A flexible Table for your REST-Service. Customize it to your needs as everything can be changed via Templates.
npm install coo-dialog
There are severall npm scripts so you extend this dialog for your needs
npm run start:app -> is starting the Demo Application inside the demo folder with the content of the module under src
npm run test -> is starting the karma instance to run the tests under the src folder
npm run test:watch -> is starting the tests and run them on every change in the src and demo folder
npm run test:coverage -> just prints a common test coverage report
npm run start:app -> start the demo application out of the root folder
npm run build:ngs -> build the coo-dialog with ngc to the dist folder
npm run build:demo -> builds the demo under the demo/dist folder
npm run ts-lint -> lint the code against the given lint config
npm run compodoc -> creates the documentation for this ng modul with the help of compodoc
If you wanna develop on this module it is helpful to link the /src into the /demo/src/app/modules/ folder and import all the needed sources against this folder
ln -s [Path to your working space]/src/ demo/src/app/modules/table
With this little trick it is possible to compile the demo with the given build script
Import the CooTable Module to your Project
declarations : [ AppComponent, MainComponent ],
imports : [
BrowserModule, FormsModule, HttpModule, CooTableModule,
RouterModule.forRoot([ { path : '', pathMatch : 'full', component : AppComponent }, { redirectTo : '', path : 'foo' } ], { useHash : true })
providers : [ WineService ],
bootstrap : [ MainComponent ]
Update your angluar-cli.json with tje styles form the installed bootstrap version or your own
"styles": [
Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.
=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements : 78.33% ( 347/443 )
Branches : 49.48% ( 48/97 )
Functions : 62.63% ( 62/99 )
Lines : 76.34% ( 300/393 )
MIT © coodoo