This repository contains the source code for the "CoverDrop: Blowing the Whistle Through A News App" paper published at PETS.
Keep in mind that this is an academic prototype. This is not fit for any real-world usage. Also, components (such as UI, registration, ...) that are not central to the paper are mocked or using hard-coded values.
The individual subfolders for the SGX, WebAPI, MobileApp, and Simulators have dedicated
files with setup instructions.
Since this is a clone of our experimental prototype you will find hard-coded identifier and URLs that need updating for your infrastructure setup.
This prototype currently demonstrates the following functionality:
- Overall: For one hard-coded user and one hard-coded reporter a complete message pass through the SGX without encryption
- SGX: Requesting data from the web api server and processing it inside the enclave
- SGX: Returning data from the enclave and publishing it through the web api server
- WebAPI: Providing a complete API for handling the messages from/to users/reporters/SGX
- WebAPI: Providing an API for demo news articles for the prototype
- WebAPI: Providing rudimentary persistence (sqlite) and authentication (hard-coded auth tokens)
- MobileApp: An Android library that allows secure and deniable storage on disk using strong key derivation (argon2) and key-splitting with the secure element
- MobileApp: A prototype app that displays news articles and reporters
- MobileApp: A prototype app that allows locking/unlocking an encrypted state with secret split between passphrase and secure element
- MobileApp: A prototype app that demonstrates a regular background service for sending dummy traffic
- MobileApp: A prototype app that demonstrates encrypting and decrypting messages as described
- Simulators: Generating all keys necessary (SGX, reporters, ...)
- Simulators: Simulating a user (sending real and dummy messages, encryption/decryption)
- Simulators: Simulating a SGX (acting as a threshold mix, encryption/decryption)
- Simulators: Simulating a reporter (sending real replies and dummy messages, encryption/decryption)
This prototype currently does NOT demonstrate the following functionality:
- SGX: Any encryption or decryption of messages (these operations were shown with a different project that is not included here)
- WebAPI: Any registration, advanced authentication, or scalability
- MobileApp: Any registration or account authentication
You can use the following BibTex for citations:
title={CoverDrop: Blowing the Whistle Through A News App},
author={Ahmed-Rengers, Mansoor and Vasile, Diana A and Hugenroth, Daniel and Beresford, Alastair R and Anderson, Ross},
journal={Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies},