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Capistrano v3 tasks shared across CUL projects.

This gem provides common cap tasks that are used in almost every cul project. It also includes a set of cap tasks and hooks that are specific for Wordpress deployments. Do not include the Wordpress library if you are not deploying a Wordpress site.


Install gem

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-cul', require: false

Note: If installing in a rails application, gem should only be installed in :development and :test groups.

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install capistrano-cul

Add Capistrano::Cul tasks to Capfile

In your application's Capfile include:

require 'capistrano/cul'

For Wordpress deployments, in your application's Capfile include:

require 'capistrano/cul'
require 'capistrano/cul/wp'


Shared cap tasks (capistrano/cul)

  1. cap {env} cul:auto_tag

    Tags the current commit as the version number provided in VERSION.

  2. cap {env} cul:downtime

    Pulls down the downtime branch of the repository to a /downtime directory and symlinks current to downtime. To undo this action, redeploy your application.

Wordpress deployment (capistrano/cul/wp)


  1. cap {env} cul:wp:setup

    Sets up a WordPress docroot and runs deployment; does not install WordPress and does not create any users.

  2. cap {env} cul:wp:install

    Runs a WordPress installation for a newly set up instance and creates a new admin user.

  3. cap {env} cul:wp:create_symlinks

    Creates symlinks for custom plugins and themes as part of a WordPress deployment. Generally run as an after :deploy hook.

  4. cap {env} cul:wp:searchreplace

    Runs a search and replace operation on the tables in a WordPress installation.

  5. cap {env} cul:wp:migrate:copy_from

    Copies the WordPress installation from one environment to another (e.g. prod to dev)

  6. cap {env} cul:wp:update:core

    Updates WordPress core to the latest version.

  7. cap {env} cul:wp:update:plugins

    Updates non-repo-managed plugins to the latest version.

  8. cap {env} cul:wp:update:themes

    Updates non-repo-managed themes to the latest version.

  9. cap {env} cul:wp:update:all

    Updates WordPress core, plugins, and themes (in that order) by calling update:core, update:plugins and update:themes tasks.

Configurable variables

The Wordpress tasks listed above require the following variables .

set :wp_docroot # (string) Path to webserver document root for site
set :wp_data_path # (string) Path to data directory (outside of wp_docroot) that contains wp-content
set :url # (string) Public website URL
set :title # (string) Website title
set :multisite # (boolean) Whether or not this is a multisite wordpress installation
set :wp_custom_plugins # (hash) Map of custom plugin file/directory names to repo-relative paths
set :wp_custom_mu_plugins # (hash) Map of custom MUST-USE plugin file/directory names to repo-relative paths
set :wp_custom_themes # (hash) Map of custom theme file/directory names to repo-relative paths

Here's a sample configuration:

set :wp_docroot, "#{fetch(:deploy_to)}/wp-docroot"
set :multisite, false
set :title, 'Amazing WordPress Site'

set :wp_custom_plugins, {
  'custom-plugin-file.php' => 'plugins/custom-plugin-file.php',
  'custom-plugin-directory' => 'plugins/custom-plugin-directory'

set :additional_plugins_from_remote_zip, [

set :wp_custom_themes, {
  'mytheme' => 'themes/mytheme'
set :wp_content_rsync_exclude_filters, [

# For this example site, we're symlinking the wp-content/wflogs directory to a corresponding
# location under /var.  We think that WordFence may be locking up occasionally when wflogs
# is on an NFS mount, and our /var mount is local disk.  It seems to help.
before 'cul:wp:deploy:create_symlinks', 'cul:wp:deploy:symlink_wflogs_to_var_directory'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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