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Saizan committed Nov 10, 2013
1 parent 6c37960 commit b3433c7
Showing 1 changed file with 164 additions and 0 deletions.
164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions Categories/Monad/Coproduct.agda
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
open import Categories.Category
import Categories.Functor as Fun
open import Categories.Monad
open import Categories.Object.BinaryCoproducts

import Categories.Normalise as Nm

module Categories.Monad.Coproduct {o ℓ e} (C : Category o ℓ e) (coprod : BinCoproducts C) where

open Category C
open Equiv

open BinCoproducts C coprod

module Internal where
module +Reasoning = Nm.+Reasoning C coprod

{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Functoriality of left
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

.left-id : {X Y} left id ≡ id {X ∐ Y}
left-id {X} {Y} = by computation {↑ X ⊎ ↑ Y} (#left #id) #id
open +Reasoning

.left-∘ : {X Y Z W} {f : X ⇒ Y} {g : Y ⇒ Z} left {C = W} (g ∘ f) ≡ left g ∘ left f
left-∘ {X} {Y} {Z} {W} {f = f} {g} =
by computation {↑ X ⊎ ↑ W}
(#left (↑↑ g #∘ ↑↑ f))
(#left (↑↑ g) #∘ #left (↑↑ f))
open +Reasoning

.left-resp-≡ : {x y z} {f g : x ⇒ y} f ≡ g left {C = z} f ≡ left {C = z} g
left-resp-≡ {f = f} {g} p =
[ i₁ ∘ f , i₂ ∘ id ]
↓⟨ []-cong₂ (∘-resp-≡ʳ p) refl ⟩
[ i₁ ∘ g , i₂ ∘ id ]
open HomReasoning

{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Functoriality of right
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

.right-id : {X Y} right id ≡ id {X ∐ Y}
right-id {X} {Y} = by computation {↑ X ⊎ ↑ Y} (#right #id) #id
open +Reasoning

.right-∘ : {X Y Z W} {f : X ⇒ Y} {g : Y ⇒ Z} right {A = W} (g ∘ f) ≡ right g ∘ right f
right-∘ {X} {W = W} {f = f} {g} = by computation {↑ W ⊎ ↑ X}
(#right (↑↑ g #∘ ↑↑ f))
(#right (↑↑ g) #∘ #right (↑↑ f))
open +Reasoning

.right-resp-≡ : {x y z} {f g : x ⇒ y} f ≡ g right {A = z} f ≡ right {A = z} g
right-resp-≡ {f = f} {g} p =
[ i₁ ∘ id , i₂ ∘ f ]
↓⟨ []-cong₂ refl (∘-resp-≡ʳ p) ⟩
[ i₁ ∘ id , i₂ ∘ g ]
open HomReasoning

{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Left/Right functors
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

Left : Obj Fun.Functor C C
Left A =
{ F₀ = λ X X ∐ A
; F₁ = left
; identity = left-id
; homomorphism = left-∘
; F-resp-≡ = left-resp-≡

Right : Obj Fun.Functor C C
Right A =
{ F₀ = _∐_ A
; F₁ = right
; identity = right-id
; homomorphism = right-∘
; F-resp-≡ = right-resp-≡

private module I = Internal

{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Left/Right monads
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

Left : Obj -> Monad C
Left c =
{ F = I.Left c
; η = unit
; μ = join
; assoc = (λ {x} by computation {#Left (#Left (#Left (↑ x)))}
(#join #∘ #left #join)
(#join #∘ #join))
; identityˡ = λ {x} by computation {#Left (↑ x)} (#join #∘ #left #i₁) #id
; identityʳ = λ {x} by computation {#Left (↑ x)} (#join #∘ #i₁) #id
module Left where
open I.+Reasoning

#Left = λ x x ⊎ ↑ c

unit = record { η = λ X i₁
; commute = λ {X} {Y} f by computation {↑ X} {#Left (↑ Y)}
(#i₁ #∘ ↑↑ f) (#left (↑↑ f) #∘ #i₁)

#join : {A} -> Term (#Left (#Left A)) (#Left A)
#join = #[ #id , #i₂ ]

join = record { η = λ X [ id , i₂ ]
; commute = λ {X} {Y} f by computation {#Left (#Left (↑ X))}
(#join #∘ #left (#left (↑↑ f)))
(#left (↑↑ f) #∘ #join)

Right : Obj -> Monad C
Right c =
{ F = I.Right c
; η = unit
; μ = join
; assoc = (λ {x} by computation {#Right (#Right (#Right (↑ x)))}
(#join #∘ #right #join)
(#join #∘ #join))
; identityˡ = λ {x} by computation {#Right (↑ x)} (#join #∘ #right #i₂) #id
; identityʳ = λ {x} by computation {#Right (↑ x)} (#join #∘ #i₂) #id
module Right where
open I.+Reasoning

#Right = λ x ↑ c ⊎ x

unit = record { η = λ X i₂
; commute = λ {X} {Y} f by computation {↑ X} {#Right (↑ Y)}
(#i₂ #∘ ↑↑ f) (#right (↑↑ f) #∘ #i₂)

#join : {A} -> Term (#Right (#Right A)) (#Right A)
#join = #[ #i₁ , #id ]

join = record { η = λ X [ i₁ , id ]
; commute = λ {X} {Y} f by computation {#Right (#Right (↑ X))}
(#join #∘ #right (#right (↑↑ f)))
(#right (↑↑ f) #∘ #join)

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