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[#3] Improve Rails style guide
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Dan Croak committed Mar 15, 2012
1 parent ce91d47 commit 1bda2fc
Showing 1 changed file with 38 additions and 1 deletion.
39 changes: 38 additions & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ Programming

* Aggressively DRY code during development.
* Avoid abbreviations.
* Avoid comments.
* Avoid global variables.
* Avoid long parameter lists.
Expand All @@ -75,13 +76,15 @@ Programming
* Don't use an empty line at the beginning or end of methods, blocks or
* Don't vertically align tokens on consecutive lines.
* Don't write more code than you need.
* Exceptions should be exceptional. Don't suppress them or use them for control
* Guesses at future functionality should not be designed into the application.
* Keep methods small.
* Keep the code simple.
* Limit lines to a maximum of 80 characters.
* Make sure all tests pass before code is merged into a shared repository.
* Name variables, methods, and classes with intention-revealing names..
* No spaces after `(`, `[`. No spaces before `]`, `)`.
* Order variables and methods alphabetically when possible.
* Prefer single function exit points unless the complexity of the code is
Expand All @@ -106,6 +109,8 @@ Ruby
* Avoid `%q`, `%Q`, `%x`, `%s`, and `%W`.
* Avoid conditional modifiers (lines that end with conditionals).
* Avoid hashes as optional parameters. Does the method do too much?
* Avoid including code and gems in source control that are specific to your
development machine or process. Examples: `.rvmrc`s, file watchers, debuggers.
* Avoid meta-programming.
* Avoid monkey-patching core classes.
* Avoid return unless required.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,22 +146,54 @@ Ruby
* Use `Set` over `Array` for arrays with unique elements. The lookup is faster.
* Use single-quotes for strings unless variable interpolation is required.
* Use `unless boolean?` instead of `if !boolean?`.
* Use [Factory Girl]( for setting up
complicated test data.


* Aim for skinny models and skinny controllers.
* Avoid the `:except` option in routes.
* Avoid `member` and `collection` routes.
* Avoid Single Table Inheritance.
* Consider extracting `private` methods to their own object.
* Deploy to [Heroku](
* Don't invoke a model's class directly from a view.
* Don't use SQL or SQL fragments (`where('inviter_id is not null')`) outside of
* Set `config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true` in the development
* Initialize code in `config/initializers`.
* Keep the `db/schema.rb` under version control.
* Limit database defaults to counter caches and booleans.
* Limit the number of instance variables shared between controller and view.
* Name initializers for their gem name. Example: `paperclip.rb`
* Order controller contents: filters, public methods, `private` methods.
* Order model contents: constants, attributes, associations, nested attributes,
named scopes, validations, callbacks, public methods, `private` methods.
* Prefer classes to modules when designing functionality that is shared by
multiple models.
* Prefer gems to plugins.
* Prefer gems over plugins.
* Prefer presenters (Ruby objects responsible for presentation) over view
* Put all copy text in models, views, controllers, and mailers in
* Set `config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test` in the test environment.
* Use `_path` over `_url` for named routes everywhere except mailer views.
* Use `def self.method` over the `named_scope :method` DSL.
* Use [Foreman]( to run Rails apps in
development mode.
* Use `I18n.t 'dot.separated.key'` over
`I18n.t :key, :scope => [:dot, :separated]`.
* Use [Haml]( over ERb.
* Use `has_and_belongs_to_many` if all you need is a join table. Start simple.
* Use namespaced locale lookup in the views by prefixing a period: `t '.title'`.
* Use nested routes to express `belongs_to` relationships between resources.
* Use one `ActionMailer` for the app. Name it `Mailer`.
* Use [single recipient SMTP]( in the staging
* Use the default `render 'partial'` syntax over `render :partial => 'partial'`.
* Use the `:only` option to explicitly state exposed routes.

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