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Building TouchDB Android

mschoch edited this page May 15, 2012 · 6 revisions

Getting the Code

  • Use Git to clone the TouchDB repository to your local disk. For example:

git clone

Building with Eclipse

  1. Import the projects into your Eclipse workspace (File -> Import... -> Existing projects into Workspace)
  2. Repeat this step for all sub-projects (TouchDB-Android, TouchDB-Android-Ektorp, TouchDB-Android-JavaScript, TouchDB-Android-Listener, TouchDB-Android-TestApp)
  3. Projects should build automatically (unless configured not to in your Eclipse settings)
  4. If any errors are reported in these projects, select Project -> Clean... then choose the projects to clean

Building with Ant

  1. cd TouchDB-Android
  2. ant debug
  3. Repeat this step for all sub-projects (TouchDB-Android, TouchDB-Android-Ektorp, TouchDB-Android-JavaScript, TouchDB-Android-Listener, TouchDB-Android-TestApp)

Common Problems

I see messages like:

The method ... of type ... must override or implement a supertype method

Fix: Check that your project is building with a 1.6 compiler.