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RocketBot is an MIT-licensed open source project.

Getting codes

Fork, then clone the rocketbot repo and change directory into it.

git clone
cd rocketbot

Install dependencies via npm:

npm install

Running the application

The default collector query address is http://localhost:8080.


Command Description
npm start Starts development server with hot reloading.
npm run host Starts development servers other can link
npm run lint Lint the project (tslint)
npm run build Runs production build. Outputs files to /dist.


Running build will output all the static files to the ./dist folder:

npm install
npm run build

Docker Image Build

npm install

npm run build

docker build -t rocketbot .

Running the docker image

docker run -p 8080:80 -d -e SKYWALKING_URL=, rocketbot

SKYWALKING_URL is the address of your backend, multiple IP is changed by comma.

The default frontend address is http://localhost:8080.

Nginx config

Reserve proxy

  location /api {
    rewrite ^/(.*) /graphql break;
    proxy_pass SKYWALKING_URL;

Important: If you want to deploy the application by yourself,you need to rewirte the URL path into /graphql before reserve proxy.

Contributing to RocketBot

Firstly, thanks for your interest in contributing! I hope that this will be a pleasant first experience for you, and that you will return to continue contributing.

How to contribute?

Most of the contributions that we receive are code contributions, but you can also contribute to the documentation or simply report solid bugs for us to fix.

How to report a bug?

  • Ensure the bug was not already reported by searching on GitHub under Issues.

  • If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, open a new one. Be sure to include a title and clear description, as much relevant information as possible, and a code sample or an executable test case demonstrating the expected behavior that is not occurring.


Copyright © 2018, COSMOPlat-DEV. Released under the MIT License.