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Development Environments

Louis Stowasser edited this page Nov 19, 2021 · 18 revisions

In Coviu, we can provide you with multiple environments for various development purpose.


Local Sandbox - for your local-hosted app

When you are developing your App in your localhost, you can use local sandbox to point to your local-hosted App. Say your local-hosted App is at http://localhost:9100/plugin.js, your local sandbox's setting would be

sandboxUrl: 'https://{local subdomain}',
pluginId: '{pluginId}',
pluginUrl: 'http://localhost:9100/plugin.js',

Staging Sandbox - for coviu-hosted App

When your App code is ready to enter Coviu's software development lifecycle (SDLC), you can submit your App source code via the Source Code Submission at Service Desk. Your App source code will be reviewed, built and hosted on Coviu's domain (e.g.{pluginId}/build/{version}/plugin.js). Then you are able to trigger UAT process. Therefore your staging sandbox's setting would be

sandboxUrl: 'https://{staging subdomain}',
pluginId: '{pluginId}',
pluginUrl: '{pluginId}/build/{version}/plugin.js',

How To Register Sandboxes

You can apply via tech support in service desk link. In your first sandbox application, you will get 2 sandboxes - local and staging for your local development and UAT, respectively. For instance, a company Apple registers sandboxes then they will get sandbox setting as

Local Sandbox
  sandboxUrl: '',
  pluginId: 'external-apple-local-plugin',
  pluginUrl: 'http://localhost:9100/plugin.js'

Staging Sandbox
  sandboxUrl: '',
  pluginId: 'external-apple-plugin',
  pluginUrl: ''
* If you need multiple local sandboxes for your team or company level development, you can also register via tech support in service desk link