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More 'gpr' tweaks. Mostly visual. It's gotta look sexy, y'know?
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cowboy committed Jul 11, 2012
1 parent bf1ea79 commit 93e5af2
Showing 1 changed file with 152 additions and 67 deletions.
219 changes: 152 additions & 67 deletions bin/gpr
@@ -1,73 +1,143 @@

if [[ ! "$1" || "$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "--help" ]]; then cat <<HELP
GitHub Pull Request Helper - "Cowboy" Ben Alman -

Usage: $(basename "$0") pull_request_id [ step ]
function help() {
script="$(basename "$0") $pr"
cat <<HELP
-=[ GitHub Pull Request Helper - "Cowboy" Ben Alman - ]=-
== Description ==
Usage: $(basename "$0") pull_request_id [ step ]
The "step" argument can be used to force execution of a particular step, but
by default this script will automatically choose the next step, from STEP 1
to STEP 2 and finally to STEP 3. You'll have to execute STEP 4 manually, once
everything is done.
-=[ Description ]============================================================-
== Detailed workflow example ==
The "step" argument can be used to force execution of a particular step,
but by default this script will automatically choose the next step, from
STEP 1 to STEP 2 and finally to STEP 3. You'll have to execute STEP 4
manually, once everything is done.
For this example, assume PR 123 has been filed against the "branch-x" branch.
-=[ Detailed workflow example ]==============================================-
You run: $(basename "$0") 123
STEP 1 executes:
1. Fetch the repo and branch associated with PR 123.
2. Checkout a new "pr123" branch at the HEAD of the fetched branch.
3. Create a temporary "_pr123_author_head" tag pointing to that HEAD.
4. Rebase "branch-x" branch onto "pr123" branch.
5. Display a list of files changed in the PR.
For this example, assume PR $pr has been filed against the "$local_ref" branch.
Note that if the PR was made against an older commit of the "branch-x" branch,
rebase conflicts will need to be resolved.
-=[ STEP 1 ]=-
At this point, if the rebase is successful, you should test the PR and commit
any necessary fixes. Commit as many times as necessary; It doesn't matter
because all PR-related commits will be squash merged in the next step.
You run "$script" and this executes:
You run: $(basename "$0") 123
STEP 2 executes:
1. Checkout a new "pr123-squash" branch from "branch-x" branch.
2. Squash merge "pr123" branch into "pr123-squash" branch. (no auto-commit)
3. Append "Closes gh-123." to SQUASH_MSG.
4. Commit using the PR branch's HEAD author name.
$(help_step1 1)
At this point, since all the commits in the PR have been squashed into a
single commit, you will need to edit the commit message to remove a lot of
cruft. When done, inspect the commit log, ensuring everything is perfect;
you should see a single, beautiful commit.
-=[ STEP 2 ]=-
You run: $(basename "$0") 123
STEP 3 executes:
1. Checkout "branch-x" branch.
2. Merge "pr123-squash" branch into "branch-x" branch.
You run "$script" and this executes:
If STEP 2 was successful, there should be no conflicts here. If there are,
you're doing it wrong. Just double-check the commit log and push when done.
$(help_step2 1)
You run: $(basename "$0") 123 4 (you have to explicitly specify the 4)
STEP 4 executes:
1. Temporary "pr123" and "pr123-squash" branches are deleted.
2. Temporary "_pr123_author_head" tag is deleted.
-=[ STEP 3 ]=-
Note that at the beginning of STEP 1 and STEP 2, any PR-named branches to
be created in that step will first be deleted!
You run "$script" and this executes:
== License ==
$(help_step3 1)
Copyright (c) 2012 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
Licensed under the MIT license.
-=[ STEP 1 ]=-
You run "$script 4" (explicitly specifying the 4) and this executes:
$(help_step4 1)
-=[ Very important notes ]===================================================-
Before running this script, ensure that your local "$local_ref" branch is
At the beginning of STEP 1, any existing "pr$pr" and "pr$pr-squash"
branches will be deleted.
At the beginning of STEP 2, any existing pr$pr-squash" branch will be
-=[ License ]================================================================-
Copyright (c) 2012 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
Licensed under the MIT license.
[[ "$1" ]]; exit

function help_step1() {
if [[ "$1" ]]; then
echo " Fetch and rebase PR $pr into \"pr$pr\" branch"
cat <<HELP
1. Fetch the repo and branch associated with PR $pr.
2. Checkout a new "pr$pr" branch at the HEAD of the fetched branch.
3. Create a temporary "_pr$pr_author_head" tag pointing to that HEAD.
4. Rebase "$local_ref" branch onto "pr$pr" branch.
5. Display a list of files changed in the PR.
Note that if the PR was made against an older commit of the "$local_ref" branch,
rebase conflicts will need to be resolved.
At this point, if the rebase is successful, you should test the PR and
commit any necessary fixes. Commit as many times as necessary; It doesn't
matter because all PR-related commits will be squash merged in STEP 2.
[[ "$1" ]]; exit; fi

function help_step2() {
if [[ "$1" ]]; then
echo " Perform squash merge into \"pr$pr-squash\" branch"
cat <<HELP
1. Checkout a new "pr$pr-squash" branch from "$local_ref" branch.
2. Squash merge "pr$pr" branch into "pr$pr-squash" branch. (no commit)
3. Append "Closes gh-$pr." to SQUASH_MSG.
4. Commit using the PR branch's HEAD author name.
At this point, since all the commits in the PR have been squashed into a
single commit, you will need to edit the commit message to remove a lot of
cruft. When done, inspect the commit log, ensuring everything is perfect;
you should see a single, beautiful commit.

function help_step3() {
if [[ "$1" ]]; then
echo " Perform final merge into \"$local_ref\" branch"
cat <<HELP
1. Checkout "$local_ref" branch.
2. Merge "$pr-squash" branch into "$local_ref" branch.
If STEP 2 was successful, there should be no conflicts here. If there are,
you're doing it wrong. Just double-check the commit log and push when done.

function help_step4() {
if [[ "$1" ]]; then
echo " Cleanup temporary branches and tags"
cat <<HELP
1. Temporary "pr$pr" and "pr$pr-squash" branches are deleted.
2. Temporary "_pr$pr_author_head" tag is deleted.

[[ ! "$1" || "$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "--help" ]] && help $1

pr="$1"; shift
script="$(basename "$0") $pr"

repo="$(git remote show -n origin | perl -ne '/Fetch URL: .*github\.com[:\/](.*\/.*)\.git/ && print $1')"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,11 +169,12 @@ function del_branch() {
if [[ "$1" ]]; then
elif [[ "$(git branch | grep " $branch-squash\$")" ]]; then
# STEP 3 should never auto-execute twice.
if [[ "$(git branch --contains "$(git rev-parse $branch-squash)" | grep " $local_ref\$")" ]]; then
echo "Error merging branch \"$branch-squash\" into \"$local_ref\" branch! (already done)"
echo "Redo the last step with: $(basename "$0") $pr 3"
echo "Redo the last step with: $script 3"
exit 4
elif [[ "$(git branch | grep " $branch\$")" ]]; then
Expand All @@ -114,7 +185,11 @@ fi

# Let's do some stuff.
if [[ $step == 1 ]]; then
echo -e "STEP 1: Fetch and rebase $repo PR $pr into \"$branch\" branch\n"
echo "-=[ STEP 1 Overview ]========================================================-"
help_step1 1
echo "-=[ Actual ]=================================================================-"

# Clean up any prior work on this PR.
del_branch "$branch"
Expand All @@ -139,14 +214,16 @@ if [[ $step == 1 ]]; then
git --no-pager diff --name-only HEAD~"$num_commits"

echo "1. Test code and commit fixes. Rinse and repeat."
echo "2. Ensure \"$local_ref\" branch is up-to-date."
echo "3. Perform squash merge into \"$branch-squash\" branch with: $(basename "$0") $pr"
echo "Or redo the current step with: $(basename "$0") $pr 1"
echo "-=[ Next Steps ]=============================================================-"
echo " $(help_step2 1) with: $script"
echo " Or redo the current step with: $script 1"

elif [[ $step == 2 ]]; then
echo -e "STEP 2: Perform squash merge into \"$branch-squash\" branch\n"
echo "-=[ STEP 2 Overview ]========================================================-"
help_step2 1
echo "-=[ Actual ]=================================================================-"

# Clean up any prior squashes for this PR.
del_branch "$branch-squash"
Expand All @@ -164,29 +241,37 @@ elif [[ $step == 2 ]]; then
git commit --author="$author"

echo "1. Inspect the commit log, ensuring everything is perfect."
echo "2. Perform final merge into \"$local_ref\" branch with: $(basename "$0") $pr"
echo "Or redo the current step with: $(basename "$0") $pr 2"
echo "-=[ Next Steps ]=============================================================-"
echo "$(help_step3 1) with: $script"
echo " Or redo the current step with: $script 2"

elif [[ $step == 3 ]]; then
echo -e "STEP 3: Perform final merge into \"$local_ref\" branch\n"
echo "-=[ STEP 3 Overview ]========================================================-"
help_step3 1
echo "-=[ Actual ]=================================================================-"

# Actually merge squashed commits into branch.
git checkout "$local_ref"
git merge "$branch-squash"

echo "Cleanup temporary branches and tags with: $(basename "$0") $pr 4"
echo "Or redo the current step with: $(basename "$0") $pr 3"
echo "-=[ Next Steps ]=============================================================-"
echo "$(help_step4 1) with: $script 4"
echo " Or redo the current step with: $script 3"

elif [[ $step == 4 ]]; then
echo -e "STEP 4: Cleanup temporary branches and tags\n"
echo "-=[ STEP 4 Overview ]========================================================-"
help_step4 1
echo "-=[ Actual ]=================================================================-"

del_branch "$branch"
del_branch "$branch-squash"
git tag -d "_${branch}_author_head" 2>/dev/null

echo "All done."

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