Concrete is a CSP constraint solver written in Scala 2.13. We always try to use up-to-date dependencies. Concrete is a pretty standard CP solver, which solves CSP instances using depth-first search and AC or weaker variants for propagation. The two main specific aspects of Concrete are:
- the use of persistent data structures for managing domain states and some constraint states. We use bit vectors copied on-the fly, hash tries, trees with a high branching factor, and red-black trees. For the state of many constraints, semi-persistent data structures (mainly sparse sets) or backtrack-stable data (watched literals or residues) are preferred.
- the use of the companion project CSPOM, a solver-independent modeling assistant able to perform automatic reformulation such as constraint aggregation. CSPOM is able to parse problems written in FlatZinc, XCSP3, the legacy XCSP2 format or its own Java and Scala DSL (yet to be documented).
Please find compiled software in the releases section. Provided packages come with all required dependencies and scripts to run Concrete from the command line.
You can also find published releases on Maven Central for easy inclusion in your Java/Scala project:
sbt dependency:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.concrete-cp" % "concrete" % "3.11"
The easiest way to run concrete from command-line is to use scripts provided in the bin/
To solve problems modelled using the XCSP3 language, use:
bin/x-c-s-p3-concrete FILE.xml
The output of this script complies with the rules of the XCSP3 2017 Competition.
To solve problems modelled using the FlatZinc language, use:
bin/f-z-concrete FILE.fzn
The output of this script complies with the rules of the Minizinc Challenge 2017.
If you want to solve a problem modelled using the MiniZinc format,
please convert it to FlatZinc using the MiniZinc libraries provided
in the mzn_lib/
Compressed formats can be used (e.g., FILE.xml.xz
or FILE.fzn.xz
Files will be inflated on-the-fly by the solver.
Concrete uses Apache Commons Compress
to inflate compressed files and XZ for Java is included by default in the
dependencies. Major file compression formats should be supported.
Concrete's command-line runner supports the following options, both for XCSP3 and FlatZinc formats:
-a: output all solutions (for optimization problems, each new solution will be better than the previous one)
-s: output statistics about the solving (such as the number of constraint propagations or decision nodes)
-f: ignore solving heuristics defined in the problem files (only relevant for FlatZinc)
-X*: these arguments will be given to the JVM (e.g., define max heap or stack size)
Many options are also available to tune Concrete's search strategies,
but their number is too large to be listed here. For example,
you can use -variable.heuristic=DDegOnDom
to use the legacy
dom/ddeg variable ordering heuristic instead of the default dom/wdeg.
Please contact a developer if you need more information.
You can run Concrete from within a JVM application with a few lines of code. For example, in Scala:
import concrete._
import runner._
// Instantiate parameter manager
val pm = new ParameterManager()
val solution: Try[Map[String, Any]] = for {
// Load the XCSP3 problem instance given an URL
problem <- XCSP3Concrete.loadCSPOMURL(url)
// Alternatively, load a FZ problem
// problem <- FZConcrete.loadCSPOMURL(pm, url)
// Generate the solver
solver <- Solver(pm, problem)
// Decide satisfiability
if solver.hasNext()
} yield {
// Obtain solution
The ParameterManager
can be used to hold various options used by Concrete.
For example, you can give the equivalent of the -f
option from the command-line
and enforce the dom/ddeg variable ordering heuristic with
import concrete._
val pm = new ParameterManager()
.updated("f", ())
.updated("heuristic.variable", classOf[heuristic.variable.DDegOnDom])
When the solver is generated, the original problem is transformed (compiled)
to (hopefully best) suit the solver's capabilities. Exceptions that may occur during
the compilation and solver generation are handled using Scala's Try
API (hence the
construct depicted in the example).
The obtained solver is an instance of Iterator
. hasNext/next
are used to iterate over all solutions (for a decision
problem) or to obtain the next best solution (for an optimization problem). If you
are only interested in the optimal solution of an optimization problem, simply
iterate until the last element is found (e.g., solver.toIterable.lastOption
Remember that computing the optimal solution of a hard problem may be extremely
long (i.e., years of CPU time), so exploiting intermediate solutions should be helpful.
A solution maps variable names to values (may be boolean or integer). Beware that
integer 0 and 1 values may be returned as false
and true
, respectively. The
method concrete.util.Math.any2int(value: Any): Int
can be used to enforce an
integer result.
This simple example should be extended to manage exceptions or unsatisfiable problems correctly.
If you run Concrete as a standalone program and want to run it within a limited time, just send a SIGINT signal to Concrete's JVM
when you want it to stop. The GNU timeout
utility is perfect to generate the signal once the
time limit is reached. When receiving the SIGINT signal, Concrete will try to terminate gracefully
and will output best known solution, statistics and a TimeOut error message. In some situations, this
procedure may be too long for you (e.g., if the JVM is running out of memory, or if
the propagation is very slow due to some problem characteristics or a bug). You can send a
KILL message if you want to force the termination of Concrete process.
Enforcing a time limit on Concrete when ran from a Java application has not been tested.
Concrete can be ran a separate thread. Interrupting the thread should stop
the solving process and generate a TimeoutException
Concrete supports models defined with signed 32-bit integers. Beware that overflows may occur, especially for quadratic constraints. Domain width must also be strictly less than 2³¹. Most overflows should raise exceptions, but they also can lead to incorrect or missing solutions (please report bugs!). You should avoid using values exceeding ±2³⁰ (roughly ±10⁹). Excessively large domains may also raise memory issues unless they can be represented using a single interval thorough the search. Domains are internally represented using either intervals, bit vectors or red-black trees depending on the domain density. Set variables are currently not supported.
The main loop of Concrete is a tail-recursive DFS. It allows to enumerate solutions or to search for an optimal solution. If used correctly, it is able to add constraints dynamically between solutions.
Concrete natively supports the following constraints:
Extension (list of allowed or forbidden tuples). An optimized algorithm should be automatically selected for binary constraints (AC3-bit+rm), positive tables or MDD.
Linear (a·x + b·y + … {=/</≤/≠} k). Bound consistency (except for ≠) or domain consistency for ternary constraints (using residues).
Absolute value (x = |y|). Bound or domain consistency (using residues).
Distance (x = |y - z|). Bound or domain consistency (using residues).
All-different with 2-consistency or bound consistency.
Cardinality (AtLeast/AtMost)
Channel (x(i) = j ↔ x(j) = i)
Boolean clauses and XOR (using watched literals)
Generalized nogoods (using watched literals and residues)
Cumulative using profile and energetic reasoning
Rectangle packing (diffN) using quad-trees and energetic reasoning
Integer division and modulo. Bound or domain consistency (using residues)
Element / Member (using watched literals and residues)
Inverse (x(i) = j → y(j) = i)
Quadratic (x = y · z, x = y²). Bound or domain consistency (using residues).
Generic reification (for any constraint C, a boolean variable b can be defined s.t. b → C)
Subcircuit with defined starting/ending point and controllable length.
All other documented MiniZinc constraints are supported via decomposition or reformulation (all FlatZinc constraints are supported).
All other XCSP3 constraints selected for the 2018 competition are supported via decomposition or reformulation. Some XCSP3 constraints are not supported.
Concrete solves CSP/COP using a depth-first tree search. When solving XCSP3 instances or if the -f
option is
enforced, the default variable ordering heuristic is dom/wdeg with
incremental computation and random tiebreaking.
The default value heuristic chooses the best known value first, select the value that leads to the best
potential solution (BBS), with random tiebreaking.
Search is restarted periodically (with a geometric growth) to reduce long tails of search time.
Although still undocumented, Concrete allows the user to define new heuristics or combinations of them easily. Generation of nogoods when a restart occurs is available but still disabled by default.
Propagation queue is managed using a coarse-grained constraint-oriented propagation scheme with dynamic and constraint-specific propagation ordering heuristic. Constraint entailment is managed when it can be detected easily.
Concrete is free software, relased under the terms of the GNU LGPL 3.0 license. Concrete is © Julien Vion, CNRS and Univ. Polytechnique des Hauts de France.