From 11546ad82540f5e7e973d7de224a5d9c38c68548 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: 1ozturkbe <> Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 11:44:36 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Removing simpleac.tex --- gpkitmodels/SP/SimPleAC/simpleac.tex | 363 --------------------------- 1 file changed, 363 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 gpkitmodels/SP/SimPleAC/simpleac.tex diff --git a/gpkitmodels/SP/SimPleAC/simpleac.tex b/gpkitmodels/SP/SimPleAC/simpleac.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 3f1d6bb8..00000000 --- a/gpkitmodels/SP/SimPleAC/simpleac.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,363 +0,0 @@ -\documentclass[]{article} -\usepackage{lmodern} -\usepackage{amssymb,amsmath} -\usepackage{ifxetex,ifluatex} -\usepackage{fixltx2e} % provides \textsubscript -\ifnum 0\ifxetex 1\fi\ifluatex 1\fi=0 % if pdftex - \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} - \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} -\else % if luatex or xelatex - \ifxetex - \usepackage{mathspec} - \else - \usepackage{fontspec} - \fi - \defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX,Scale=MatchLowercase} -\fi -% use upquote if available, for straight quotes in verbatim environments -\IfFileExists{upquote.sty}{\usepackage{upquote}}{} -% use microtype if available -\IfFileExists{microtype.sty}{% -\usepackage{microtype} -\UseMicrotypeSet[protrusion]{basicmath} % disable protrusion for tt fonts -}{} -\usepackage{hyperref} -\hypersetup{unicode=true, - 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-%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -% ADD YOUR \usepackage{...} COMMANDS HERE -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -\usepackage{longtable} -\usepackage{booktabs} -\usepackage{graphicx,grffile} - -\IfFileExists{parskip.sty}{% -\usepackage{parskip} -}{% else -\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} -\setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt} -} -\setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em} % prevent overfull lines -\providecommand{\tightlist}{% - \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parskip}{0pt}} -\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} -% Redefines (sub)paragraphs to behave more like sections -\ifx\paragraph\undefined\else -\let\oldparagraph\paragraph -\renewcommand{\paragraph}[1]{\oldparagraph{#1}\mbox{}} -\fi -\ifx\subparagraph\undefined\else -\let\oldsubparagraph\subparagraph -\renewcommand{\subparagraph}[1]{\oldsubparagraph{#1}\mbox{}} -\fi - -\date{} - -\begin{document} - -\section{SimPleAC}\label{simpleac} - -In this example, we modify the simple wing model proposed by -Prof.~Warren Hoburg in his thesis to create a simple aircraft model -compatible with signomial programming (SP). - -\begin{Shaded} -\begin{Highlighting}[] -\ImportTok{from}\NormalTok{ gpkit }\ImportTok{import}\NormalTok{ Model, Variable, SignomialsEnabled, VarKey, units} -\ImportTok{import}\NormalTok{ numpy }\ImportTok{as}\NormalTok{ np} -\ImportTok{import}\NormalTok{ matplotlib.pyplot }\ImportTok{as}\NormalTok{ plt} - -\KeywordTok{class}\NormalTok{ SimPleAC(Model):} - \KeywordTok{def}\NormalTok{ setup(}\VariableTok{self}\NormalTok{):} - \CommentTok{# Variable definitions...} -\end{Highlighting} -\end{Shaded} - -\subsection{Weight and Lift model}\label{weight-and-lift-model} - -The simple aircraft borrows a majority of its aerodynamic model from -Prof.~Warren Hoburg's thesis, with some minor adjustments to make the -model a SP. The aircraft is assumed to be in steady-level flight so that -thrust equals drag, and the lift equals the weight. - -The total weight of the aircraft is the sum of the payload weight -\(W_0\), the wing weight \(W_w\), and the fuel weight \(W_f\). - -\begin{equation} - W \geq W_0 + W_w + W_f -\end{equation} - -We use the naive \(W \leq L\) model below for steady state flight: - -\begin{equation} - W_0 + W_w + 0.5 W_f \leq \frac{1}{2} \rho S C_L V^2 -\end{equation} - -where the lift of the aircraft is equal to weight of the aircraft with -half-fuel. We would also like the fully-fueled aircraft to be able to -fly at a minimum speed of \(V_{min}\) without stalling , so we add the -following constraint: - -\begin{equation} - W \leq \frac{1}{2} \rho V_{min}^2 S C_{L_{max}} -\end{equation} - -The time of flight of the aircraft, which is a useful metric of -performance, is simply the range over velocity: - -\begin{equation} - T_{flight} \geq \frac{Range}{V} -\end{equation} - -The lift-to-drag ratio is also defined: - -\begin{equation} - L/D = \frac{C_L}{C_D} -\end{equation} - -\begin{Shaded} -\begin{Highlighting}[] - \CommentTok{# Weight and lift model} -\NormalTok{ constraints }\OperatorTok{+=}\NormalTok{ [W }\OperatorTok{>=}\NormalTok{ W_0 }\OperatorTok{+}\NormalTok{ W_w }\OperatorTok{+}\NormalTok{ W_f,} -\NormalTok{ W_0 }\OperatorTok{+}\NormalTok{ W_w }\OperatorTok{+} \FloatTok{0.5} \OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ W_f }\OperatorTok{<=} - \FloatTok{0.5} \OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ rho }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ S }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ C_L }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ V }\OperatorTok{**} \DecValTok{2}\NormalTok{,} -\NormalTok{ W }\OperatorTok{<=} \FloatTok{0.5} \OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ rho }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ S }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ C_Lmax }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ V_min }\OperatorTok{**} \DecValTok{2}\NormalTok{,} -\NormalTok{ T_flight }\OperatorTok{>=}\NormalTok{ Range }\OperatorTok{/}\NormalTok{ V,} -\NormalTok{ LoD }\OperatorTok{==}\NormalTok{ C_L}\OperatorTok{/}\NormalTok{C_D]} -\end{Highlighting} -\end{Shaded} - -\subsection{Thrust and drag model}\label{thrust-and-drag-model} - -We assume a constant thrust specific fuel consumption (TSFC) for the -`engine' of the aircraft, which is assumed to provide as much thrust as -needed. Since \(T \geq D\): - -\begin{equation} - W_f \geq TSFC \times T_{flight} \times D -\end{equation} - -the fuel weight required is the product of the TSFC, time of flight, and -the total drag on the aircraft. The drag of the aircraft is the product -of dynamic pressure (\(\frac{1}{2} \rho V^2\)), the planform area \(S\), -and the coefficient of drag of the aircraft: - -\begin{equation} - D \geq \frac{1}{2} \rho V^2 S C_D -\label{e:d} -\end{equation} - -The drag coefficient of the aircraft is assumed to be the sum of the -fuselage drag, the wing profile drag, and the wing induced drag -coefficients: - -\begin{equation} - C_D \geq C_{D_{fuse}} + C_{D_{wpar}} + C_{D_{ind}} -\label{e:cd} -\end{equation} - -The fuselage drag is a function of its drag area \(CDA_0\) and the -planform area of the wing: - -\begin{equation} - C_{D_{fuse}} = \frac{CDA_0}{S} -\label{e:cdfuse} -\end{equation} - -where the \(CDA_0\) is linearly proportional to the volume of fuel in -the fuselage: - -\begin{equation} - V_{f_{fuse}} \leq 10 CDA_0 \times meters -\label{e:vffuse} -\end{equation} - -Note that we correct the dimensionality of the volume here, since GPkit -automatically checks units. - -The wing profile drag is the product of the form factor, the friction -drag coefficient, and the wetted area ratio of the wing, - -\begin{equation} - C_{D_{wpar}} = k C_f S_{wetratio} -\label{e:cdwpar} -\end{equation} - -The Reynolds number of the aircraft wing is approximated - -\begin{equation} - Re \leq \frac{\rho}{\mu} V \sqrt{\frac{S}{AR}} -\label{e:re} -\end{equation} - -and used to find the friction drag coefficient of wing. We approximate -the \(C_f\) by assuming a turbulent Blasius flow over a flat plate as -below: - -\begin{equation} - C_f \geq \frac{0.074} {Re^{0.2}} -\end{equation} - -The induced drag of the wing is calculated with a span efficiency factor -e, and is a function of the \(C_L\) and aspect ratio \(AR\) of the wing. - -\begin{equation} - C_{D_{induced}} = \frac{C_L^2}{\pi AR e} -\label{e:cdinduced} -\end{equation} - -\begin{Shaded} -\begin{Highlighting}[] - \CommentTok{# Thrust and drag model} -\NormalTok{ C_D_fuse }\OperatorTok{=}\NormalTok{ CDA0 }\OperatorTok{/}\NormalTok{ S} -\NormalTok{ C_D_wpar }\OperatorTok{=}\NormalTok{ k }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ C_f }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ S_wetratio} -\NormalTok{ C_D_ind }\OperatorTok{=}\NormalTok{ C_L }\OperatorTok{**} \DecValTok{2} \OperatorTok{/}\NormalTok{ (np.pi }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ A }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ e)} -\NormalTok{ constraints }\OperatorTok{+=}\NormalTok{ [W_f }\OperatorTok{>=}\NormalTok{ TSFC }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ T_flight }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ D,} -\NormalTok{ D }\OperatorTok{>=} \FloatTok{0.5} \OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ rho }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ S }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ C_D }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ V }\OperatorTok{**} \DecValTok{2}\NormalTok{,} -\NormalTok{ C_D }\OperatorTok{>=}\NormalTok{ C_D_fuse }\OperatorTok{+}\NormalTok{ C_D_wpar }\OperatorTok{+}\NormalTok{ C_D_ind,} -\NormalTok{ V_f_fuse }\OperatorTok{<=} \DecValTok{10}\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{units(}\StringTok{'m'}\NormalTok{)}\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{CDA0,} -\NormalTok{ Re }\OperatorTok{<=}\NormalTok{ (rho }\OperatorTok{/}\NormalTok{ mu) }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ V }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ (S }\OperatorTok{/}\NormalTok{ A) }\OperatorTok{**} \FloatTok{0.5}\NormalTok{,} -\NormalTok{ C_f }\OperatorTok{>=} \FloatTok{0.074} \OperatorTok{/}\NormalTok{ Re }\OperatorTok{**} \FloatTok{0.2}\NormalTok{]} -\end{Highlighting} -\end{Shaded} - -\subsection{Fuel volume model}\label{fuel-volume-model} - -The fuel volume model is the main difference between simpleWing and -SimPleAC, and introduces the only signomial constraints in the model. -Firstly we define the required fuel volume using fuel density -\(\rho_f\). - -\begin{equation} - V_f = \frac{W_f } {\rho_f g} -\label{e:vf} -\end{equation} - -We consider wing fuel tanks and fuselage fuel tanks. The fuselage fuel -was defined in the aerodynamic model, where the fuel volume contributes -to drag. - -\begin{equation} - V_{f_{wing}}^2 \leq 0.0009 \frac{S \tau^2}{AR} -\label{e:vfwing} -\end{equation} - -The signomial constraint is introduced here, where the available fuel -volume is upper-bounded by the sum of the fuselage and wing fuel -volumes. - -\begin{equation} - V_{f_{avail}} \leq V_{f_{wing}} + V_{f_{fuse}} -\label{vfavail} -\end{equation} - -We constrain the total fuel volume to be less than the available fuel -volume. - -\begin{equation} - V_{f_{avail}} \geq V_{f} -\label{e:vfineq} -\end{equation} - -\begin{Shaded} -\begin{Highlighting}[] - \CommentTok{# Fuel volume model } - \ControlFlowTok{with}\NormalTok{ SignomialsEnabled():} -\NormalTok{ constraints }\OperatorTok{+=}\NormalTok{[V_f }\OperatorTok{==}\NormalTok{ W_f }\OperatorTok{/}\NormalTok{ g }\OperatorTok{/}\NormalTok{ rho_f,} -\NormalTok{ V_f_wing}\OperatorTok{**}\DecValTok{2} \OperatorTok{<=} \FloatTok{0.0009}\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{S}\OperatorTok{**}\DecValTok{3}\OperatorTok{/}\NormalTok{A}\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{tau}\OperatorTok{**}\DecValTok{2}\NormalTok{, } - \CommentTok{# linear with b and tau, quadratic with chord} -\NormalTok{ V_f_avail }\OperatorTok{<=}\NormalTok{ V_f_wing }\OperatorTok{+}\NormalTok{ V_f_fuse, }\CommentTok{#[SP]} -\NormalTok{ V_f_avail }\OperatorTok{>=}\NormalTok{ V_f]} -\end{Highlighting} -\end{Shaded} - -\subsection{Wing Weight Build-Up}\label{wing-weight-build-up} - -The wing surface weight is a function of the planform area of the wing. - -\begin{equation} -W_{w_{surf}} \geq W_{w_{coeff2}} S -\label{e:wwsurf} -\end{equation} - -The wing structural weight is a complex posynomial expression that takes -into account the root bending moment and shear relief due to presence of -fuel in the wings. - -\begin{equation} -W_{w_{strc}}^2 \geq \frac{W_{w_{coeff1}}^2}{\tau^2} (N_{ult}^2 AR ^ 3 ((W_0+\rho_fgV_{f_{fuse}}) W S)) -\label{e:wwstrc} -\end{equation} - -The total wing weight is lower-bounded. - -\begin{equation} -W_w \geq W_{w_{surf}} + W_{w_{strc}} -\label{e:ww} -\end{equation} - -\begin{Shaded} -\begin{Highlighting}[] - \CommentTok{# Wing weight model} -\NormalTok{ constraints }\OperatorTok{+=}\NormalTok{ [W_w_surf }\OperatorTok{>=}\NormalTok{ W_W_coeff2 }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ S,} -\NormalTok{ W_w_strc}\OperatorTok{**}\DecValTok{2}\NormalTok{. }\OperatorTok{>=}\NormalTok{ W_W_coeff1}\OperatorTok{**}\DecValTok{2}\NormalTok{.}\OperatorTok{/}\NormalTok{ tau}\OperatorTok{**}\DecValTok{2}\NormalTok{. }\OperatorTok{*} -\NormalTok{ (N_ult}\OperatorTok{**}\DecValTok{2}\NormalTok{. }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ A }\OperatorTok{**} \DecValTok{3}\NormalTok{. }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ ((W_0}\OperatorTok{+}\NormalTok{V_f_fuse}\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{g}\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{rho_f) }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ W }\OperatorTok{*}\NormalTok{ S)) ,} -\NormalTok{ W_w }\OperatorTok{>=}\NormalTok{ W_w_surf }\OperatorTok{+}\NormalTok{ W_w_strc]} -\end{Highlighting} -\end{Shaded} - -\subsection{Valid objective functions}\label{valid-objective-functions} - -We have tested a variety of potential objectives for the SimpPleAC -model, some of which are as follows: - -\begin{itemize} - \item $W_f$: Fuel weight, the default objective in the ```main``` method. - \item $W$: Total aircraft weight. Like fuel weight, but also adding extra cost for airframe weight. - \item $D$: Drag. - \item $\frac{W_f}{T_{flight}}$: Product of the fuel weight and the inverse of the time of flight. - \item $W_{f} + c \times T_{flight}$: A linear combination of fuel weight and time of flight. This can simulate recurring costs (fuel and labor), and yield interesting results. -\end{itemize} - -\end{document}