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Modeling Cookbook

This chapter contains advanced topics on modeling and simulation and how they are implemented in ANDES. It aims to provide an in-depth explanation of how the ANDES framework is set up for symbolic modeling and numerical simulation. It also provides an example for interested users to implement customized DAE models.



System is the top-level class for organizing power system models and orchestrating calculations.



andes.System is an alias of andes.system.System.

Dynamic Imports

System dynamically imports groups, models, and routines at creation. To add new models, groups or routines, edit the corresponding file by adding entries following examples.




Code Generation

Under the hood, all symbolically defined equations need to be generated into anonymous function calls for accelerating numerical simulations. This process is automatically invoked for the first time ANDES is run command line. It takes several seconds up to a minute to finish the generation.


Code generation has been done if one has executed andes, andes selftest, or andes prepare.


When models are modified (such as adding new models or changing equation strings), code generation needs to be executed again for consistency. It can be more conveniently triggered from command line with andes prepare -i.


Since the process is slow, generated numerical functions (Python Callable) will be serialized into a file for future speed up. The package used for serializing/de-serializing numerical calls is dill. System has a function called dill for serializing using the dill package.



DAE Storage

System.dae is an instance of the numerical DAE class.


Model and DAE Values

ANDES uses a decentralized architecture between models and DAE value arrays. In this architecture, variables are initialized and equations are evaluated inside each model. Then, System provides methods for collecting initial values and equation values into DAE, as well as copying solved values to each model.

The collection of values from models needs to follow protocols to avoid conflicts. Details are given in the subsection Variables.




Matrix Sparsity Patterns

The largest overhead in building and solving nonlinear equations is the building of Jacobian matrices. This is especially relevant when we use the implicit integration approach which algebraized the differential equations. Given the unique data structure of power system models, the sparse matrices for Jacobians are built incrementally, model after model.

There are two common approaches to incrementally build a sparse matrix. The first one is to use simple in-place add on sparse matrices, such as doing :

self.fx += spmatrix(v, i, j, (n, n), 'd')

Although the implementation is simple, it involves creating and discarding temporary objects on the right hand side and, even worse, changing the sparse pattern of self.fx.

The second approach is to store the rows, columns and values in an array-like object and construct the Jacobians at the end. This approach is very efficient but has one caveat: it does not allow accessing the sparse matrix while building.

ANDES uses a pre-allocation approach to avoid the change of sparse patterns by filling values into a known the sparse matrix pattern matrix. System collects the indices of rows and columns for each Jacobian matrix. Before in-place additions, ANDES builds a temporary zero-filled spmatrix, to which the actual Jacobian values are written later. Since these in-place add operations are only modifying existing values, it does not change the pattern and thus avoids memory copying. In addition, updating sparse matrices can be done with the exact same code as the first approach.

Still, this approach creates and discards temporary objects. It is however feasible to write a C function which takes three array-likes and modify the sparse matrices in place. This is feature to be developed, and our prototype shows a promising acceleration up to 50%.


Calling Model Methods

System is an orchestrator for calling shared methods of models. These API methods are defined for initialization, equation update, Jacobian update, and discrete flags update.

The following methods take an argument models, which should be an OrderedDict of models with names as keys and instances as values.









System, models and routines have a member attribute config for model-specific or routine-specific configurations. System manages all configs, including saving to a config file and loading back.





It is important to note that configs from files is passed to model constructors during instantiation. If one needs to modify config for a run, it needs to be done before instantiating System, or before running andes from command line. Directly modifying Model.config may not take effect or have side effect as for the current implementation.


This section introduces the modeling of power system devices. The terminology "model" is used to describe the mathematical representation of a type of device, such as synchronous generators or turbine governors. The terminology "device" is used to describe a particular instance of a model, for example, a specific generator.

To define a model in ANDES, two classes, ModelData and Model need to be utilized. Class ModelData is used for defining parameters that will be provided from input files. It provides API for adding data from devices and managing the data. Class Model is used for defining other non-input parameters, service variables, and DAE variables. It provides API for converting symbolic equations, storing Jacobian patterns, and updating equations.

Model Data



ModelData uses a lightweight class :pyandes.core.model.ModelCache for caching its data as a dictionary or a pandas DataFrame. Four attributes are defined in `ModelData.cache`:

  • `dict`: all data in a dictionary with the parameter names as keys and v values as arrays.
  • `dict_in`: the same as dict except that the values are from v_in, the original input.
  • `df`: all data in a pandas DataFrame.
  • `df_in`: the same as df except that the values are from v_in.

Other attributes can be added by registering with cache.add_callback.


Define Voltage Ratings

If a model is connected to an AC Bus or a DC Node, namely, if bus, bus1, node or node1 exists as parameter, it must provide the corresponding parameter, Vn, Vn1, Vdcn or Vdcn1, for rated voltages.

Controllers not connected to Bus or Node will have its rated voltages omitted and thus Vb = Vn = 1, unless one uses :pyandes.core.param.ExtParam to retrieve the bus/node values.

As a rule of thumb, controllers not directly connected to the network shall use system-base per unit for voltage and current parameters. Controllers (such as a turbine governor) may inherit rated power from controlled models and thus power parameters will be converted consistently.

Define a DAE Model


Dynamicity Under the Hood

The magic for automatic creation of variables are all hidden in :pyandes.core.model.Model.__setattr__, and the code is incredible simple. It sets the name, tex_name, and owner model of the attribute instance and, more importantly, does the book keeping. In particular, when the attribute is a :pyandes.core.block.Block subclass, __setattr__ captures the exported instances, recursively, and prepends the block name to exported ones. All these convenience owe to the dynamic feature of Python.

During the code generation phase, the symbols are created by checking the book-keeping attributes, such as states, algebs, and attributes in Model.cache.

In the numerical evaluation phase, Model provides a method, :pyandes.core.model.get_inputs, to collect the variable value arrays in a dictionary, which can be effortlessly passed as arguments to numerical functions.

Commonly Used Attributes in Models

The following Model attributes are commonly used for debugging. If the attribute is an OrderedDict, the keys are attribute names in str, and corresponding values are the instances.

  • params and params_ext, two OrderedDict for internal (both numerical and non-numerical) and external parameters, respectively.
  • num_params for numerical parameters, both internal and external.
  • states and algebs, two OrderedDict for state variables and algebraic variables, respectively.
  • states_ext and algebs_ext, two OrderedDict for external states and algebraics.
  • discrete, an OrderedDict for discrete components.
  • blocks, an OrderedDict for blocks.
  • services, an OrderedDict for services with v_str.
  • services_ext, an OrderedDict for externally retrieved services.

Attributes in Model.cache

Attributes in Model.cache are additional book-keeping structures for variables, parameters and services. The following attributes are defined.

  • all_vars: all the variables.
  • all_vars_names, a list of all variable names.
  • all_params, all parameters.
  • all_params_names, a list of all parameter names.
  • algebs_and_ext, an OrderedDict of internal and external algebraic variables.
  • states_and_ext, an OrderedDict of internal and external differential variables.
  • services_and_ext, an OrderedDict of internal and external service variables.
  • vars_int, an OrderedDict of all internal variables, states and then algebs.
  • vars_ext, an OrderedDict of all external variables, states and then algebs.

Equation Generation

Model.syms, an instance of SymProcessor, handles the symbolic to numeric generation when called. The equation generation is a multi-step process with symbol preparation, equation generation, Jacobian generation, initializer generation, and pretty print generation.


Next, function generate_equation converts each DAE equation set to one numerical function calls and store it in Model.calls. The attributes for differential equation set and algebraic equation set are f and g. Differently, service variables will be generated one by one and store in an OrderedDict in Model.calls.s.

Jacobian Storage

Abstract Jacobian Storage

Using the .jacobian method on sympy.Matrix, the symbolic Jacobians can be easily obtained. The complexity lies in the storage of the Jacobian elements. Observed that the Jacobian equation generation happens before any system is loaded, thus only the variable indices in the variable array is available. For each non-zero item in each Jacobian matrix, ANDES stores the equation index, variable index, and the Jacobian value (either a constant number or a callable function returning an array).

Note that, again, a non-zero entry in a Jacobian matrix can be either a constant or an expression. For efficiency, constant numbers and lambdified callables are stored separately. Constant numbers, therefore, can be loaded into the sparse matrix pattern when a particular system is given.


Data structure for the Jacobian storage has changed. Pending documentation update. Please check :pyandes.core.common.JacTriplet class for more details.

The triplets, the equation (row) index, variable (column) index, and values (constant numbers or callable) are stored in Model attributes with the name of _{i, j, v}{Jacobian Name}{c or None}, where {i, j, v} is a single character for row, column or value, {Jacobian Name} is a two-character Jacobian name chosen from fx, fy, gx, and gy, and {c or None} is either character c or no character, indicating whether it corresponds to the constants or non-constants in the Jacobian.

For example, the triplets for the constants in Jacobian gy are stored in _igyc, _jgyc, and _vgyc.

In terms of the non-constant entries in Jacobians, the callable functions are stored in the corresponding _v{Jacobian Name} array. Note the differences between, for example, _vgy an _vgyc: _vgy is a list of callables, while _vgyc is a list of constant numbers.

Concrete Jacobian Storage

When a specific system is loaded and the addresses are assigned to variables, the abstract Jacobian triplets, more specifically, the rows and columns, are replaced with the array of addresses. The new addresses and values will be stored in Model attributes with the names {i, j, v}{Jacobian Name}{c or None}. Note that there is no underscore for the concrete Jacobian triplets.

For example, if model PV has a list of variables [p, q, a, v] . The equation associated with p is - u * p0, and the equation associated with q is u * (v0 - v). Therefore, the derivative of equation v0 - v over v is -u. Note that u is unknown at generation time, thus the value is NOT a constant and should to go vgy.

The values in _igy, _jgy and _vgy contains, respectively, 1, 3, and a lambda function which returns -u.

When a specific system is loaded, for example, a 5-bus system, the addresses for the q and v are [11, 13, 15, and [5, 7, 9]. PV.igy and PV.jgy will thus query the corresponding address list based on PV._igy and PV._jgy and store [11, 13, 15, and [5, 7, 9].


Value providers such as services and DAE variables need to be initialized. Services are initialized before any DAE variable. Both Services and DAE Variables are initialized sequentially in the order of declaration.

Each Service, in addition to the standard v_str for symbolic initialization, provides a v_numeric hook for specifying a custom function for initialization. Custom initialization functions for DAE variables, are lumped in a single function in Model.v_numeric.

ANDES has an experimental Newton-Krylov method based iterative initialization. All DAE variables with v_iter will be initialized using the iterative approach

Additional Numerical Equations

Addition numerical equations are allowed to complete the "hybrid symbolic-numeric" framework. Numerical function calls are useful when the model DAE is non-standard or hard to be generalized. Since the symbolic-to-numeric generation is an additional layer on top of the numerical simulation, it is fundamentally the same as user-provided numerical function calls.

ANDES provides the following hook functions in each Model subclass for custom numerical functions:

  • v_numeric: custom initialization function
  • s_numeric: custom service value function
  • g_numeric: custom algebraic equations; update the e of the corresponding variable.
  • f_numeric: custom differential equations; update the e of the corresponding variable.
  • j_numeric: custom Jacobian equations; the function should append to _i, _j and _v structures.

For most models, numerical function calls are unnecessary and not recommended as it increases code complexity. However, when the data structure or the DAE are difficult to generalize in the symbolic framework, the numerical equations can be used.

For interested readers, see the COI symbolic implementation which calculated the center-of-inertia speed of generators. The COI could have been implemented numerically with for loops instead of NumReduce, NumRepeat and external variables.

Atom Types

ANDES contains three types of atom classes for building DAE models. These types are parameter, variable and service.

Value Provider

Before addressing specific atom classes, the terminology v-provider, and e-provider are discussed. A value provider class (or v-provider for short) references any class with a member attribute named v, which should be a list or a 1-dimensional array of values. For example, all parameter classes are v-providers, since a parameter class should provide values for that parameter.


In fact, all types of atom classes are v-providers, meaning that an instance of an atom class must contain values.

The values in the v attribute of a particular instance are values that will substitute the instance for computation. If in a model, one has a parameter :

self.v0 = NumParam()
self.b = NumParam()

# where self.v0.v = np.array([1., 1.05, 1.1]
#   and self.b.v  = np.array([10., 10., 10.]

Later, this parameter is used in an equation, such as :

self.v = ExtAlgeb(model='Bus', src='v',
                  e_str='v0 **2 * b')

While computing v0 ** 2 * b, v0 and b will be substituted with the values in self.v0.v and self.b.v.

Sharing this interface v allows interoperability among parameters and variables and services. In the above example, if one defines v0 as a ConstService instance, such as :

self.v0 = ConstService(v_str='1.0')

Calculations will still work without modification.

Equation Provider

Similarly, an equation provider class (or e-provider) references any class with a member attribute named e, which should be a 1-dimensional array of values. The values in the e array are the results from the equation and will be summed to the numerical DAE at the addresses specified by the attribute a.


Currently, only variables are e-provider types.

If a model has an external variable that links to Bus.v (voltage), such as :

self.v = ExtAlgeb(model='Bus', src='v',
                  e_str='v0 **2 * b')

The addresses of the corresponding voltage variables will be retrieved into self.v.a, and the equation evaluation results will be stored in self.v.e



Parameter is a type of building atom for DAE models. Most parameters are read directly from an input file and passed to equation, and other parameters can be calculated from existing parameters.

The base class for parameters in ANDES is BaseParam, which defines interfaces for adding values and checking the number of values. BaseParam has its values stored in a plain list, the member attribute v. Subclasses such as NumParam stores values using a NumPy ndarray.

An overview of supported parameters is given below.

Subclasses Description


An alias of BaseParam. Can be used for any non-numerical parameters.


The numerical parameter type. Used for all parameters in equations


The parameter type for storing idx into other models


Externally defined parameter


Parameter for storing the action time of events

Data Parameters




Numeric Parameters


External Parameters


Timer Parameter



DAE Variables, or variables for short, are unknowns to be solved using numerical or analytical methods. A variable stores values, equation values, and addresses in the DAE array. The base class for variables is BaseVar. In this subsection, BaseVar is used to represent any subclass of VarBase list in the table below.

Class Description


A state variable and associated diff. equation T = f


An algebraic variable and an associated algebraic equation 0 = g


An external state variable and part of the differential equation (uncommon)


An external algebraic variable and part of the algebraic equation

BaseVar has two types: the differential variable type State and the algebraic variable type Algeb. State variables are described by differential equations, whereas algebraic variables are described by algebraic equations. State variables can only change continuously, while algebraic variables can be discontinuous.

Based on the model the variable is defined, variables can be internal or external. Most variables are internal and only appear in equations in the same model. Some models have "public" variables that can be accessed by other models. For example, a Bus defines v for the voltage magnitude. Each device attached to a particular bus needs to access the value and impose the reactive power injection. It can be done with ExtAlgeb or ExtState, which links with an existing variable from a model or a group.

Variable, Equation and Address

Subclasses of BaseVar are value providers and equation providers. Each BaseVar has member attributes v and e for variable values and equation values, respectively. The initial value of v is set by the initialization routine, and the initial value of e is set to zero. In the process of power flow calculation or time domain simulation, v is not directly modifiable by models but rather updated after solving non-linear equations. e is updated by the models and summed up before solving equations.

Each BaseVar also stores addresses of this variable, for all devices, in its member attribute a. The addresses are 0-based indices into the numerical DAE array, f or g, based on the variable type.

For example, Bus has self.a = Algeb() as the voltage phase angle variable. For a 5-bus system, Bus.a.a stores the addresses of the a variable for all the five Bus devices. Conventionally, Bus.a.a will be assigned np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]).

Value and Equation Strings

The most important feature of the symbolic framework is allowing to define equations using strings. There are three types of strings for a variable, stored in the following member attributes, respectively:

  • `v_str`: equation string for explicit initialization in the form of v = v_str(x, y).
  • `v_iter`: equation string for implicit initialization in the form of v_iter(x, y) = 0
  • `e_str`: equation string for (full or part of) the differential or algebraic equation.

The difference between v_str and v_iter should be clearly noted. v_str evaluates directly into the initial value, while all v_iter equations are solved numerically using the Newton-Krylov iterative method.

Values Between DAE and Models

ANDES adopts a decentralized architecture which provides each model a copy of variable values before equation evaluation. This architecture allows to parallelize the equation evaluation (in theory, or in practice if one works round the Python GIL). However, this architecture requires a coherent protocol for updating the DAE arrays and the BaseVar arrays. More specifically, how the variable and equations values from model VarBase should be summed up or forcefully set at the DAE arrays needs to be defined.

The protocol is relevant when a model defines subclasses of BaseVar that are supposed to be "public". Other models share this variable with ExtAlgeb or ExtState.

By default, all v and e at the same address are summed up. This is the most common case, such as a Bus connected by multiple devices: power injections from devices should be summed up.

In addition, BaseVar provides two flags, v_setter and e_setter, for cases when one VarBase needs to overwrite the variable or equation values.

Flags for Value Overwriting

BaseVar have special flags for handling value initialization and equation values. This is only relevant for public or external variables. The v_setter is used to indicate whether a particular BaseVar instance sets the initial value. The e_setter flag indicates whether the equation associated with a BaseVar sets the equation value.

The v_setter flag is checked when collecting data from models to the numerical DAE array. If v_setter is False, variable values of the same address will be added. If one of the variable or external variable has v_setter is True, it will, at the end, set the values in the DAE array to its value. Only one BaseVar of the same address is allowed to have v_setter == True.

A v_setter Example

A Bus is allowed to default the initial voltage magnitude to 1 and the voltage phase angle to 0. If a PV device is connected to a Bus device, the PV should be allowed to override the voltage initial value with the voltage set point.

In Bus.__init__(), one has :

self.v = Algeb(v_str='1')

In PV.__init__, one can use :

self.v0 = Param()
self.bus = IdxParam(model='Bus')

self.v = ExtAlgeb(src='v',

where an ExtAlgeb is defined to access Bus.v using indexer self.bus. The v_str line sets the initial value to v0. In the variable initialization phase for PV, PV.v.v is set to v0.

During the value collection into DAE.y by the System class, PV.v, as a final v_setter, will overwrite the voltage magnitude for Bus devices with the indices provided in PV.bus.










Services are helper variables outside the DAE variable list. Services are most often used for storing intermediate constants but can be used for special operations to work around restrictions in the symbolic framework. Services are value providers, meaning each service has an attribute v for storing service values. The base class of services is BaseService, and the supported services are listed as follows.

Class Description


Internal service for constant values.


Variable service updated at each iteration before equations.


External service for retrieving values from value providers.


Constant service evaluated after TDS initialization


The service type for reducing linear 2-D arrays into 1-D arrays


The service type for repeating a 1-D array to linear 2-D arrays


The service type for repeating a 1-D list to linear 2-D list


Service type for flagging changes in inputs as an event


Hold input value when a hold signal is active


Extend an event signal for a given period of time


Select optional str data if provided or use the fallback


Select optional numerical data if provided


Finds or creates devices linked to the given devices


Collects idx-es for the backward references


Converts BackRef list of lists into a 1-D list


Checks initial values against typical values


Flags values that equals the given value


Replace values that returns True for the given lambda func

Internal Constants

The most commonly used service is ConstService. It is used to store an array of constants, whose value is evaluated from a provided symbolic string. They are only evaluated once in the model initialization phase, ahead of variable initialization. ConstService comes handy when one wants to calculate intermediate constants from parameters.

For example, a turbine governor has a NumParam R for the droop. ConstService allows to calculate the inverse of the droop, the gain, and use it in equations. The snippet from a turbine governor's __init__() may look like :

self.R = NumParam()
self.G = ConstService(v_str='u/R')

where u is the online status parameter. The model can thus use G in subsequent variable or equation strings.




External Constants

Service constants whose value is retrieved from an external model or group. Using ExtService is similar to using external variables. The values of ExtService will be retrieved once during the initialization phase before ConstService evaluation.

For example, a synchronous generator needs to retrieve the p and q values from static generators for initialization. ExtService is used for this purpose. In the __init__() of a synchronous generator model, one can define the following to retrieve StaticGen.p as `p0`:

self.p0 = ExtService(src='p',


Shape Manipulators

This section is for advanced model developer.

All generated equations operate on 1-dimensional arrays and can use algebraic calculations only. In some cases, one model would use BackRef to retrieve 2-dimensional indices and will use such indices to retrieve variable addresses. The retrieved addresses usually has a different length of the referencing model and cannot be used directly for calculation. Shape manipulator services can be used in such case.

NumReduce is a helper Service type which reduces a linearly stored 2-D ExtParam into 1-D Service. NumRepeat is a helper Service type which repeats a 1-D value into linearly stored 2-D value based on the shape from a BackRef.






Value Manipulation



Idx and References







Data Select







The discrete component library contains a special type of block for modeling the discontinuity in power system devices. Such continuities can be device-level physical constraints or algorithmic limits imposed on controllers.

The base class for discrete components is :pyandes.core.discrete.Discrete.


The uniqueness of discrete components is the way it works. Discrete components take inputs, criteria, and exports a set of flags with the component-defined meanings. These exported flags can be used in algebraic or differential equations to build piece-wise equations.

For example, Limiter takes a v-provider as input, two v-providers as the upper and the lower bound. It exports three flags: zi (within bound), zl (below lower bound), and zu (above upper bound). See the code example in models/ for an example voltage-based PQ-to-Z conversion.

It is important to note when the flags are updated. Discrete subclasses can use three methods to check and update the value and equations. Among these methods, check_var is called before equation evaluation, but check_eq and set_eq are called after equation update. In the current implementation, check_var updates flags for variable-based discrete components (such as Limiter). check_eq updates flags for equation-involved discrete components (such as AntiWindup). set_var is currently only used by `AntiWindup to store the pegged states.

ANDES includes the following types of discrete components.














The block library contains commonly used blocks (such as transfer functions and nonlinear functions). Variables and equations are pre-defined for blocks to be used as "lego pieces" for scripting DAE models. The base class for blocks is :pyandes.core.block.Block.

The supported blocks include Lag, LeadLag, Washout, LeadLagLimit, PIController. In addition, the base class for piece-wise nonlinear functions, PieceWise is provided. PieceWise is used for implementing the quadratic saturation function MagneticQuadSat and exponential saturation function MagneticExpSat.

All variables in a block must be defined as attributes in the constructor, just like variable definition in models. The difference is that the variables are "exported" from a block to the capturing model. All exported variables need to placed in a dictionary, self.vars at the end of the block constructor.

Blocks can be nested as advanced usage. See the following API documentation for more details.


Transfer Functions

The following transfer function blocks have been implemented. They can be imported to build new models.



First Order









Second Order






Value Selector




We show two examples to demonstrate modeling from equations and modeling from control block diagrams.

  • The TGOV1 example shows code snippet for equation-based modeling and, as well as code for block-based modeling.
  • The IEEEST example walks through the source code and explains the complete setup, including optional parameters, input selection, and manual per-unit conversion.


The TGOV1 turbine governor model is shown as a practical example using the library.


This model is composed of a lead-lag transfer function and a first-order lag transfer function with an anti-windup limiter, which are sufficiently complex for demonstration. The corresponding differential equations and algebraic equations are given below.

$$\begin{aligned} \left[ \begin{matrix} \dot{x}_{LG} \\\ \dot{x}_{LL} \end{matrix} \right] = \left[ \begin{matrix}z_{i,lim}^{LG} \left(P_{d} - x_{LG}\right) / {T_1} \\\ \left(x_{LG} - x_{LL}\right) / T_3 \end{matrix} \right] \end{aligned}$$$$\begin{aligned} \left[ \begin{matrix} 0 \\\ 0 \\\ 0 \\\ 0 \\\ 0 \\\ 0 \end{matrix} \right] = \left[ \begin{matrix} (1 - \omega) - \omega_{d} \\\ R \times \tau_{m0} - P_{ref} \\\ \left(P_{ref} + \omega_{d}\right)/R - P_{d}\\\ D_{t} \omega_{d} + y_{LL} - P_{OUT}\\\ \frac{T_2}{T_3} \left(x_{LG} - x_{LL}\right) + x_{LL} - y_{LL}\\\ u \left(P_{OUT} - \tau_{m0}\right) \end{matrix} \right] \end{aligned}$$

where LG and LL denote the lag block and the lead-lag block, LG and LL are the internal states, yLL is the lead-lag output, ω the generator speed, ωd the generator under-speed, Pd the droop output, τm0 the steady-state torque input, and POUT the turbine output that will be summed at the generator.

The code to describe the above model using equations is given below. The complete code can be found in class TGOV1ModelAlt in andes/models/

def __init__(self, system, config):
  # 1. Declare parameters from case file inputs.
  self.R = NumParam(info='Turbine governor droop',
                    non_zero=True, ipower=True)
  # Other parameters are omitted.

  # 2. Declare external variables from generators. = ExtState(src='omega',
                 info='Generator speed') = ExtAlgeb(src='tm',
              info='Generator torque input')

  # 3. Declare initial values from generators.
  self.tm0 = ExtService(src='tm',
               info='Initial torque input')

  # 4. Declare variables and equations.
  self.pref = Algeb(info='Reference power input',
  self.wd = Algeb(info='Generator under speed',
  self.pd = Algeb(info='Droop output',
  self.LG_x = State(info='State in the lag TF',
  self.LG_lim = AntiWindup(u=self.LG_x,
  self.LL_x = State(info='State in the lead-lag TF',
  self.LL_y = Algeb(info='Lead-lag Output',
  self.pout = Algeb(info='Turbine output power',

Another implementation of TGOV1 makes extensive use of the modeling blocks. The resulting code is more readable as follows.

def __init__(self, system, config):
    TGBase.__init__(self, system, config)

    self.gain = ConstService(v_str='u/R')

    self.pref = Algeb(info='Reference power input',
                      v_str='tm0 * R',
                      e_str='tm0 * R - pref',

    self.wd = Algeb(info='Generator under speed',
                    e_str='(wref - omega) - wd',
    self.pd = Algeb(info='Pref plus under speed times gain',
                    v_str='u * tm0',
                    e_str='u*(wd + pref + paux) * gain - pd')

    self.LAG = LagAntiWindup(u=self.pd,

    self.LL = LeadLag(u=self.LAG_y,

    self.pout.e_str = '(LL_y + Dt * wd) - pout'

The complete code can be found in class TGOV1Model in andes/models/


In this example, we will explain step-by-step how IEEEST is programmed. The block diagram of IEEEST is given as follows. We recommend you to open up the source code in andes/models/ and then continue reading.


First of all, modeling components are imported at the beginning.

Next, PSSBaseData is defined to hold parameters shared by all PSSs. PSSBaseData inherits from ModelData and calls the base constructor. There is only one field avr defined for the linked exciter idx.

Then, IEEESTData defines the input parameters for IEEEST. Use IdxParam for fields that store idx-es of devices that IEEEST devices link to. Use NumParam for numerical parameters.


PSSBase is defined for the common (external) parameters, services and variables shared by all PSSs. The class and constructor signatures are

class PSSBase(Model):
    def __init__(self, system, config):
        super().__init__(system, config)

PSSBase inherits from Model and calls the base constructor. Note that the call to Model's constructor takes two positional arguments, system and config of types System and ModelConfig. Next, the group is specified, and the model flags are set. = 'PSS'
self.flags.update({'tds': True})

Next, Replace is used to replace input parameters that satisfy a lambda function with new values.

self.VCUr = Replace(self.VCU, lambda x: np.equal(x, 0.0), 999)
self.VCLr = Replace(self.VCL, lambda x: np.equal(x, 0.0), -999)

The value replacement happens when VCUr and VCLr is first accessed. Replace is executed in the model initialization phase (at the end of services update).

Next, the indices of connected generators, buses, and bus frequency measurements are retrieved. Synchronous generator idx is retrieved with

self.syn = ExtParam(model='Exciter', src='syn', indexer=self.avr, export=False,
                    info='Retrieved generator idx', vtype=str)

Using the retrieved self.syn, it retrieves the buses to which the generators are connected.

self.bus = ExtParam(model='SynGen', src='bus', indexer=self.syn, export=False,
                    info='Retrieved bus idx', vtype=str, default=None,

PSS models support an optional remote bus specified through parameter busr. When busr is None, the generator-connected bus should be used. The following code uses DataSelect to select busr if available but falls back to bus otherwise.

self.buss = DataSelect(self.busr, self.bus, info='selected bus (bus or busr)')

Each PSS links to a bus frequency measurement device. If the input data does not specify one or the specified one does not exist, DeviceFinder can find the correct measurement device for the bus where frequency measurements should be taken.

self.busfreq = DeviceFinder(self.busf, link=self.buss, idx_name='bus')

where busf is the optional frequency measurement device idx, buss is the bus idx for which measurement device needs to be found or created.

Next, external parameters, variables and services are retrieved. Note that the PSS output vsout is pre-allocated but the equation string is left to specific models.


IEEESTModel inherits from PSSBase and adds specific model components. After calling PSSBase's constructor, IEEESTModel adds config entries to allow specifying the model for frequency measurement, because there may be multiple frequency measurement models in the future.

self.config.add(OrderedDict([('freq_model', 'BusFreq')]))
self.config.add_extra('_help', {'freq_model': 'default freq. measurement model'})
self.config.add_extra('_alt', {'freq_model': ('BusFreq',)})

We set the chosen measurement model to busf so that DeviceFinder knows which model to use if it needs to create new devices.

self.busf.model = self.config.freq_model

Next, because bus voltage is an algebraic variable, we use Derivative to calculate the finite difference to approximate its derivative.

self.dv = Derivative(self.v, tex_name='dV/dt', info='Finite difference of bus voltage')

Then, we retrieve the coefficient to convert power from machine base to system base using ConstService, given by Sb / Sn. This is needed for input mode 3, electric power in machine base.

self.SnSb = ExtService(model='SynGen', src='M', indexer=self.syn, attr='pu_coeff',
                       info='Machine base to sys base factor for power',

Note that the ExtService access the pu_coeff field of the M variables of synchronous generators. Since M is a machine-base power quantity, M.pu_coeff stores the multiplication coefficient to convert each of them from machine bases to the system base, which is Sb / Sn.

The input mode is parsed into boolean flags using Switcher:

self.SW = Switcher(u=self.MODE,
                   options=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],

where the input u is the MODE parameter, and options is a list of accepted values. Switcher boolean arrays s0, s1, ..., sN, where N = len(options) - 1. We added 0 to options for padding so that SW_s1 corresponds to MODE 1. It improves the readability of the code as we will see next.

The input signal sig is an algebraic variable given by

self.sig = Algeb(tex_name='S_{ig}',
                 info='Input signal',

self.sig.v_str = 'SW_s1*(omega-1) + SW_s2*0 + SW_s3*(tm0/SnSb) + ' \
                 'SW_s4*(tm-tm0) + SW_s5*v + SW_s6*0'

self.sig.e_str = 'SW_s1*(omega-1) + SW_s2*(f-1) + SW_s3*(te/SnSb) + ' \
                 'SW_s4*(tm-tm0) + SW_s5*v + SW_s6*dv_v - sig'

The v_str and e_str are separated from the constructor to improve readability. They construct piece-wise functions to select the correct initial values and equations based on mode. For any variables in v_str, they must be defined before sig so that they will be initialized ahead of sig. Clearly, omega, tm, and v are defined in PSSBase and thus come before sig.

The following comes the most effective part: modeling using transfer function blocks. We utilized several blocks to describe the model from the diagram. Note that the output of a block is always the block name followed by _y. For example, the input of F2 is the output of F1, given by F1_y.

self.F1 = Lag2ndOrd(u=self.sig, K=1, T1=self.A1, T2=self.A2)

self.F2 = LeadLag2ndOrd(u=self.F1_y, T1=self.A3, T2=self.A4,
                        T3=self.A5, T4=self.A6, zero_out=True)

self.LL1 = LeadLag(u=self.F2_y, T1=self.T1, T2=self.T2, zero_out=True)

self.LL2 = LeadLag(u=self.LL1_y, T1=self.T3, T2=self.T4, zero_out=True)

self.Vks = Gain(u=self.LL2_y, K=self.KS)

self.WO = WashoutOrLag(u=self.Vks_y, T=self.T6, K=self.T5, name='WO',
                       zero_out=True)  # WO_y == Vss

self.VLIM = Limiter(u=self.WO_y, lower=self.LSMIN, upper=self.LSMAX,
                    info='Vss limiter')

self.Vss = Algeb(tex_name='V_{ss}', info='Voltage output before output limiter',
                 e_str='VLIM_zi * WO_y + VLIM_zu * LSMAX + VLIM_zl * LSMIN - Vss')

self.OLIM = Limiter(u=self.v, lower=self.VCLr, upper=self.VCUr,
                    info='output limiter')

self.vsout.e_str = 'OLIM_zi * Vss - vsout'

In the end, the output equation is assigned to vsout.e_str. It completes the equations of the IEEEST model.


Assemble IEEESTData and IEEESTModel into IEEEST:

    def __init__(self, system, config):
        IEEESTModel.__init__(self, system, config)

Locate andes/models/, in file_classes, find the key pss and add IEEEST to its value list. In file_classes, keys are the .py file names under the folder models, and values are class names to be imported from that file. If the file name does not exist as a key in file_classes, add it after all prerequisite models. For example, PSS should be added after exciters (and generators, of course).

Finally, locate andes/models/, check if the class with PSS exist. It is the name of IEEEST's group name. If not, create one by inheriting from GroupBase:

class PSS(GroupBase):
    """Power system stabilizer group."""

    def __init__(self):

where we added vsout to the common_vars list. All models in the PSS group must have a variable named vsout, which is defined in PSSBase.

This completes the IEEEST model. When developing new models, use andes prepare to generate numerical code and start debugging.