Migrate tensor operations to new sparse matrix library DBM (#1863 )
Add HIP support for PW (#1864 )
Drop support for GCC 5 (#1878 )
Add GAPW Voronoi integration (#1919 )
Remove deprecated sections LIBXC and KE_LIBXC (#1921 )
Add LibXC equivalents to ADMM exchange potentials (#1972 )
Improve support for metaGGA functionals (#1974 )
Use SPLA for offloading dgemm on GPUs in the mp2 module (#1951 )
TDDFT: enable state following using transition charge finger print (#1991 )
Add barostat for frozen atoms in absolute coordinate (#2000 )
Fix linkage of COSMA (#2021 )
Migrate to centralized __OFFLOAD_CUDA/HIP flags (#2027 )
Add low-scaling SOS-Laplace MP2 forces (#2031 )
Refactoring of basis set optimization code (#2068 )
Add k-points for the GW self-energy (#2073 )
CDFT: forces based on Hirshfeld partitioning (#2111 )
RPA: Add low-scaling gradients (#2131 )
MP2: Add more solvers (#2142 )
GW: Add 4-center Hartree-Fock and ADMM for exchange self-energy (#2145 )
Print vibrational modes for Newton-X (#2146 )
Add partially occupied Wannier states (#2154 )
Voronoi integration: Mitigated issues with symmetric structures, more diagnostic output (#2171 )
Add GAPW_XC for TDDFPT energies (#2178 )
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