Libre Scholar is a Drupal installation profile that creates an Institutional Repository using Drupal and Islandora modules, pre-configured for common use cases. It is a starting point for easily customizing an IR to suit your institutional needs.
A Drush make file is provided to download the required modules and libraries. A working installation of Fedora Commons, GSearch, and Apache Solr is required.
Download or clone the installation profile into the /profiles directory in a Drupal 7 installation. From that directory, run a command like:
drush make --no-core libre_scholar.make ../../
The installation profile may be selected when installing Drupal. To install the installation profile using Drush, run something like:
drush site-install libre_scholar --db-url=mysql://root:islandora@localhost:3306/drupal7
This command will remove any existing data in the defined database.
For support, bugs, and issues please use the project's GitHub issue tracker at
Documentation will be at as it's available.