This is a Project for the Hackathon #VsVirus
contains the Source code for the Chrome extension prototype
- Install the Extension following this tutorial
- Select some text on a arbitrary Website, right-click it an click "Is this fake-news?" from the drop-down menu
- The response of the neural network get displayed as float value between 0 and 1 meaning fake-news or fact respectively
contains the python webserver with the neural network
- Run with python Version > 3.0
- Dependencies: tensorflow=2.0.0, numpy, pandas, pickle, http.server
- To train the network you need the Global Vectors for Word Representation Dataset: Dataset and some training data in csv format containing a "text" and a "label" column.
- You may need to change the hostname of the server in the extension to your own server (mine is not running all the time:) )