elasticmq plugin for dokku. Currently defaults to installing seayou/elasticmq.
- dokku 0.4.0+
- docker 1.8.x
# on 0.3.x
cd /var/lib/dokku/plugins
git clone https://github.com/cu12/dokku-elasticmq.git elasticmq
dokku plugins-install
# on 0.4.x
dokku plugin:install https://github.com/cu12/dokku-elasticmq.git elasticmq
sqs:create <name> Create a sqs service with environment variables
sqs:destroy <name> Delete the service and stop its container if there are no links left
sqs:expose <name> [port] Expose an sqs service on custom port if provided (random port otherwise)
sqs:info <name> Print the connection information
sqs:link <name> <app> Link the sqs service to the app
sqs:list List all sqs services
sqs:logs <name> [-t] Print the most recent log(s) for this service
sqs:promote <name> <app> Promote service <name> as SQS_URL in <app>
sqs:queue:add <name> <queue> Creates an sqs queue
sqs:queue:remove <name> <queue> Removes an sqs queue
sqs:queue:list <name> <queue> List all sqs queues for this service
sqs:restart <name> Graceful shutdown and restart of the sqs service container
sqs:start <name> Start a previously stopped sqsq service
sqs:stop <name> Stop a running sqs service
sqs:unexpose <name> Unexpose a previously exposed sqs service
sqs:unlink <name> <app> Unlink the sqs service from the app
# create a sqs service named lolipop
dokku sqs:create lolipop
# you can also specify the image and image
# version to use for the service
# it *must* be compatible with the
# official sqs image
# In fact you could any other software that is working with `aws sqs` commands
export ELASTICMQ_IMAGE="seayou/elasticmq"
# create a sqs service
dokku sqs:create lolipop
# get connection information as follows
dokku sqs:info lolipop
# a sqs service can be linked to a
# container this will use native docker
# links via the docker-options plugin
# here we link it to our 'playground' app
# NOTE: this will restart your app
dokku sqs:link lolipop playground
The following will be set on the linked application by default
# SQS_URL=http://dokku-sqs-lolipop:9324
# another service can be linked to your app
dokku sqs:link other_service playground
# since SQS_URL is already in use, another environment variable will be
# generated automatically
# DOKKU_ELASTICMQ_BLUE_URL=http://dokku-sqs-other-service:9324
# you can then promote the new service to be the primary one
# NOTE: this will restart your app
dokku sqs:promote other_service playground
# this will replace sqs_URL with the url from other_service and generate
# another environment variable to hold the previous value if necessary.
# you could end up with the following for example:
# SQS_URL=http://dokku-sqs-other-service:9324
# DOKKU_ELASTICMQ_BLUE_URL=http://dokku-sqs-other-service:9324
# DOKKU_ELASTICMQ_SILVER_URL=http://dokku-sqs-lolipop:9324
# you can create SQS queues
dokku sqs:queue:add lolipop queue
# also list them
dokku sqs:queue:list lolipop
# and of course remove them
dokku sqs:queue:remove lolipop queue
# you can also unlink an sqs service
# NOTE: this will restart your app and unset related environment variables
dokku sqs:unlink lolipop playground
# you can tail logs for a particular service
dokku sqs:logs lolipop
dokku sqs:logs lolipop -t # to tail
# finally, you can destroy the container
dokku sqs:destroy lolipop