![Game Screenshot] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coronalabs/-psychic-rotary-phone/master/screenshot.png?token=AAry0bB73I5oe33B3CDvjBE4OK9vcuMzks5X_8HkwA%3D%3D)
This is a demo project for the Corona SDK utilizing module-based game development. It includes free-to-use modules for common game functions including:
- Match Three Engine Module
- First Person Hallway Module
- RPG Enemy / Item modules
- Score counter
- Health Bar / Heart Bar modules
- Game FX package (ponyfx.lua)
This package also comes with CC0 licensed game art resources including
- Space icons
- Alien art
- Modular ship interior
All music/sounds in this library are CC0 and were created by Ponywolf, LLC or adapted from other CC0 sounds
- Title theme was created in GarageBand using presets and can be used in commercial work
- SFX were generated in BFXR
- Loops were post-proccessed in Adobe Audtion from CC0 sounds via NASA