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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 19, 2021. It is now read-only.


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Clone the repository, and generate certificates for it using the following commands:

# generate your private key
CORAL_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY=$(openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -noout | openssl base64 -e | tr -d '\n')

# generate your public key
CORAL_AUTH_PUBLIC_KEY=$(echo $CORAL_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY | openssl base64 -d -A | openssl ec -pubout | openssl base64 -e | tr -d '\n')

If you want to have these variables added to a .env file, use:

cat >> .env <<EOF



This service requires MongoDB. You will also require OpenSSL to generate your certificates or be able to provide your ECSDA certificates in a PEM encoded format.


All configuration variables when provided in the environment must be prefixed with a CORAL_AUTH_ prefix.

Key Description Default Required
PRIVATE_KEY ec private key base64 encoded Yes
PUBLIC_KEY ec public key base64 encoded Yes
PORT port number you want to run the app on. Yes
TRUST_PROXY TRUE in the event you are behind a proxy. FALSE No
TOKEN_EXPIRY_TIME duration for the token expiry in a string format as described Yes
SESSION_SECRET secret for the session keys for cookie signing. Yes
ENABLE_DEMO TRUE to enable the demo page viewable at /demo. FALSE No
DEBUG coral-auth* to have debug logs printed during operation. No
ALLOWED_CLIENTS space separated tuples of client id and callback url in the form like clientID1 https://clientID1/callback/url clientID2 https://clientID2/callback/url Yes
MONGO_URL url in the mongodb://... format. mongodb://localhost:27107 Yes
ROOT_URL root url of the installed application externally available in the format: <scheme>://<host> without the path. Yes
FACEBOOK_APP_ID provided by the social provider. No
FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET provided by the social provider. No
TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY provided by the social provider. No
TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET provided by the social provider. No
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID provided by the social provider. No
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET provided by the social provider. No
DISABLE_FRAMEGUARD disable frameguard FALSE No

Social Configuration

When configuring the social services, ensure you use the following format for the callback url's:

{{ CORAL_AUTH_ROOT_URL }}/connect/{{ SOCIAL_PROVIDER }}/callback

Here's an example when CORAL_AUTH_ROOT_URL = and SOCIAL_PROVIDER = facebook:

Current supported social providers are:

  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Twitter

Additional providers can be added by configuring the passport.js file to add the passport strategy and adding callback's inside the routes/connect.js file.


To run this installation as a single deployment run it with docker-compose.

  1. You must have generated the keys from above in the Installation section.
  2. Specify configuration as indicated in the Configuration section except for the config CORAL_AUTH_MONGO_URL and CORAL_AUTH_PORT in a file called .env in the project root.
  3. Create the deployment with docker-compose up -d.
  4. Create a user with the cli inside the following shell docker-compose run --rm auth bash.
  5. From that shell you can execute commands against the cli (See cli --help for help using the cli).


Open source identity/authorization system, built for The Coral Project's products. Supports OpenID and OAuth 2.0 (Facebook, Twitter, etc) through Passport.js







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