PS D:\repos\pflake8-issue> poetry run pip list Package Version ---------------- ------- flake8 6.0.0 mccabe 0.7.0 pip 22.3.1 pycodestyle 2.10.0 pyproject-flake8 6.0.0 tomli 2.0.1 wheel 0.38.4 PS D:\repos\pflake8-issue> poetry run pflake8 -vv --jobs=2 flake8 MainProcess 95 DEBUG Added a None logging handler to logger root at flake8 flake8.options.manager MainProcess 146 DEBUG Registered option "Option(-q, --quiet, action='count', default=0, help='Report only file names, o r nothing. This option is repeatable.')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 147 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--color, default='auto', choices=('auto', 'always', 'never'), help='Whe ther to use color in output. Defaults to `%(default)s`.')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 147 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--count, action='store_true', help='Print total number of errors to sta ndard output after all other output.')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 147 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--exclude, default='.svn,CVS,.bzr,.hg,.git,__pycache__,.tox,.nox,.eggs, *.egg', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=True), help='Comma-separa ted list of files or directories to exclude. (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='patterns')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 148 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--extend-exclude, default='', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=True), help='Comma-separated list of files or directories to add to the li st of excluded ones.', metavar='patterns')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 148 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--filename, default='*.py', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Only check for filenames matching the patterns in this comma-s eparated list. (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='patterns')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 149 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--stdin-display-name, default='stdin', help='The name used when reporti ng errors from code passed via stdin. This is useful for editors piping the file contents to flake8. (Default: %(default)s)')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 149 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--format, default='default', help="Format errors according to the chose n formatter (default, pylint, quiet-filename, quiet-nothing) or a format string containing %%-style mapping keys (code, col, path, row, text). For exam ple, ``--format=pylint`` or ``--format='%%(path)s %%(code)s'``. (Default: %(default)s)", metavar='format')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 150 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--hang-closing, action='store_true', help="Hang closing bracket instead of matching indentation of opening bracket's line.")". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 150 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--ignore, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Comma-separated list of error codes to ignore (or skip). For example, ``--ignore =E4,E51,W234``. (Default: E121,E123,E126,E226,E24,E704,W503,W504)', metavar='errors')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 150 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--extend-ignore, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Comma-separated list of error codes to add to the list of ignored ones. F or example, ``--extend-ignore=E4,E51,W234``.', metavar='errors')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 151 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--per-file-ignores, default='', help='A pairing of filenames and violat ion codes that defines which violations to ignore in a particular file. The filenames can be specified in a manner similar to the ``--exclude`` option and the violations work similarly to the ``--ignore`` and ``--select`` options.')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 151 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--max-line-length, default=79, type=, help='Maximum allowe d line length for the entirety of this run. (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='n')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 152 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--max-doc-length, default=None, type=, help='Maximum allow ed doc line length for the entirety of this run. (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='n')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 152 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--indent-size, default=4, type=, help='Number of spaces us ed for indentation (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='n')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 152 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--select, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Comma-separated list of error codes to enable. For example, ``--select=E4,E51,W2 34``. (Default: E,F,W,C90)', metavar='errors')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 152 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--extend-select, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Comma-separated list of error codes to add to the list of selected ones. For example, ``--extend-select=E4,E51,W234``.', metavar='errors')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 153 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--disable-noqa, action='store_true', default=False, help='Disable the e ffect of "# noqa". This will report errors on lines with "# noqa" at the end.')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 153 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--show-source, action='store_true', help='Show the source generate each error or warning.')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 153 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--no-show-source, action='store_false', dest='show_source', help='Negat e --show-source')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 154 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--statistics, action='store_true', help='Count errors.')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 154 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--exit-zero, action='store_true', help='Exit with status code "0" even if there are errors.')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 154 DEBUG Registered option "Option(-j, --jobs, default='auto', type=, help='Number of subprocesses to use to run checks in parallel. This is ignored on Windows. The default, "auto", will auto-detect the number of pr ocessors available to use. (Default: %(default)s)')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 154 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--tee, action='store_true', default=False, help='Write to stdout and ou tput-file.')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 154 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--benchmark, action='store_true', default=False, help='Print benchmark information about this run of Flake8')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 155 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--bug-report, action='store_true', help='Print information necessary wh en preparing a bug report')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 155 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--max-complexity, action='store', default=-1, type=, help= 'McCabe complexity threshold')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 155 DEBUG Extending default select list with ['C90'] flake8.options.manager MainProcess 155 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--builtins, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='define more built-ins, comma separated')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 155 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--doctests, action='store_true', default=False, help='also check syntax of the doctests')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 156 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--include-in-doctest, default='', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=True), dest='include_in_doctest', help='Run doctests only on these fil es')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 156 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--exclude-from-doctest, default='', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=True), dest='exclude_from_doctest', help='Skip these files when runn ing doctests')". flake8.options.manager MainProcess 156 DEBUG Extending default select list with ['F'] flake8.options.manager MainProcess 156 DEBUG Extending default select list with ['E'] flake8.options.manager MainProcess 156 DEBUG Extending default select list with ['W'] flake8.options.config MainProcess 157 DEBUG Option "max-line-length" returned value: 120 flake8.options.config MainProcess 157 DEBUG Option "ignore" returned value: 'W292' flake8.options.aggregator MainProcess 157 DEBUG Overriding default value of (79) for "max_line_length" with (120) flake8.options.aggregator MainProcess 157 DEBUG Overriding default value of (None) for "ignore" with (['W292']) flake8.checker MainProcess 158 INFO Making checkers flake8.discover_files MainProcess 158 DEBUG "D:\repos\pflake8-issue" has not been excluded flake8.discover_files MainProcess 159 DEBUG ".git" has been excluded flake8.discover_files MainProcess 159 DEBUG "D:\repos\pflake8-issue\.idea" has not been excluded flake8.discover_files MainProcess 159 DEBUG "D:\repos\pflake8-issue\" has not been excluded flake8.discover_files MainProcess 159 DEBUG "D:\repos\pflake8-issue\" has not been excluded flake8.discover_files MainProcess 160 DEBUG "D:\repos\pflake8-issue\poetry.lock" has not been excluded flake8.discover_files MainProcess 160 DEBUG "D:\repos\pflake8-issue\pyproject.toml" has not been excluded flake8.discover_files MainProcess 160 DEBUG "D:\repos\pflake8-issue\.idea\inspectionProfiles" has not been excluded flake8.discover_files MainProcess 161 DEBUG "D:\repos\pflake8-issue\.idea\.gitignore" has not been excluded flake8.discover_files MainProcess 161 DEBUG "D:\repos\pflake8-issue\.idea\modules.xml" has not been excluded flake8.discover_files MainProcess 162 DEBUG "D:\repos\pflake8-issue\.idea\pflake8-issue.iml" has not been excluded flake8.discover_files MainProcess 162 DEBUG "D:\repos\pflake8-issue\.idea\vcs.xml" has not been excluded flake8.discover_files MainProcess 162 DEBUG "D:\repos\pflake8-issue\.idea\workspace.xml" has not been excluded flake8.discover_files MainProcess 163 DEBUG "D:\repos\pflake8-issue\.idea\inspectionProfiles\profiles_settings.xml" has not been excluded flake8.discover_files MainProcess 163 DEBUG "D:\repos\pflake8-issue\.idea\inspectionProfiles\Project_Default.xml" has not been excluded flake8 SpawnPoolWorker-2 78 DEBUG Added a None logging handler to logger root at flake8 flake8 SpawnPoolWorker-1 79 DEBUG Added a None logging handler to logger root at flake8 flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 138 DEBUG Registered option "Option(-q, --quiet, action='count', default=0, help='Report only file na mes, or nothing. This option is repeatable.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 139 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--color, default='auto', choices=('auto', 'always', 'never'), hel p='Whether to use color in output. Defaults to `%(default)s`.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 139 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--count, action='store_true', help='Print total number of errors to standard output after all other output.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 140 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--exclude, default='.svn,CVS,.bzr,.hg,.git,__pycache__,.tox,.nox, .eggs,*.egg', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=True), help='Comma- separated list of files or directories to exclude. (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='patterns')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 140 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--extend-exclude, default='', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=True), help='Comma-separated list of files or directories to add to the list of excluded ones.', metavar='patterns')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 141 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--filename, default='*.py', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Only check for filenames matching the patterns in this c omma-separated list. (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='patterns')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 141 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--stdin-display-name, default='stdin', help='The name used when r eporting errors from code passed via stdin. This is useful for editors piping the file contents to flake8. (Default: %(default)s)')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 142 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--format, default='default', help="Format errors according to the chosen formatter (default, pylint, quiet-filename, quiet-nothing) or a format string containing %%-style mapping keys (code, col, path, row, text). Fo r example, ``--format=pylint`` or ``--format='%%(path)s %%(code)s'``. (Default: %(default)s)", metavar='format')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 142 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--hang-closing, action='store_true', help="Hang closing bracket i nstead of matching indentation of opening bracket's line.")". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 142 DEBUG Registered option "Option(-q, --quiet, action='count', default=0, help='Report only file na mes, or nothing. This option is repeatable.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 142 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--ignore, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Comma-separated list of error codes to ignore (or skip). For example, ``-- ignore=E4,E51,W234``. (Default: E121,E123,E126,E226,E24,E704,W503,W504)', metavar='errors')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 142 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--color, default='auto', choices=('auto', 'always', 'never'), hel p='Whether to use color in output. Defaults to `%(default)s`.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 143 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--extend-ignore, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Comma-separated list of error codes to add to the list of ignored o nes. For example, ``--extend-ignore=E4,E51,W234``.', metavar='errors')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 143 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--count, action='store_true', help='Print total number of errors to standard output after all other output.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 143 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--per-file-ignores, default='', help='A pairing of filenames and violation codes that defines which violations to ignore in a particular file. The filenames can be specified in a manner similar to the ``--exclude`` o ption and the violations work similarly to the ``--ignore`` and ``--select`` options.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 144 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--exclude, default='.svn,CVS,.bzr,.hg,.git,__pycache__,.tox,.nox, .eggs,*.egg', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=True), help='Comma- separated list of files or directories to exclude. (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='patterns')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 144 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--max-line-length, default=79, type=, help='Maximum allowed line length for the entirety of this run. (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='n')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 144 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--extend-exclude, default='', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=True), help='Comma-separated list of files or directories to add to the list of excluded ones.', metavar='patterns')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 144 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--max-doc-length, default=None, type=, help='Maximum allowed doc line length for the entirety of this run. (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='n')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 144 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--filename, default='*.py', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Only check for filenames matching the patterns in this c omma-separated list. (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='patterns')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 145 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--indent-size, default=4, type=, help='Number of spa ces used for indentation (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='n')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 145 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--stdin-display-name, default='stdin', help='The name used when r eporting errors from code passed via stdin. This is useful for editors piping the file contents to flake8. (Default: %(default)s)')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 146 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--select, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Comma-separated list of error codes to enable. For example, ``--select=E4, E51,W234``. (Default: E,F,W,C90)', metavar='errors')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 146 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--format, default='default', help="Format errors according to the chosen formatter (default, pylint, quiet-filename, quiet-nothing) or a format string containing %%-style mapping keys (code, col, path, row, text). Fo r example, ``--format=pylint`` or ``--format='%%(path)s %%(code)s'``. (Default: %(default)s)", metavar='format')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 146 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--extend-select, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Comma-separated list of error codes to add to the list of selected ones. For example, ``--extend-select=E4,E51,W234``.', metavar='errors')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 146 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--hang-closing, action='store_true', help="Hang closing bracket i nstead of matching indentation of opening bracket's line.")". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 146 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--disable-noqa, action='store_true', default=False, help='Disable the effect of "# noqa". This will report errors on lines with "# noqa" at the end.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 146 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--ignore, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Comma-separated list of error codes to ignore (or skip). For example, ``-- ignore=E4,E51,W234``. (Default: E121,E123,E126,E226,E24,E704,W503,W504)', metavar='errors')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 147 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--show-source, action='store_true', help='Show the source generat e each error or warning.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 147 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--extend-ignore, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Comma-separated list of error codes to add to the list of ignored o nes. For example, ``--extend-ignore=E4,E51,W234``.', metavar='errors')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 147 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--no-show-source, action='store_false', dest='show_source', help= 'Negate --show-source')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 148 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--per-file-ignores, default='', help='A pairing of filenames and violation codes that defines which violations to ignore in a particular file. The filenames can be specified in a manner similar to the ``--exclude`` o ption and the violations work similarly to the ``--ignore`` and ``--select`` options.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 149 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--statistics, action='store_true', help='Count errors.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 149 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--max-line-length, default=79, type=, help='Maximum allowed line length for the entirety of this run. (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='n')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 149 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--exit-zero, action='store_true', help='Exit with status code "0" even if there are errors.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 149 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--max-doc-length, default=None, type=, help='Maximum allowed doc line length for the entirety of this run. (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='n')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 149 DEBUG Registered option "Option(-j, --jobs, default='auto', type=, help='Number of subprocesses to use to run checks in parallel. This is ignored on Windows. The default, "auto", will auto-detect the number of processors available to use. (Default: %(default)s)')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 149 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--indent-size, default=4, type=, help='Number of spa ces used for indentation (Default: %(default)s)', metavar='n')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 150 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--tee, action='store_true', default=False, help='Write to stdout and output-file.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 150 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--select, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Comma-separated list of error codes to enable. For example, ``--select=E4, E51,W234``. (Default: E,F,W,C90)', metavar='errors')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 150 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--benchmark, action='store_true', default=False, help='Print benc hmark information about this run of Flake8')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 150 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--extend-select, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='Comma-separated list of error codes to add to the list of selected ones. For example, ``--extend-select=E4,E51,W234``.', metavar='errors')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 151 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--bug-report, action='store_true', help='Print information necess ary when preparing a bug report')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 151 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--disable-noqa, action='store_true', default=False, help='Disable the effect of "# noqa". This will report errors on lines with "# noqa" at the end.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 151 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--max-complexity, action='store', default=-1, type=, help='McCabe complexity threshold')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 151 DEBUG Extending default select list with ['C90'] flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 151 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--show-source, action='store_true', help='Show the source generat e each error or warning.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 151 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--builtins, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='define more built-ins, comma separated')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 152 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--doctests, action='store_true', default=False, help='also check syntax of the doctests')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 152 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--no-show-source, action='store_false', dest='show_source', help= 'Negate --show-source')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 152 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--include-in-doctest, default='', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=True), dest='include_in_doctest', help='Run doctests only on the se files')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 152 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--statistics, action='store_true', help='Count errors.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 152 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--exclude-from-doctest, default='', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=True), dest='exclude_from_doctest', help='Skip these files whe n running doctests')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 153 DEBUG Extending default select list with ['F'] flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 153 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--exit-zero, action='store_true', help='Exit with status code "0" even if there are errors.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 153 DEBUG Extending default select list with ['E'] flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-2 153 DEBUG Extending default select list with ['W'] flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 153 DEBUG Registered option "Option(-j, --jobs, default='auto', type=, help='Number of subprocesses to use to run checks in parallel. This is ignored on Windows. The default, "auto", will auto-detect the number of processors available to use. (Default: %(default)s)')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 154 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--tee, action='store_true', default=False, help='Write to stdout and output-file.')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 154 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--benchmark, action='store_true', default=False, help='Print benc hmark information about this run of Flake8')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 154 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--bug-report, action='store_true', help='Print information necess ary when preparing a bug report')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 155 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--max-complexity, action='store', default=-1, type=, help='McCabe complexity threshold')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 155 DEBUG Extending default select list with ['C90'] flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 155 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--builtins, type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=False), help='define more built-ins, comma separated')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 156 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--doctests, action='store_true', default=False, help='also check syntax of the doctests')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 156 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--include-in-doctest, default='', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=True), dest='include_in_doctest', help='Run doctests only on the se files')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 157 DEBUG Registered option "Option(--exclude-from-doctest, default='', type=functools.partial(, comma_separated_list=True, normalize_paths=True), dest='exclude_from_doctest', help='Skip these files whe n running doctests')". flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 157 DEBUG Extending default select list with ['F'] flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 157 DEBUG Extending default select list with ['E'] flake8.options.manager SpawnPoolWorker-1 157 DEBUG Extending default select list with ['W'] flake8.checker SpawnPoolWorker-2 160 DEBUG Logical line: "print("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")" flake8.checker SpawnPoolWorker-1 166 DEBUG Logical line: "print("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")" flake8.main.application MainProcess 462 INFO Finished running flake8.main.application MainProcess 463 INFO Reporting errors flake8.style_guide MainProcess 463 DEBUG The user configured 'E501' to be , flake8.style_guide MainProcess 464 DEBUG "E501" will be "Decision.Selected" flake8.violation MainProcess 464 DEBUG Violation(code='E501', filename='.\\', line_number=1, column_number=80, text='line too lo ng (112 > 79 characters)', physical_line='print("long line ============================================================================================ =")') is not inline ignored flake8.style_guide MainProcess 465 DEBUG The user configured 'W292' to be , flake8.style_guide MainProcess 465 DEBUG "W292" will be "Decision.Ignored" flake8.violation MainProcess 466 DEBUG Violation(code='W292', filename='.\\', line_number=1, column_number=113, text='no newline not inline ignored flake8.main.application MainProcess 467 INFO Found a total of 4 violations and reported 2 .\ E501 line too long (112 > 79 characters) .\ E501 line too long (112 > 79 characters)