Develop type safe contracts for your web services!
- Usable from Node.js (client and server) or a web browser (client only)
- For an overview of Barrister RPC, visit:
For Node.js:
npm install barrister
For web browsers:
# download either of these:
curl > barrister.browser.js
curl > barrister.browser.min.js
# download Crockford's json2.min.js to provide JSON support
curl > json2.min.js
- Includes a Node.js server implementation using Express
- Includes both Node.js and browser based clients you can test against the server
- Read the IDL Docs for more info on writing Barrister IDL files
- View the annotated source:
- Barrister Google Group - Post questions and ideas here
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.
Note to self on how to tag release
# Edit package.json, bump version, then run:
make clean all
git add -u
git commit -m "bump npm v0.1.0"
git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "version 0.1.0"
git push --tags
npm publish