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Rework OpenVR hooks to hook "vrclient.dll" instead of "openvr_api.dll"
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This is to ensure all calls to "GetGenericInterface" are redirected, no matter the OpenVR version (see also #208)
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crosire committed May 23, 2021
1 parent 3950267 commit 4a58ad1
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Showing 6 changed files with 82 additions and 114 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion deps/OpenVR.props
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets" />
10 changes: 2 additions & 8 deletions res/exports.def
Expand Up @@ -427,14 +427,8 @@ EXPORTS
wglUseFontOutlinesA PRIVATE
wglUseFontOutlinesW PRIVATE

; openvr_api[64].dll
VR_InitInternal PRIVATE
VR_InitInternal2 PRIVATE
VR_ShutdownInternal PRIVATE
VR_GetGenericInterface PRIVATE
VRCompositor PRIVATE
; vrclient[_x64].dll
VRClientCoreFactory PRIVATE

; vulkan-1.dll
vkCreateDevice PRIVATE
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions source/d3d11/runtime_d3d11.cpp
Expand Up @@ -288,6 +288,9 @@ bool reshade::d3d11::runtime_impl::on_layer_submit(UINT eye, ID3D11Texture2D *so
const UINT target_width = region_width * 2;
const UINT region_height = source_region.bottom -;

if (region_width == 0 || region_height == 0)
return false;

if (target_width != _width || region_height != _height || source_desc.Format != _backbuffer_format)
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions source/d3d12/runtime_d3d12.cpp
Expand Up @@ -242,6 +242,9 @@ bool reshade::d3d12::runtime_impl::on_layer_submit(UINT eye, ID3D12Resource *sou
const UINT target_width = region_width * 2;
const UINT region_height = source_region.bottom -;

if (region_width == 0 || region_height == 0)
return false;

if (target_width != _width || region_height != _height || source_desc.Format != _backbuffer_format)
Expand Down
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions source/dll_main.cpp
Expand Up @@ -917,10 +917,11 @@ BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID)
reshade::hooks::register_module(get_system_path() / L"opengl32.dll");
// Do not register Vulkan hooks, since Vulkan layering mechanism is used instead

#ifdef WIN64
# ifdef WIN64
# else
# endif

LOG(INFO) << "Initialized.";
Expand Down
169 changes: 68 additions & 101 deletions source/openvr/openvr.cpp
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "vulkan/vulkan_hooks.hpp"
#include "vulkan/runtime_vk.hpp"
#include <openvr.h>
#include <ivrclientcore.h>

// There can only be a single global effect runtime in OpenVR (since its API is based on singletons)
static std::pair<reshade::runtime *, vr::ETextureType> s_vr_runtime = { nullptr, vr::TextureType_Invalid };
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -259,37 +260,31 @@ static vr::EVRCompositorError on_submit_vulkan(vr::EVREye eye, const vr::VRVulka

#ifdef WIN64
#define IVRCompositor_Submit_Impl(vtable_offset, interface_version, impl) \
static vr::EVRCompositorError IVRCompositor_Submit_##interface_version(vr::IVRCompositor *pCompositor, IVRCompositor_Submit_##interface_version##_ArgTypes) \
#define VR_Interface_Impl(type, method_name, vtable_offset, interface_version, impl, return_type, ...) \
static return_type type##_##method_name##_##interface_version(vr::type *pThis, ##__VA_ARGS__) \
{ \
static const auto trampoline = reshade::hooks::call(IVRCompositor_Submit_##interface_version, vtable_from_instance(pCompositor) + vtable_offset); \
if (pTexture != nullptr) \
impl \
return vr::VRCompositorError_InvalidTexture; \
static const auto trampoline = reshade::hooks::call(type##_##method_name##_##interface_version, vtable_from_instance(pThis) + vtable_offset); \
impl \
#define IVRCompositor_Submit_Call(...) trampoline(pCompositor, __VA_ARGS__)
#define VR_Interface_Call(...) trampoline(pThis, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// The 'IVRCompositor' functions use the __thiscall calling convention on x86, so need to emulate that with __fastcall and a dummy second argument which passes along the EDX register value
#define IVRCompositor_Submit_Impl(vtable_offset, interface_version, impl) \
static vr::EVRCompositorError __fastcall IVRCompositor_Submit_##interface_version(vr::IVRCompositor *pCompositor, void *EDX, IVRCompositor_Submit_##interface_version##_ArgTypes) \
// The OpenVR interface functions use the __thiscall calling convention on x86, so need to emulate that with __fastcall and a dummy second argument which passes along the EDX register value
#define VR_Interface_Impl(type, method_name, vtable_offset, interface_version, impl, return_type, ...) \
static return_type __fastcall type##_##method_name##_##interface_version(vr::type *pThis, void *EDX, ##__VA_ARGS__) \
{ \
static const auto trampoline = reshade::hooks::call(IVRCompositor_Submit_##interface_version, vtable_from_instance(pCompositor) + vtable_offset); \
if (pTexture != nullptr) \
impl \
return vr::VRCompositorError_InvalidTexture; \
static const auto trampoline = reshade::hooks::call(type##_##method_name##_##interface_version, vtable_from_instance(pThis) + vtable_offset); \
impl \
#define IVRCompositor_Submit_Call(...) trampoline(pCompositor, EDX, __VA_ARGS__)
#define VR_Interface_Call(...) trampoline(pThis, EDX, ##__VA_ARGS__)

#define IVRCompositor_Submit_007_ArgTypes /* vr::Hmd_Eye */ vr::EVREye eEye, /* vr::GraphicsAPIConvention */ unsigned int eTextureType, void *pTexture, const vr::VRTextureBounds_t *pBounds
#define IVRCompositor_Submit_008_ArgTypes /* vr::Hmd_Eye */ vr::EVREye eEye, /* vr::GraphicsAPIConvention */ unsigned int eTextureType, void *pTexture, const vr::VRTextureBounds_t *pBounds, /* vr::VRSubmitFlags_t */ vr::EVRSubmitFlags nSubmitFlags
#define IVRCompositor_Submit_009_ArgTypes vr::EVREye eEye, const vr::Texture_t *pTexture, const vr::VRTextureBounds_t *pBounds, vr::EVRSubmitFlags nSubmitFlags
#define IVRCompositor_Submit_012_ArgTypes vr::EVREye eEye, const vr::Texture_t *pTexture, const vr::VRTextureBounds_t *pBounds, vr::EVRSubmitFlags nSubmitFlags
VR_Interface_Impl(IVRCompositor, Submit, 6, 007, {
if (pTexture == nullptr)
return vr::VRCompositorError_InvalidTexture;

IVRCompositor_Submit_Impl(6, 007, {
const auto submit_lambda = [&](vr::EVREye eye, void *handle, const vr::VRTextureBounds_t *bounds, vr::EVRSubmitFlags flags) {
assert(flags == vr::Submit_Default);
return IVRCompositor_Submit_Call(eye, eTextureType, handle, bounds);
return VR_Interface_Call(eye, eTextureType, handle, bounds);

switch (eTextureType)
Expand All @@ -298,11 +293,17 @@ IVRCompositor_Submit_Impl(6, 007, {
return on_submit_d3d11(eEye, static_cast<ID3D11Texture2D *>(pTexture), pBounds, vr::Submit_Default, submit_lambda);
case 1: // API_OpenGL
return submit_lambda(eEye, pTexture, pBounds, vr::Submit_Default); // Unsupported because overwritting would require the 'vr::Submit_GlRenderBuffer' flag, which did not yet exist in this OpenVR version
return vr::VRCompositorError_InvalidTexture;
IVRCompositor_Submit_Impl(6, 008, {
}, vr::EVRCompositorError, /* vr::Hmd_Eye */ vr::EVREye eEye, /* vr::GraphicsAPIConvention */ unsigned int eTextureType, void *pTexture, const vr::VRTextureBounds_t *pBounds)

VR_Interface_Impl(IVRCompositor, Submit, 6, 008, {
if (pTexture == nullptr)
return vr::VRCompositorError_InvalidTexture;

const auto submit_lambda = [&](vr::EVREye eye, void *handle, const vr::VRTextureBounds_t *bounds, vr::EVRSubmitFlags flags) {
return IVRCompositor_Submit_Call(eye, eTextureType, handle, bounds, flags);
return VR_Interface_Call(eye, eTextureType, handle, bounds, flags);

switch (eTextureType)
Expand All @@ -311,10 +312,13 @@ IVRCompositor_Submit_Impl(6, 008, {
return on_submit_d3d11(eEye, static_cast<ID3D11Texture2D *>(pTexture), pBounds, nSubmitFlags, submit_lambda);
case 1: // API_OpenGL
return on_submit_opengl(eEye, static_cast<GLuint>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pTexture)), pBounds, nSubmitFlags, submit_lambda);
return vr::VRCompositorError_InvalidTexture;
IVRCompositor_Submit_Impl(4, 009, {
if (pTexture->handle == nullptr)
}, vr::EVRCompositorError, /* vr::Hmd_Eye */ vr::EVREye eEye, /* vr::GraphicsAPIConvention */ unsigned int eTextureType, void *pTexture, const vr::VRTextureBounds_t *pBounds, /* vr::VRSubmitFlags_t */ vr::EVRSubmitFlags nSubmitFlags)

VR_Interface_Impl(IVRCompositor, Submit, 4, 009, {
if (pTexture == nullptr || pTexture->handle == nullptr)
return vr::VRCompositorError_InvalidTexture;

const auto submit_lambda = [&](vr::EVREye eye, void *handle, const vr::VRTextureBounds_t *bounds, vr::EVRSubmitFlags flags) {
Expand All @@ -323,7 +327,7 @@ IVRCompositor_Submit_Impl(4, 009, {
texture.handle = handle;
texture.eType = pTexture->eType;
texture.eColorSpace = pTexture->eColorSpace;
return IVRCompositor_Submit_Call(eye, &texture, bounds, flags);
return VR_Interface_Call(eye, &texture, bounds, flags);

switch (pTexture->eType)
Expand All @@ -332,10 +336,13 @@ IVRCompositor_Submit_Impl(4, 009, {
return on_submit_d3d11(eEye, static_cast<ID3D11Texture2D *>(pTexture->handle), pBounds, nSubmitFlags, submit_lambda);
case vr::TextureType_OpenGL:
return on_submit_opengl(eEye, static_cast<GLuint>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pTexture->handle)), pBounds, nSubmitFlags, submit_lambda);
return vr::VRCompositorError_InvalidTexture;
IVRCompositor_Submit_Impl(5, 012, {
if (pTexture->handle == nullptr)
}, vr::EVRCompositorError, vr::EVREye eEye, const vr::Texture_t *pTexture, const vr::VRTextureBounds_t *pBounds, vr::EVRSubmitFlags nSubmitFlags)

VR_Interface_Impl(IVRCompositor, Submit, 5, 012, {
if (pTexture == nullptr || pTexture->handle == nullptr)
return vr::VRCompositorError_InvalidTexture;

// Keep track of pose and depth information of both eyes, so that it can all be send in one step after application submitted both
Expand All @@ -362,7 +369,7 @@ IVRCompositor_Submit_Impl(5, 012, {
// Use the pose and/or depth information that was previously stored during submission, but overwrite the texture handle
vr::VRTextureWithPoseAndDepth_t texture = s_last_texture[eye];
texture.handle = handle;
return IVRCompositor_Submit_Call(eye, &texture, bounds, flags);
return VR_Interface_Call(eye, &texture, bounds, flags);

switch (pTexture->eType)
Expand All @@ -375,31 +382,13 @@ IVRCompositor_Submit_Impl(5, 012, {
return on_submit_opengl(eEye, static_cast<GLuint>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(pTexture->handle)), pBounds, nSubmitFlags, submit_lambda);
case vr::TextureType_Vulkan:
return on_submit_vulkan(eEye, static_cast<const vr::VRVulkanTextureData_t *>(pTexture->handle), pBounds, nSubmitFlags, submit_lambda);
return vr::VRCompositorError_InvalidTexture;

HOOK_EXPORT vr::IVRSystem *VR_CALLTYPE VR_Init(vr::EVRInitError *peError, vr::EVRApplicationType eApplicationType)
LOG(INFO) << "Redirecting " << "VR_Init" << '(' << "peError = " << peError << ", eApplicationType = " << eApplicationType << ')' << " ...";

return reshade::hooks::call(VR_Init)(peError, eApplicationType);
HOOK_EXPORT uint32_t VR_CALLTYPE VR_InitInternal(vr::EVRInitError *peError, vr::EVRApplicationType eApplicationType)
LOG(INFO) << "Redirecting " << "VR_InitInternal" << '(' << "peError = " << peError << ", eApplicationType = " << eApplicationType << ')' << " ...";
}, vr::EVRCompositorError, vr::EVREye eEye, const vr::Texture_t *pTexture, const vr::VRTextureBounds_t *pBounds, vr::EVRSubmitFlags nSubmitFlags)

return reshade::hooks::call(VR_InitInternal)(peError, eApplicationType);
HOOK_EXPORT uint32_t VR_CALLTYPE VR_InitInternal2(vr::EVRInitError *peError, vr::EVRApplicationType eApplicationType, const char *pStartupInfo)
LOG(INFO) << "Redirecting " << "VR_InitInternal2" << '(' << "peError = " << peError << ", eApplicationType = " << eApplicationType << ", pStartupInfo = " << (pStartupInfo != nullptr ? pStartupInfo : "0") << ')' << " ...";

return reshade::hooks::call(VR_InitInternal2)(peError, eApplicationType, pStartupInfo);

HOOK_EXPORT void VR_CALLTYPE VR_ShutdownInternal()
LOG(INFO) << "Redirecting " << "VR_ShutdownInternal" << '(' << ')' << " ...";
VR_Interface_Impl(IVRClientCore, Cleanup, 1, 001, {
LOG(INFO) << "Redirecting " << "IVRClientCore::Cleanup" << '(' << "this = " << pThis << ')' << " ...";

switch (s_vr_runtime.second)
Expand All @@ -417,46 +406,23 @@ HOOK_EXPORT void VR_CALLTYPE VR_ShutdownInternal()

s_vr_runtime = { nullptr, vr::TextureType_Invalid };


LOG(INFO) << "Redirecting " << "VR_Shutdown" << '(' << ')' << " ...";

switch (s_vr_runtime.second)
case vr::TextureType_DirectX:
delete static_cast<reshade::d3d11::runtime_impl*>(s_vr_runtime.first);
case vr::TextureType_DirectX12:
delete static_cast<reshade::d3d12::runtime_impl*>(s_vr_runtime.first);
case vr::TextureType_OpenGL:
delete static_cast<reshade::opengl::runtime_impl*>(s_vr_runtime.first);
case vr::TextureType_Vulkan:
delete static_cast<reshade::vulkan::runtime_impl*>(s_vr_runtime.first);

s_vr_runtime = { nullptr, vr::TextureType_Invalid };
s_vr_runtime.first = nullptr;
s_vr_runtime.second = vr::TextureType_Invalid;

}, void)

HOOK_EXPORT void * VR_CALLTYPE VR_GetGenericInterface(const char *pchInterfaceVersion, vr::EVRInitError *peError)
assert(pchInterfaceVersion != nullptr);
VR_Interface_Impl(IVRClientCore, GetGenericInterface, 3, 001, {
assert(pchNameAndVersion != nullptr);

LOG(INFO) << "Redirecting " << "VR_GetGenericInterface" << '(' << "pchInterfaceVersion = " << pchInterfaceVersion << ", peError = " << peError << ')' << " ...";
LOG(INFO) << "Redirecting " << "IVRClientCore::GetGenericInterface" << '(' << "this = " << pThis << ", pchNameAndVersion = " << pchNameAndVersion << ')' << " ...";

void *const interface_instance = reshade::hooks::call(VR_GetGenericInterface)(pchInterfaceVersion, peError);
void *const interface_instance = VR_Interface_Call(pchNameAndVersion, peError);

if (unsigned int compositor_version = 0;
std::sscanf(pchInterfaceVersion, "IVRCompositor_%u", &compositor_version))
// Only install hooks once, for the first compositor interface version encountered to avoid duplicated hooks
// This is necessary because vrclient.dll may create an internal compositor instance with a different version than the application to translate older versions, which with hooks installed for both would cause an infinite loop
if (static unsigned int compositor_version = 0;
compositor_version == 0 && std::sscanf(pchNameAndVersion, "IVRCompositor_%u", &compositor_version))
// The 'IVRCompositor::Submit' function definition has been stable and has had the same virtual function table index since the OpenVR 1.0 release (which was at 'IVRCompositor_015')
if (compositor_version >= 12)
Expand All @@ -468,22 +434,23 @@ HOOK_EXPORT void * VR_CALLTYPE VR_GetGenericInterface(const char *pchInterface
else if (compositor_version == 7)
reshade::hooks::install("IVRCompositor::Submit", vtable_from_instance(static_cast<vr::IVRCompositor *>(interface_instance)), 6, reinterpret_cast<reshade::hook::address>(IVRCompositor_Submit_007));

return interface_instance;
}, void *, const char *pchNameAndVersion, vr::EVRInitError *peError)

HOOK_EXPORT vr::IVRCompositor *VR_CALLTYPE VRCompositor()
HOOK_EXPORT void *VR_CALLTYPE VRClientCoreFactory(const char *pInterfaceName, int *pReturnCode)
static vr::IVRCompositor *last_compositor_instance = nullptr;
LOG(INFO) << "Redirecting " << "VRClientCoreFactory" << '(' << "pInterfaceName = " << pInterfaceName << ')' << " ...";

const auto compositor_instance = static_cast<vr::IVRCompositor *>(reshade::hooks::call(VRCompositor)());
if (compositor_instance != last_compositor_instance)
void *const interface_instance = reshade::hooks::call(VRClientCoreFactory)(pInterfaceName, pReturnCode);

if (static unsigned int client_core_version = 0;
client_core_version == 0 && std::sscanf(pInterfaceName, "IVRClientCore_%u", &client_core_version))
// This is specifically for ProjectCARS2 / AMS2 which use compositor version IVRCompositor_010
// Need a way to work out what the Compositor version is. VR_GetGenericInterface isn't called so don't get to hook it there.
reshade::hooks::install("IVRCompositor::Submit", vtable_from_instance(static_cast<vr::IVRCompositor*>(compositor_instance)), 4, reinterpret_cast<reshade::hook::address>(IVRCompositor_Submit_009));
last_compositor_instance = compositor_instance;
// The 'IVRClientCore::Cleanup' and 'IVRClientCore::GetGenericInterface' functions did not change between 'IVRClientCore_001' and 'IVRClientCore_003'
reshade::hooks::install("IVRClientCore::Cleanup", vtable_from_instance(static_cast<vr::IVRClientCore *>(interface_instance)), 1, reinterpret_cast<reshade::hook::address>(IVRClientCore_Cleanup_001));
reshade::hooks::install("IVRClientCore::GetGenericInterface", vtable_from_instance(static_cast<vr::IVRClientCore *>(interface_instance)), 3, reinterpret_cast<reshade::hook::address>(IVRClientCore_GetGenericInterface_001));

return compositor_instance;
return interface_instance;

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