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File metadata and controls

178 lines (139 loc) · 7.29 KB



See processes section for details. Alternative operation modes are described in Configuration Settings.
Area of Interest.
Corresponds to a region, often provided by OGC WKT definition, employed for OpenSearch queries in the context of EOImage inputs.
Application Package

General term that refers to "what and how the :term:`Process` will execute". Application Packages provide the core details about the execution methodology of the underlying operation the Process provides, and are therefore always contained within a Process definition. This is more specifically represented by a CWL specification in the case of Weaver implementation, but could technically be defined by another similar approach. See Application Package section for all relevant details.


Amazon Web Services

Representation of the internal Application Package of the Process to provide execution methodology of the referenced Docker image or other supported definitions. A _ file can be represented both in JSON or YAML format, but is often represented in JSON in the context of Weaver for its easier inclusion within HTTP request contents. See application-package section for further details.
Data Source

Known locations of remote servers where an ADES or EMS (either Weaver or other implementation) can accept Process deployment, or any other server supporting OGC API - Processes with pre-deployed Process, where executions can be dispatched according to the source of the data.

Refer to conf_data_sources and data-source sections for more details.


Containerized and isolated environment platform that allows all required dependencies of an application or software to be packaged in a single image in order to correctly execute the virtualized application.


Ontology that regroups multiple definitions, amongst which Weaver looks up some of its known and supported MIME-types (_) when resolving file formats. It is used as extension to IANA media types by providing additional formats that are more specifics to some data domains.


See processes section for details. Alternative operation modes are described in Configuration Settings.
Earth Observation Image
Input that interprets additional parameters in order to infer specific images applicable with filters following search results within a remote catalog.

opensearch_data_source section.





Hyperlink Reference
Often shortened to simply reference. Represents either a locally or remotely accessible item, such as a file or a Process depending on context, that uses explicit <protocol>://<host/path> representation to define its location. See also File Reference Types for typical examples.
Combination of ADES and EMS operation modes.
See processes section for details. Alternative operation modes are described in Configuration Settings.

Inputs and/or Outputs of CWL and/or WPS depending on context.


Ontology that regroups multiple definitions, amongst which Weaver looks up most of its known and supported MIME-types (_) when resolving file formats.

JavaScript Object Notation
Default data representation of all objects contained in the application or for their creation.

Definition of a Process execution state with applicable operation metadata.

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
Format representation of the referenced element, often represented by IANA or EDAM ontologies.


OGC API - Processes

The new API that defines JSON REST-binding representation of WPS Process collection.


Protocol of lookup and retrieval of remotely stored files. Please refer to OpenSearch Data Source for details.


Entity that describes the required inputs, produced outputs, and any applicable metadata for the execution of the defined script, calculation, or operation.


Entity that offers an ensemble of Process under it. It is typically a reference to a remote service, where any Process it provides is fetched dynamically on demand.


Simple Storage Service (AWS S3), bucket file storage.

Time of Interest.
Corresponds to a date/time interval employed for OpenSearch queries in the context of EOImage inputs.

Well-Known Text geometry representation.


A specific variant of Process where the execution consists of nested Process executions with input/output chaining between operations.

Refer to proc_workflow, Workflow Operations and CWL Workflow sections for more details.

Web Processing Service.
From a formal standpoint, this is the previous OGC standard iteration that was employed prior to OGC API - Processes to represent a server that host one or more Process for execution. When compared against CWL context or generally across Weaver documentation and code, this term refers to attributes that are specific to typical Process description, in contrast to specialized attributes introduced by other concepts, such as for example CWL-specific implementation details.

Alias employed to refer to OGC API - Processes endpoints for corresponding WPS definitions.

Extensible Markup Language
Alternative representation of some data object provided by the application. Requires appropriate Accept header to return this format. See OpenAPI Specification for details.
YAML Ain't Markup Language
YAML is a human-friendly data serialization language for all programming languages. It is employed in Weaver as an alternative and equivalent representation of JSON format, mostly in cases where configuration files are defined to allow the insertion of additional documentation details.

Useful Links

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