[18:12:27] --- Started Log --- [18:12:27] Cuberite Jenkins arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release (master) (id: #381) [18:12:27] from commit 7e83dd073e0bc322b975df66d061a6f7fe059bf1 built at: Wed Jun 21 10:09:35 UTC 2023 [18:12:27] Creating new server instance... [18:12:27] Reading server config... [18:12:27] Starting server... Info [18:12:27] Compatible clients: 1.8.x-1.12.x Warn [18:12:27] The webadmin is enabled but has no users configured. To add new users, edit webadmin.ini Warn [18:12:27] WebServer: The server will run in unsecured HTTP mode. Info [18:12:27] Put a valid HTTPS certificate in file 'webadmin/httpscert.crt' and its corresponding private key to 'webadmin/httpskey.pem' (without any password) to enable HTTPS support [18:12:27] Loaded 789 crafting recipes Warn [18:12:27] Cannot open file "Protocol/1.13/base.recipes.txt", no recipe book recipes will be available! Warn [18:12:27] Cannot open file "Protocol/1.14.4/base.recipes.txt", no recipe book recipes will be available! [18:12:27] Loaded 1.12.2 380 recipe book [18:12:27] Loaded 67 furnace recipes and 66 fuels [18:12:27] Loaded 49 brewing recipes Warn [18:12:28] Invalid biome ("BambooJungle") specified in AllowedBiomes in cubeset file Prefabs/SinglePieceStructures/JungleTemple.cubeset. Skipping the biome. Warn [18:12:28] Invalid biome ("BambooJungleHills") specified in AllowedBiomes in cubeset file Prefabs/SinglePieceStructures/JungleTemple.cubeset. Skipping the biome. [18:12:28] -- Loading Plugins -- [18:12:28] [Core] Initialised! [18:12:28] [ChatLog] Initialized ChatLog v.3 [18:12:28] -- Loaded 2 Plugins -- [18:12:29] Preparing spawn (world): 15.00% (60/400; 53.43 chunks / sec) [18:12:30] Preparing spawn (world): 62.00% (248/400; 181.64 chunks / sec) [18:12:31] Preparing spawn (world): 88.00% (352/400; 103.48 chunks / sec) [18:12:33] Preparing spawn (world_nether): 2.75% (11/400; 10.99 chunks / sec) [18:12:34] Preparing spawn (world_nether): 14.50% (58/400; 46.67 chunks / sec) [18:12:35] Preparing spawn (world_nether): 27.75% (111/400; 52.37 chunks / sec) [18:12:37] Preparing spawn (world_nether): 37.50% (150/400; 21.52 chunks / sec) [18:12:38] Preparing spawn (world_nether): 65.50% (262/400; 89.96 chunks / sec) [18:12:40] Preparing spawn (world_the_end): 63.75% (255/400; 254.24 chunks / sec) Warn [18:12:41] World "world_the_end": Did not find an acceptable spawnpoint. Generated a random spawnpoint position at {0, 71, 0} Info [18:12:41] WebAdmin is running on port(s) 8080 [18:12:41] Startup complete, took 13288ms! Info [18:12:54] Player AndriGamer_ has joined the game Warn [18:12:54] AddEntity: Entity at 0x6b340050 (cPlayer, ID 144) spawning in a non-existent chunk. Warn [18:12:57] MoveEntityToNewChunk: Entity at 0x6f0c64b8 (cCow, ID 240) moving to a non-existent chunk. [18:17:12] Shutting down server... [18:17:15] [Core] Disabling... [18:17:15] Cleaning up... [18:17:15] Shutdown successful! [18:17:15] --- Stopped Log ---