    id: :v17_2,
    type: :checkbox,
    title: 'Wat voor acties hoorden hierbij?',
    options: ['Laagdrempelig contact gelegd',
              'Praktische oefeningen uitgevoerd',
              'Gespreks- interventies/technieken gebruikt',
              'Het netwerk betrokken',
              'Motiverende handelingen uitgevoerd',
              'Observaties gedaan']
  }, {
    id: :v17_3,
    type: :checkbox,
    title: 'Welke hoofddoelen hoorden er bij deze acties?',
    options: [
      'De relatie verbeteren en/of onderhouden',
      'Inzicht krijgen in de belevingswereld',
      'Inzicht krijgen in de omgeving',
      'Zelfinzicht geven',
      'Vaardigheden ontwikkelen',
      'De omgeving vreanderen/afstemmen met de omgeving'
    id: :v17_4,
    type: :range,
    title: 'Slider 1 (lorem!)',
    labels: ['zelf geen invloed', 'zelf veel invloed']
    id: :v17_5,
    type: :range,
    title: 'Slider 2 (lorem!)',
    labels: ['zelf geen invloed', 'zelf veel invloed']

If the content of an expandable question contains questions with options that have the shows_questions or hides_questions attribute, the IDs will be dynamically adjusted so that it works for both static and dynamic IDs. (E.g., if you say shows_questions: %i[v3_5], it will toggle the questions v3_5 and v3_<id>_5, where <id> is the index of the current iteration in the expansion). Note that questions can only toggle ids in the same iteration, or normal static questions (outside of the expandable area).

Type: Time

Required and allowed options (minimal example):

  id: :v1,
  type: :time,
  hours_from: 0,
  hours_to: 6,
  hours_step: 1,
  title: 'Hoeveel tijd heb je deze week besteed aan de begeleiding van deze student?',
  hidden: true

The dropdown will start from hours_from and will offer options until hours_to, with a stepsize of hour_step.

Optional properties are hours_label and minutes_label, to override the default label texts.

If the attribute am_pm is set to true, then the hours will be displayed in 12-hour format, with an AM/PM selector.

Type: Date

Required and allowed options (minimal example and maximal example):

  id: :v1,
  type: :date,
  title: 'Wanneer ben je gestopt?',
}, {
  section_start: 'Tot slot',
  hidden: true,
  id: :v2,
  type: :date,
  today: true,
  title: 'Wanneer ben je gestopt?',
  required: true,
  tooltip: 'some tooltip',
  placeholder: 'Place holder',
  min: '2018/06/14',
  max: '2018/07/20',
  default_date: '2018/07/20',
  section_end: true

The min and max properties can be either strings as in the above example, or they can be of the following form: min: -15, max: true meaning that the max is today, and the minimum date is 15 days ago (max can also be set to false, which removes any limits).

If the today property is present, then the default value for the date is set to today. (e.g., today: true)

The default_date property can be used to set a default date. The default_date and today properties should never both be used.

Type: Date and Time

Required and allowed options (minimal example and maximal example):

  id: :v1,
  hours_id: :v2_uur,
  minutes_id: :v2_minuten,
  type: :date_and_time,
  title: 'Wanneer ben je gestopt?',
}, {
  section_start: 'Tot slot',
  hidden: true,
  id: :v1,
  hours_id: :v2_uur,
  minutes_id: :v2_minuten,
  type: :date_and_time,
  today: true,
  title: 'Wanneer ben je gestopt?',
  required: true,
  tooltip: 'some tooltip',
  placeholder: 'Place holder',
  min: '2018/06/14',
  max: '2018/07/20',
  section_end: true

The min and max properties can be either strings as in the above example, or they can be of the following form: min: -15, max: true meaning that the max is today, and the minimum date is 15 days ago (max can also be set to false, which removes any limits).

If the today property is present, then the default value for the date is set to today. (e.g., today: true)

The default_date property can be used to set a default date. The default_date and today properties should never both be used.

Type: Unsubscribe

Including an unsubscribe question type will display a card that allows the user to unsubscribe from the protocol. Typically, you want only one unsubscribe question in your questionnaire, as the first item in the questionnaire. You may want to control its visibility by specifying a show_after property.

Including an unsubscribe type "question" in a questionnaire will show a card with a button. Clicking this button will redirect the user to the unsubscribe route for the protocol subscription to which the current questionnaire belongs. If the protocol has a stop measurement, the user is first redirected to fill out this questionnaire, after which they will be unsubscribed from the protocol.

Required and allowed options (minimal example):

  type: :unsubscribe,
  title: 'Klaar met dit schooljaar?',
  content: 'Ben je klaar met dit schooljaar? Klik dan op de knop \'Onderzoek afronden\' om het onderzoek te voltooien.',
  button_text: 'Onderzoek afronden',
  show_after:, 6, 15).in_time_zone

Unsubscribe questions do not need an id.

Usable properties for an unsubscribe question type are title, content, button_text, and data_method (all are optional).

The default data_method is delete. The data_method should typically not be specified as it should correspond with the unsubscribe_url that is supplied by the system when calling the questionnaire generator. Only when we call this private function with send to show a card on the mentor dashboard is when we override both the unsubscribe_url and the data_method but it's a bit of a hack.

Type: Dropdown

Required and allowed options (minimal example and maximal example):

  id: :v1,
  type: :dropdown,
  title: 'Waar hadden de belangrijkste gebeurtenissen mee te maken?',
  options: ['hobby/sport', 'werk', 'vriendschap', 'romantische relatie', 'thuis']
}, {
  section_start: 'De hoofddoelen',
  hidden: true,
  id: :v2,
  type: :dropdown,
  title: 'Aan welke doelen heb je deze week gewerkt tijdens de begeleiding van deze student?',
  label: 'RMC regio',
  placeholder: 'Selecteer uw antwoord...',
  tooltip: 'some tooltip',
  options: [
    { title: 'hobby/sport', numeric_value: 0, shows_questions: %i[v3] },
    { title: 'werk', numeric_value: 25 },
    { title: 'vriendschap', numeric_value: 50 },
    { title: 'romantische relatie', numeric_value: 75 },
    { title: 'thuis', numeric_value: 100 }
  section_end: true

The options array must contain of strings. Currently, there is no support for shows_questions or hides_questions triggers based on selected options in a dropdown.

The dropdown does not support a show_otherwise option.

Dropdowns are always required.

A dropdown can have a placeholder property which is the text used when no option is selected. If no placeholder is specified, a default text is used.

A dropdown can have a label property which is a small text that is always visible and is printed directly above the dropdown.

The `tooltip' field is optional. When present, it will introduce a small i on which the user can click to get extra information (the information in the tooltip variable).

Note that the shows_questions, hides_questions, and stop_subscription option properties here work identically to those described above in the Type: Checkbox section.

Radios, Likerts, and Dropdowns can have a numeric_value property attribute for entries in their option array. This value can be a float or integer, but the convention is integer, and that the options span a range from 0 to 100. In particular, one would want the numeric_values of different questions in the same questionnaire to be in the same scale, so that their average can be calculated in scores. The numeric_value is the numerical representation of each option, used when combining multiple of this of questions to calculate an average score. If the options array spans a consecutive interval whose high values should affect the average negatively (and vice versa), simply assign numeric_value the options from 100 down to 0 instead of the other way around. This attribute is optional, and there is no default value. If the chosen answer option does not have a numeric_value, it will be treated as missing for purposes of score calculation. Note that this attribute is only a requirement for score calculation, not for distribution calculations. For distribution calculations, we only keep frequency counts per option per question, and we don't combine anything so it doesn't matter that the options themselves aren't numbers.

Options for Radios, Likerts, Dropdowns, and Checkboxes can have a value attribute. When specified, this value is used instead of the title for encoding the option in the CSV export. It is of use e.g., when the selected option(s) are long sentences, and you just want something shorter in your CSV export.

Dropdowns can have shows_questions and hides_questions attributes, but they do not support an otherwise option.

Type: Drawing

Let's a user draw on an image. Required and allowed options (minimal example and maximal example):

  id: :v1,
  type: :drawing,
  title: 'Kleur de plekken in je lichaam waar je merkt dat het sterker wordt',
  width: 240,
  height: 536,
  image: 'bodymap.png',
  color: '#e57373',
}, {
  section_start: 'De hoofddoelen',
  hidden: true,
  tooltip: 'some tooltip',
  id: :v2,
  type: :drawing,
  title: 'Kleur de plekken in je lichaam waar je merkt dat het sterker wordt',
  width: 240,
  height: 536,
  image: '/a_directory_under_public/somedir/bodymap.png',
  color: '#64b5f6',
  radius: 15,
  density: 40,
  section_end: true

Height and width should be specified as integers, without any postfix such as px.

Image can be the URL of an image, or the filename of an image that exists in the asset pipeline.

The only optional parameters are radius and density. They default to 15 and 40, respectively.

Type: Days

This question type is used to let the user select days or day parts until today, from from_days_ago until today.

Required and allowed options (minimal example and maximal example):

  id: :v1,
  type: :days,
  title: 'Wanneer ben je gestopt?',
  from_days_ago: 14,
}, {
  section_start: 'Tot slot',
  hidden: true,
  id: :v1,
  type: :days,
  title: 'Wanneer ben je gestopt?',
  shows_questions: [:v56],
  hides_questions: [:v57],
  date_format: '%A %e %B',
  from_days_ago: 14,
  exclude_weekends: false,
  include_today: false,
  morning_and_afternoon: false,
  required: false,
  tooltip: 'some tooltip',
  section_end: true

The setting exclude_weekends (defaults to false), include_today (defaults to false), and morning_and_afternoon (defaults to false). The latter setting means that two checkboxes will be generated per day, one labeled as morning and one labeled as afternoon.

The settings shows_questions and hides_questions can be optionally specified, in which case those are triggered when the user selects at least one of the day(part)s.

If required (defaults to false) is true then the user is required to select at least one day(part).

The setting date_format can be overridden to specify a different date format. The formatted date is appended by "morning" and "afternoon" if morning_and_afternoon is set to true.

Questionnaire Scores

Questionnaire scores are automatically calculated and stored with the questionnaire results. The realtime distribution calculations also calculate distributions for questionnaire scores.

Questionnaire content has the following format:

{ questions: [], scores: [] }

Both these entries are required, but they may be empty.

Scores is an array of scores with the following properties.

Minimal example:

[{ id: :s1,
   label: 'The average of v1 and v2',
   ids: %i[v1 v2],
   operation: :average

Each score should have a unique id property. That means that these ids should be different from any other score id or question id in this questionnaire. ids is the list of IDs that the operation should be performed over. It may include ids of scores that occurred earlier in the scores array.

Maximal example:

[{ id: :s1,
   label: 'The average of v1 and v2',
   ids: %i[v1 v2],
   preprocessing: { v2: { multiply_with: -1, offset: 100 } },
   operation: :average,
   require_all: true,
   round_to_decimals: 0

If round_to_decimals is missing, the result is not rounded, and the realtime distribution calculation will not calculate a distribution for this score. Analogously, if you specify the round_to_decimals attribute, the realtime distribution calculation will automatically calculate the distribution for this score. If you're only dealing with integers, you can use round_to_decimals: 0. If require_all is missing, it works the same as when specifying require_all: false. All other attributes are required. If require_all is true, it means that the score is only calculated for responses where all of the IDs in the list of ids are present. The default for require_all is false, meaning that if a user didn't fill out certain questions in the ids list for a score, we still try to calculate the average over the ones that are present. The preprocessing key is optional, and if provided, should be a hash with a (sub)set of the IDs in ids as keys. Each entry in a hash represents how this value will be preprocessed. Currently, only the following operations are supported: multiply _with, which multiplies the value with a given number (which can be integer or float, positive or negative), and offset, which adds a constant number to the value (this number can also be an integer or float, positive or negative). Both multiply_with and offset are optional. If both are provided, multiply_with is performed first. It is possible to chain operations by defining a new score that takes as input a previously preprocessed score (see below).

  • The only currently supported operations are :average and :sum.
  • The set of ids may also include ids of scores that occurred earlier in the scores array, e.g.:
  questions: [ '...' ],
  scores: [{
           id: :s1,
           label: 'Positive excited',
           ids: %i[v1 v2 v3 v4],
           operation: :average,
           require_all: false,
         }, {
           id: :s2,
           label: 'Positive not excited',
           ids: %i[v5 v6 v7 v8],
           operation: :average,
           require_all: false,
         }, {
           id: :s3,
           label: 'Positive',
           ids: %i[s1 s2],
           operation: :average,
           require_all: true,
           round_to_decimals: 1

Developing new questionnaires

When creating a new questionnaire (or questionnaires), these are the steps you should follow:

  1. Define the questions of the questionnaire
  2. Create a protocol
  3. Define the measurements of that protocol

Defining the questionnaire

To define which questions compose the new questionnaire, you should create a new .rb file under projects/<project-name>/seeds/questionnaires/. In this file, you should create a new Questionnaire object on the DB, the define which questions appear in the questionnaire, and finally save that object. For more information on which question types are allowed, check the section about questionnaire syntax.