- Samuel Thesing samuel.thesing@rwth-aachen.de
- Christian Rene Thelen christian.thelen@rwth-aachen.de
This repository is one of two repositories we used for conquering the programming competition 2023. It contains our best results (and a few along the way), log files, interesting research, as well as Python scripts to visualize, compare, plot and evaluate the circle packing, run the algorithms in parallel, approximate the score, scrap the webpage with the intermediate score of the other teams, a few other strategic considerations and some miscellaneous shenanigans. cortex359/md.wettbewerb2023
The other repository contains the actual solver, written in C++ as well as scramblers and the code for creating the images and animations. Rankail/md-wettbewerb-2023
Place | Team | Bonus | Total Score | Code |
1. | pi | 100 | 9025 | |
2. | koeln | 50 | 8794 | |
3. | coca-cola-und-nutella | 25 | 8538 | |
4. | uka | 8030 | ||
5. | ets | 7046 | ||
6. | fabio-palmen | 5424 | ||
7. | horst | 5085 | ||
8. | bug-prevention | 4688 | ||
9. | mongulus-und-bongulus | 1340 | ||
10. | suffkapuff | 1220 |
🇩🇪 Blog Post über die Siegerehrung, Finale Auswertung und Vergleichsübersicht, sowie allgemeine Informationen über den Wettbewerb auf mathe-dual.de.
A list with relevant research publications can be found here: RESEARCH.md
An overview over our best results: results/current_best/README.md
The latest comparisons of our results with other teams:
In order to use the python scripts, some packages need to be installed in your environment.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Generate relative score tables:
Fetch snapshots with python webcrawler.py
and extract current snapshot.zip:
teams=( koeln coca-cola-und-nutella uka ets fabio-palmen bug-prevention horst )
for t in $teams; do
mkdir "web/data/${t}/${snapshot}"
unzip -d "web/data/${t}/${snapshot}" "web/data/${t}/${snapshot}.zip"
Enter the group directory and extract tables:
for t in ${teams}; do
for i in {01..14} ; do
pcre2grep -Me '(?:<pre>)([^<]+[\n\s]*)+(?:<\/pre>)' -m1 --output '$1' web/data/${t}/${snapshot}/forest${i}.txt.html >| web/data/${t}/${t}.forest${i}.table
parse tables and save relative scores:
for i in {01..14} ; do
python web/score_webtable.py forest${i} ${teams};
} >| web/relative_score_tables/overview-$(date +'%F_%H-%M').md