Precisely time PHP scripts and code, down to the nanosecond, by utilizing the hrtime function.
Composer is the only supported method for installing this library.
composer require cspray/precision-stopwatch
Using the provided functionality involves the following steps:
- Create a new instance of
- Call
- Do the thing that you're timing!
- Call
(optional, see Marking Time) - Call
- Retrieve information about how long the Stopwatch ran with
The code examples below can be executed by cloning this repo and running the scripts available in ./examples
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
use Cspray\PrecisionStopwatch\Stopwatch;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
$metrics = $stopwatch->stop();
echo 'Duration (ns): ', $metrics->getTotalDuration()->timeTakenInNanoseconds(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Duration (ms): ', $metrics->getTotalDuration()->timeTakenInMilliseconds(), PHP_EOL;
If you execute this example you should see output similar to the following:
% > php ./examples/usage-without-marks.php
Total time taken (ns): 1000584755
Total time taken (ms): 1000.584755
Marking time allows you to retrieve the duration that a Stopwatch has ran to a certain point, while allowing the Stopwatch to continue running. Calling Stopwatch::mark()
will return a Cspray\PrecisionStopwatch\Marker
instance. In addition to retrieving the duration up to a certain point, available on the Marker
instance, you can retrieve the duration between markers with the Metrics
returned from Stopwatch::stop()
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
use Cspray\PrecisionStopwatch\Stopwatch;
require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// .75 seconds
$sleepTime = 750_000;
$stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
$mark1 = $stopwatch->mark();
$mark2 = $stopwatch->mark();
$mark3 = $stopwatch->mark();
$metrics = $stopwatch->stop();
echo 'Total time taken (ns): ', $metrics->getTotalDuration()->timeTakenInNanoseconds(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Total time taken (ms): ', $metrics->getTotalDuration()->timeTakenInMilliseconds(), PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
$between1And3 = $metrics->getDurationBetweenMarkers($mark1, $mark3);
echo 'Time take between 1st and 3rd mark (ns): ', $between1And3->timeTakenInNanoseconds(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Time take between 1st and 3rd mark (ms): ', $between1And3->timeTakenInMilliseconds(), PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
echo 'Time taken up to 3rd mark (ns): ', $mark3->getDuration()->timeTakenInNanoseconds(), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Time taken up to 3rd mark (ms): ' , $mark3->getDuration()->timeTakenInMilliseconds(), PHP_EOL;
If you execute this example you should see output similar to the following:
% > php ./examples/usage-without-marks.php
Total time taken (ns): 3000608258
Total time taken (ms): 3000.608258
Time take between 1st and 3rd mark (ns): 1500407710
Time take between 1st and 3rd mark (ms): 1500.40771
Time taken up to 3rd mark (ns): 2250497069
Time taken up to 3rd mark (ms): 2250.497069