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shovey-jobs Cookbook

A cookbook to install schob, the client for running goiardi's shovey jobs. It's like Chef's push jobs, but serf based and works with goiardi. It is still in development, but is close enough to completion to have this cookbook for installing shovey as a preview.


Requires goiardi of recent enough vintage that it has shovey. Currently that means the tip of the 'serfing' branch in the github repo. As of this writing, only the in-memory data store works with shovey.

Also, to actually issue shovey jobs the knife-shove plugin (at is required on the workstation you'll be managing shovey from.

  • serf cookbook
  • golang cookbook


At the moment this cookbook is only known to work on Debian. It may work on Ubuntu, but the init script it installs is adapted from Debian's skeleton init script.


node["schob"]["goiardi_server"] The URL to the goiardi server.

node["schob"]["path"] The path to the directory the schob binary will be installed.

node["schob"]["package"] The repository for schob.

node["schob"]["log_dir"] The log file directory.

node["schob"]["log_file"] The full path to the log file

node["schob"]["syslog"] If true, schob will log to syslog instead of a file.

node["schob"]["log_level"] Verbosity of logging. Available options are 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', and 'critical', default is 'info'.

node["schob"]["shovey_pem"] Path to where the shovey public key will be installed.

node["schob"]["pem_databag"] Encrypted data bag holding the public key.

node["schob"]["pem_server"] Data bag item name that has the public key.

node["schob"]["serf_addr"] RPC client address of this node's serf agent. The serf agent's name must be the same as the chef node's name.

node["schob"]["client_key"] Path to the chef client key.

node["schob"]["run_timeout"] How long to wait, in minutes, before killing a shovey job that's running. Defaults to 45 minutes.

node["schob"]["whitelist"] Hash of names and commands of jobs to allow to be run on this node.

node["schob"]["queue_save_file"] If set, jobs will be written to and removed from this file as they are added and finished. If schob is suddenly interrupted it will replay this file and send reports back to goiardi that some jobs did not complete because the client died.

node["schob"]["time_slew"] Time difference allowed between the node's clock and the time sent in the serf command from the server. Formatted like 5m, 150s, etc. Defaults to 15m.



Include shovey-jobs in your node's run_list:

  "run_list": [

An encrypted data bag (with the default name shovey_keys) must be created. In a data bag item named by node['schob']['pem_server'] (see below), an attribute inside the data bag named key stores the public key used to verify goiardi shovey job requests. This would have been set up while installing goiardi with shovey capabilities.

There are some attributes that must be set on your node, one way or another. node['schob']['goiardi_server'] must be set to the goiardi server this node receives jobs from, node['schob']['client_key'] must be set to the chef client key if it isn't /etc/chef/client.rb, and node['schob']['pem_server'] must be set to the name of the data bag item containing the public key part of the RSA keypair used by goiardi to sign its job requests. Otherwise, the attributes have reasonable defaults.

While not mandatory, you may want to add jobs to the whitelist. These are found in the node attributes, lovingly assembled from the various node, role, and environment attributes, and dictate what the shovey client will run. By default it only includes chef-client. It is formatted something like this:

  "default_attributes": {
    "schob": {
      "whitelist": {
      "ntp-restart":"/etc/init.d/ntp restart",
      "ls": "ls /"

... where the hash key is the name of the command, and the value is the command to run.

Assuming the cookbook runs and installs everything correctly (serf, particularly, will probably require extra configuration options that are site-specific), you'll be ready to start running jobs against your node or nodes. Refer to the knife-shove documentation on how to use shovey.


  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  3. Write your change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github

License and Authors

Author: Jeremy Bingham