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What to expect of a standard library about lists?

Hugo Herbelin edited this page Nov 4, 2024 · 6 revisions

This page collects various data about what to expect of a standard library about lists.

Dictionary of concepts between stdlib, std++, ext-lib, mathcomp, with comparison with ocaml

In progress, started 23/10/24 for stdlib

List.v std++ ext-lib mathcomp
file name List.v list.v List.v seq.v
all refers to Datatypes.list, but possibly renamed list list list seq
first constructor nil nil nil nil/Nil
second constructor cons cons cons cons/Cons
notation first constructor [] [] [] [::]
notation second constructor a::l a::l a::l a::l
notations for finite lists [a1;...;an] [a1;...;an] [a1;...;an] [::a1;...;an]
naming tradition ocaml haskell
basic predicates
belonging as a Prop In (recursive) elem_of_list (inductive)
exists on bool existsb anyb
forall on bool forallb allb
exists, inductive in Prop Exists
forall, inductive in Prop Forall
lifting of a relation, inductive in Prop Forall2 list_equiv
being extended with one element, in Prop, inductive in Prop Add
having no duplicates, in Prop, inductive in Prop NoDup (dep on In) NoDup (dep on elem_of_list)
being lexicographically compared, with accumulator, inductive ListCompareSpec
forall of a relation on pairs, in Prop ForallPairs
forall of a relation on ordered pairs, inductive in Prop ForallOrdPairs
of smaller length, in Prop lel
inclusion, in Prop Incl
to be prefix, in Prop prefix
to be suffix, in Prop suffix
basic combinators
functoriality map list_fmap
functoriality with concatenation flat_map
functoriality through traversable -- mapT_list
functoriality with filtering -- list_omap mapT_list
functoriality with position -- imap
functoriality with boolean mask -- mask
bifunctoriality with position -- imap2
monadic functoriality -- mapM
iteration fold_right foldr
iteration (tail-recursive) fold_left foldl
lifting of boolean equality (Scheme) list_eqb
lifting of decidable equality list_eq_dec
injection from option option_list
partial projection to option maybe_list_singleton
basic functions
length length (in Init)
append append (in Init)
head (with a default value) hd
head (with optional result) hd_error
tail (returning [] on []) tl tail
nth (with a default value) nth/nth_default
nth (with optional result) nth_error list_lookup
applying function to element at position -- list_alter
applying function to sublist of some length at position -- sublist_alter
replacing element at position -- list_insert
last (with a default value) last
last (with optional result) -- last
remove last (returning [] on []) removelast
remove at position -- list_delete
reversal rev
reversal, tail-recursive, with accumulator rev_append
reversal, tail-recursive rev' reverse
monadic bind list_bind
concatenation concat list_join
power set list_power
permutations permutations
splitting lists of pairs into pairs of lists split
combining pairs of lists into lists of pairs (dropping mismatches) combine
product of lists List_prod
taking nth first elements firstn take firstn take
dropping nth first elements skipn drop
taking sublist of some length from some position (in option) sublist_lookup
constant list of a given length repeat replicate
overriding a sublist -- list_inserts
resizing, padding with a default if necessary -- resize
partition according to a list of length -- reshape
sum of a list of natural numbers list_sum
max of a list of natural numbers list_max
interval [n;...;n+p] seq
rotate left-to-right by a number rotate
predicates assuming a boolean equality
belonging as a boolean mem_seq
functions referring to a boolean predicate
filtering over a boolean predicate filter list_filter
finding first satisfying a boolean predicate with optional result find
partition according to a predicate partition
functions assuming decidability of equality
remove an element remove/remove'
count number of occurrences count_occ/count_occ'
remove duplicates nodup
decidable exists Exists_dec/Forall_Exists_dec
decidable forall Forall_dec
decidable belonging in_dec
functions assuming a ternary comparison function
ternary lexicographic comparison list_compare


  • stdlib has nth_ok n l a : bool which says that n <= length l. Is that worth?
  • stdlib has two definitions of nth with a default, one going through nth with optional result; are they both as useful?
  • to be continued for std++, extlib, mathcomp
  • mathcomp encapsulates boolean equality as an "eqType"
  • std++ encapsulates decidable equality as an "EqDecision"

A comparison of statements involving firstn available in stdlib, std++, ext-lib, mathcomp

As of 29/08/24 (taken here)

statement List.v std++ ext-lib mathcomp
(name of the function) firstn take firstn take
firstn n [] = [] firstn_nil take_nil take0
firstn 0 l = [] firstn_0
n = 0 -> firstn n l = [] firstn_0
firstn (S n) (a::l) = a :: (firstn n l) firstn_cons
0 < n -> firstn n (a :: b) = a :: firstn (n - 1) b firstn_cons
firstn n0 (x :: s) = if n0 is S n then x :: firstn n s else [] take_cons
firstn i l ++ lastn i l = l firstn_lastn take_drop cat_take_drop
nth_error n = Some x -> firstn (S n) l = firstn n l ++ [x] take_S_r
nth_error (firstn n l) i = if i <? n then nth_error l i else None nth_error_firstn
nth i (firstn n l) d = if i <? n then nth i l d else d nth_firstn
i < n -> nth_error i (firstn n l) = nth_error i l lookup_take nth_take
n < length l -> firstn (S n) s = firstn n l :: nth_error l n take_nth
firstn (length l) l = l firstn_all take_size
length l <= n -> firstn n l = l firstn_all2 take_ge firstn_all take_oversize
length (firstn n l) = min n (length l) take_length size_take_min
length (firstn n s) = if n <? length s then n else length s size_take
length (firstn n l) <= n length_firstn_le take_length_le
length l <= n -> length (firstn n l) = length l take_length_ge
n <= length l -> length (firstn n l) = n length_firstn_eq size_takel
firstn i (firstn j l) = firstn (min i j) l firstn_firstn take_take
firstn (min i j) l = firstn i (firstn j l) take_min
firstn n (firstn n l) = firstn n l take_idemp
i <= j -> firstn i (firstn j l) = firstn i l take_takel
j <= i -> firstn i (firstn j l) = firstn j l take_taker
firstn i (firstn j s) = firstn j (firstn i s) takeC
firstn (length l) (l ++ k) = l take_app
n = length l -> firstn n (l ++ k) = l take_app_alt
n <= length l -> firstn n (l ++ k) = firstn n l take_app_le firstn_app_L takel_cat
n = length l1 -> firstn n ((l1 ++ l2) ++ l3) = l1 take_app3_alt
firstn n (l1 ++ l2) = (firstn n l1) ++ (firstn (n - length l1) l2) firstn_app
firstn n (s1 ++ s2) = if n < length s1 then firstn n s1 else s1 ++ firstn (n - length s1) s2 take_size_cat
length a <= n -> firstn n (a ++ b) = a ++ firstn (n - length a) b firstn_app_R
firstn ((length l1) + n) (l1 ++ l2) = l1 ++ firstn n l2 firstn_app_2
i <= j -> firstn i (repeat x j) = repeat x i take_nseq
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