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Tailwind CSS Footer for React - Material Tailwind |
Customise your web projects with our beautiful footer component for Tailwind CSS and React using Material Design guidelines. |
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Use our Tailwind CSS Footer to present your website/web app as clearly and efficiently as possible.
Below we are presenting a simple Footer component example.
<CodePreview link="footer#footer" component={<FooterExamples.SimpleFooter />}>
import { Typography } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function SimpleFooter() {
return (
<footer className="flex w-full flex-row flex-wrap items-center justify-center gap-y-6 gap-x-12 border-t border-blue-gray-50 py-6 text-center md:justify-between">
<Typography color="blue-gray" className="font-normal">
© 2023 Material Tailwind
<ul className="flex flex-wrap items-center gap-y-2 gap-x-8">
className="font-normal transition-colors hover:text-blue-500 focus:text-blue-500"
About Us
className="font-normal transition-colors hover:text-blue-500 focus:text-blue-500"
className="font-normal transition-colors hover:text-blue-500 focus:text-blue-500"
className="font-normal transition-colors hover:text-blue-500 focus:text-blue-500"
Contact Us
## Footer with Logo
<CodePreview link="footer#footer-with-logo" className="mt-4" component={<FooterExamples.FooterWithLogo />}>
import { Typography } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function FooterWithLogo() {
return (
<footer className="w-full bg-white p-8">
<div className="flex flex-row flex-wrap items-center justify-center gap-y-6 gap-x-12 bg-white text-center md:justify-between">
<img src="https://docs.material-tailwind.com/img/logo-ct-dark.png" alt="logo-ct" className="w-10" />
<ul className="flex flex-wrap items-center gap-y-2 gap-x-8">
className="font-normal transition-colors hover:text-blue-500 focus:text-blue-500"
About Us
className="font-normal transition-colors hover:text-blue-500 focus:text-blue-500"
className="font-normal transition-colors hover:text-blue-500 focus:text-blue-500"
className="font-normal transition-colors hover:text-blue-500 focus:text-blue-500"
Contact Us
<hr className="my-8 border-blue-gray-50" />
<Typography color="blue-gray" className="text-center font-normal">
© 2023 Material Tailwind
## Footer with Social Links
<CodePreview className="mt-4" component={<FooterExamples.FooterWithSocialLinks />}>
import { Typography } from "@material-tailwind/react";
const LINKS = [
title: "Product",
items: ["Overview", "Features", "Solutions", "Tutorials"],
title: "Company",
items: ["About us", "Careers", "Press", "News"],
title: "Resource",
items: ["Blog", "Newsletter", "Events", "Help center"],
const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();
export function FooterWithSocialLinks() {
return (
<footer className="relative w-full">
<div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-7xl px-8">
<div className="grid grid-cols-1 justify-between gap-4 md:grid-cols-2">
<Typography variant="h5" className="mb-6">
Material Tailwind
<div className="grid grid-cols-3 justify-between gap-4">
{LINKS.map(({ title, items }) => (
<ul key={title}>
className="mb-3 font-medium opacity-40"
{items.map((link) => (
<li key={link}>
className="py-1.5 font-normal transition-colors hover:text-blue-gray-900"
<div className="mt-12 flex w-full flex-col items-center justify-center border-t border-blue-gray-50 py-4 md:flex-row md:justify-between">
className="mb-4 text-center font-normal text-blue-gray-900 md:mb-0"
© {currentYear} <a href="https://material-tailwind.com/">Material Tailwind</a>. All
Rights Reserved.
<div className="flex gap-4 text-blue-gray-900 sm:justify-center">
<Typography as="a" href="#" className="opacity-80 transition-opacity hover:opacity-100">
<svg className="h-5 w-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true">
d="M22 12c0-5.523-4.477-10-10-10S2 6.477 2 12c0 4.991 3.657 9.128 8.438 9.878v-6.987h-2.54V12h2.54V9.797c0-2.506 1.492-3.89 3.777-3.89 1.094 0 2.238.195 2.238.195v2.46h-1.26c-1.243 0-1.63.771-1.63 1.562V12h2.773l-.443 2.89h-2.33v6.988C18.343 21.128 22 16.991 22 12z"
<Typography as="a" href="#" className="opacity-80 transition-opacity hover:opacity-100">
<svg className="h-5 w-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true">
d="M12.315 2c2.43 0 2.784.013 3.808.06 1.064.049 1.791.218 2.427.465a4.902 4.902 0 011.772 1.153 4.902 4.902 0 011.153 1.772c.247.636.416 1.363.465 2.427.048 1.067.06 1.407.06 4.123v.08c0 2.643-.012 2.987-.06 4.043-.049 1.064-.218 1.791-.465 2.427a4.902 4.902 0 01-1.153 1.772 4.902 4.902 0 01-1.772 1.153c-.636.247-1.363.416-2.427.465-1.067.048-1.407.06-4.123.06h-.08c-2.643 0-2.987-.012-4.043-.06-1.064-.049-1.791-.218-2.427-.465a4.902 4.902 0 01-1.772-1.153 4.902 4.902 0 01-1.153-1.772c-.247-.636-.416-1.363-.465-2.427-.047-1.024-.06-1.379-.06-3.808v-.63c0-2.43.013-2.784.06-3.808.049-1.064.218-1.791.465-2.427a4.902 4.902 0 011.153-1.772A4.902 4.902 0 015.45 2.525c.636-.247 1.363-.416 2.427-.465C8.901 2.013 9.256 2 11.685 2h.63zm-.081 1.802h-.468c-2.456 0-2.784.011-3.807.058-.975.045-1.504.207-1.857.344-.467.182-.8.398-1.15.748-.35.35-.566.683-.748 1.15-.137.353-.3.882-.344 1.857-.047 1.023-.058 1.351-.058 3.807v.468c0 2.456.011 2.784.058 3.807.045.975.207 1.504.344 1.857.182.466.399.8.748 1.15.748.353.137.882.3 1.857.344 1.054.048 1.37.058 4.041.058h.08c2.597 0 2.917-.01 3.96-.058.976-.045 1.505-.207 1.858-.344.466-.182.8-.398 1.15-.748.35-.35.566-.683.748-1.15.137-.353.3-.882.344-1.857.048-1.055.058-1.37.058-4.041v-.08c0-2.597-.01-2.917-.058-3.96-.045-.976-.207-1.505-.344-1.858a3.097 3.097 0 00-.748-1.15 3.098 3.098 0 00-1.15-.748c-.353-.137-.882-.3-1.857-.344-1.023-.047-1.351-.058-3.807-.058zM12 6.865a5.135 5.135 0 110 10.27 5.135 5.135 0 010-10.27zm0 1.802a3.333 3.333 0 100 6.666 3.333 3.333 0 000-6.666zm5.338-3.205a1.2 1.2 0 110 2.4 1.2 1.2 0 010-2.4z"
<Typography as="a" href="#" className="opacity-80 transition-opacity hover:opacity-100">
<svg className="h-5 w-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true">
<path d="M8.29 20.251c7.547 0 11.675-6.253 11.675-11.675 0-.178 0-.355-.012-.53A8.348 8.348 0 0022 5.92a8.19 8.19 0 01-2.357.646 4.118 4.118 0 001.804-2.27 8.224 8.224 0 01-2.605.996 4.107 4.107 0 00-6.993 3.743 11.65 11.65 0 01-8.457-4.287 4.106 4.106 0 001.27 5.477A4.072 4.072 0 012.8 9.713v.052a4.105 4.105 0 003.292 4.022 4.095 4.095 0 01-1.853.07 4.108 4.108 0 003.834 2.85A8.233 8.233 0 012 18.407a11.616 11.616 0 006.29 1.84" />
<Typography as="a" href="#" className="opacity-80 transition-opacity hover:opacity-100">
<svg className="h-5 w-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true">
d="M12 2C6.477 2 2 6.484 2 12.017c0 4.425 2.865 8.18 6.839 9.504.5.092.682-.217.682-.483 0-.237-.008-.868-.013-1.703-2.782.605-3.369-1.343-3.369-1.343-.454-1.158-1.11-1.466-1.11-1.466-.908-.62.069-.608.069-.608 1.003.07 1.531 1.032 1.531 1.032.892 1.53 2.341 1.088 2.91.832.092-.647.35-1.088.636-1.338-2.22-.253-4.555-1.113-4.555-4.951 0-1.093.39-1.988 1.029-2.688-.103-.253-.446-1.272.098-2.65 0 0 .84-.27 2.75 1.026A9.564 9.564 0 0112 6.844c.85.004 1.705.115 2.504.337 1.909-1.296 2.747-1.027 2.747-1.027.546 1.379.202 2.398.1 2.651.64.7 1.028 1.595 1.028 2.688 0 3.848-2.339 4.695-4.566 4.943.359.309.678.92.678 1.855 0 1.338-.012 2.419-.012 2.747 0 . 10.019 0 0022 12.017C22 6.484 17.522 2 12 2z"
<Typography as="a" href="#" className="opacity-80 transition-opacity hover:opacity-100">
<svg className="h-5 w-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true">
d="M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10c5.51 0 10-4.48 10-10S17.51 2 12 2zm6.605 4.61a8.502 8.502 0 011.93 5.314c-.281-.054-3.101-.629-5.943-.271-.065-.141-.12-.293-.184-.445a25.416 25.416 0 00-.564-1.236c3.145-1.28 4.577-3.124 4.761-3.362zM12 3.475c2.17 0 4.154.813 5.662 2.148-.152.216-1.443 1.941-4.48 3.08-1.399-2.57-2.95-4.675-3.189-5A8.687 8.687 0 0112 3.475zm-3.633.803a53.896 53.896 0 013.167 4.935c-3.992 1.063-7.517 1.04-7.896 1.04a8.581 8.581 0 014.729-5.975zM3.453 12.01v-.26c.37.01 4.512.065 8.775- 1.453-.109.033-.228.065-.336.098-4.404 1.42-6.747 5.303-6.942 5.629a8.522 8.522 0 01-2.19-5.705zM12 20.547a8.482 8.482 0 01-5.239-1.8c.152-.315 1.888-3.656 6.703-5.337.022-.01.033-.01.054-.022a35.318 35.318 0 011.823 6.475 8.4 8.4 0 01-3.341.684zm4.761-1.465c-.086-.52-.542-3.015-1.659-6.084 2.679-.423 5.022.271 5.314.369a8.468 8.468 0 01-3.655 5.715z"
## Footer with Sitemap
<CodePreview className="mt-4" component={<FooterExamples.FooterWithSitemap />}>
import { Typography } from "@material-tailwind/react";
const SITEMAP = [
title: "Company",
links: ["About Us", "Careers", "Our Team", "Projects"],
title: "Help Center",
links: ["Discord", "Twitter", "GitHub", "Contact Us"],
title: "Resources",
links: ["Blog", "Newsletter", "Free Products", "Affiliate Program"],
title: "Products",
links: ["Templates", "UI Kits", "Icons", "Mockups"],
const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();
export function FooterWithSitemap() {
return (
<footer className="relative w-full">
<div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-7xl px-8">
<div className="mx-auto grid w-full grid-cols-1 gap-8 py-12 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-4">
{SITEMAP.map(({ title, links }, key) => (
<div key={key} className="w-full">
className="mb-4 font-bold uppercase opacity-50"
<ul className="space-y-1">
{links.map((link, key) => (
<Typography key={key} as="li" color="blue-gray" className="font-normal">
className="inline-block py-1 pr-2 transition-transform hover:scale-105"
<div className="flex w-full flex-col items-center justify-center border-t border-blue-gray-50 py-4 md:flex-row md:justify-between">
className="mb-4 text-center font-normal text-blue-gray-900 md:mb-0"
© {currentYear} <a href="https://material-tailwind.com/">Material Tailwind</a>. All
Rights Reserved.
<div className="flex gap-4 text-blue-gray-900 sm:justify-center">
<Typography as="a" href="#" className="opacity-80 transition-opacity hover:opacity-100">
<svg className="h-5 w-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true">
d="M22 12c0-5.523-4.477-10-10-10S2 6.477 2 12c0 4.991 3.657 9.128 8.438 9.878v-6.987h-2.54V12h2.54V9.797c0-2.506 1.492-3.89 3.777-3.89 1.094 0 2.238.195 2.238.195v2.46h-1.26c-1.243 0-1.63.771-1.63 1.562V12h2.773l-.443 2.89h-2.33v6.988C18.343 21.128 22 16.991 22 12z"
<Typography as="a" href="#" className="opacity-80 transition-opacity hover:opacity-100">
<svg className="h-5 w-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true">
d="M12.315 2c2.43 0 2.784.013 3.808.06 1.064.049 1.791.218 2.427.465a4.902 4.902 0 011.772 1.153 4.902 4.902 0 011.153 1.772c.247.636.416 1.363.465 2.427.048 1.067.06 1.407.06 4.123v.08c0 2.643-.012 2.987-.06 4.043-.049 1.064-.218 1.791-.465 2.427a4.902 4.902 0 01-1.153 1.772 4.902 4.902 0 01-1.772 1.153c-.636.247-1.363.416-2.427.465-1.067.048-1.407.06-4.123.06h-.08c-2.643 0-2.987-.012-4.043-.06-1.064-.049-1.791-.218-2.427-.465a4.902 4.902 0 01-1.772-1.153 4.902 4.902 0 01-1.153-1.772c-.247-.636-.416-1.363-.465-2.427-.047-1.024-.06-1.379-.06-3.808v-.63c0-2.43.013-2.784.06-3.808.049-1.064.218-1.791.465-2.427a4.902 4.902 0 011.153-1.772A4.902 4.902 0 015.45 2.525c.636-.247 1.363-.416 2.427-.465C8.901 2.013 9.256 2 11.685 2h.63zm-.081 1.802h-.468c-2.456 0-2.784.011-3.807.058-.975.045-1.504.207-1.857.344-.467.182-.8.398-1.15.748-.35.35-.566.683-.748 1.15-.137.353-.3.882-.344 1.857-.047 1.023-.058 1.351-.058 3.807v.468c0 2.456.011 2.784.058 3.807.045.975.207 1.504.344 1.857.182.466.399.8.748 1.15.748.353.137.882.3 1.857.344 1.054.048 1.37.058 4.041.058h.08c2.597 0 2.917-.01 3.96-.058.976-.045 1.505-.207 1.858-.344.466-.182.8-.398 1.15-.748.35-.35.566-.683.748-1.15.137-.353.3-.882.344-1.857.048-1.055.058-1.37.058-4.041v-.08c0-2.597-.01-2.917-.058-3.96-.045-.976-.207-1.505-.344-1.858a3.097 3.097 0 00-.748-1.15 3.098 3.098 0 00-1.15-.748c-.353-.137-.882-.3-1.857-.344-1.023-.047-1.351-.058-3.807-.058zM12 6.865a5.135 5.135 0 110 10.27 5.135 5.135 0 010-10.27zm0 1.802a3.333 3.333 0 100 6.666 3.333 3.333 0 000-6.666zm5.338-3.205a1.2 1.2 0 110 2.4 1.2 1.2 0 010-2.4z"
<Typography as="a" href="#" className="opacity-80 transition-opacity hover:opacity-100">
<svg className="h-5 w-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true">
<path d="M8.29 20.251c7.547 0 11.675-6.253 11.675-11.675 0-.178 0-.355-.012-.53A8.348 8.348 0 0022 5.92a8.19 8.19 0 01-2.357.646 4.118 4.118 0 001.804-2.27 8.224 8.224 0 01-2.605.996 4.107 4.107 0 00-6.993 3.743 11.65 11.65 0 01-8.457-4.287 4.106 4.106 0 001.27 5.477A4.072 4.072 0 012.8 9.713v.052a4.105 4.105 0 003.292 4.022 4.095 4.095 0 01-1.853.07 4.108 4.108 0 003.834 2.85A8.233 8.233 0 012 18.407a11.616 11.616 0 006.29 1.84" />
<Typography as="a" href="#" className="opacity-80 transition-opacity hover:opacity-100">
<svg className="h-5 w-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true">
d="M12 2C6.477 2 2 6.484 2 12.017c0 4.425 2.865 8.18 6.839 9.504.5.092.682-.217.682-.483 0-.237-.008-.868-.013-1.703-2.782.605-3.369-1.343-3.369-1.343-.454-1.158-1.11-1.466-1.11-1.466-.908-.62.069-.608.069-.608 1.003.07 1.531 1.032 1.531 1.032.892 1.53 2.341 1.088 2.91.832.092-.647.35-1.088.636-1.338-2.22-.253-4.555-1.113-4.555-4.951 0-1.093.39-1.988 1.029-2.688-.103-.253-.446-1.272.098-2.65 0 0 .84-.27 2.75 1.026A9.564 9.564 0 0112 6.844c.85.004 1.705.115 2.504.337 1.909-1.296 2.747-1.027 2.747-1.027.546 1.379.202 2.398.1 2.651.64.7 1.028 1.595 1.028 2.688 0 3.848-2.339 4.695-4.566 4.943.359.309.678.92.678 1.855 0 1.338-.012 2.419-.012 2.747 0 . 10.019 0 0022 12.017C22 6.484 17.522 2 12 2z"
<Typography as="a" href="#" className="opacity-80 transition-opacity hover:opacity-100">
<svg className="h-5 w-5" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-hidden="true">
d="M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10c5.51 0 10-4.48 10-10S17.51 2 12 2zm6.605 4.61a8.502 8.502 0 011.93 5.314c-.281-.054-3.101-.629-5.943-.271-.065-.141-.12-.293-.184-.445a25.416 25.416 0 00-.564-1.236c3.145-1.28 4.577-3.124 4.761-3.362zM12 3.475c2.17 0 4.154.813 5.662 2.148-.152.216-1.443 1.941-4.48 3.08-1.399-2.57-2.95-4.675-3.189-5A8.687 8.687 0 0112 3.475zm-3.633.803a53.896 53.896 0 013.167 4.935c-3.992 1.063-7.517 1.04-7.896 1.04a8.581 8.581 0 014.729-5.975zM3.453 12.01v-.26c.37.01 4.512.065 8.775- 1.453-.109.033-.228.065-.336.098-4.404 1.42-6.747 5.303-6.942 5.629a8.522 8.522 0 01-2.19-5.705zM12 20.547a8.482 8.482 0 01-5.239-1.8c.152-.315 1.888-3.656 6.703-5.337.022-.01.033-.01.054-.022a35.318 35.318 0 011.823 6.475 8.4 8.4 0 01-3.341.684zm4.761-1.465c-.086-.52-.542-3.015-1.659-6.084 2.679-.423 5.022.271 5.314.369a8.468 8.468 0 01-3.655 5.715z"
## Explore More Tailwind CSS Examples
Looking for more component examples? Check out our Footers from Material Tailwind Blocks.