This repo contains example code from The continuous Bernoulli: fixing a pervasive error in variational autoencoders (Tensorflow 1), The continuous categorical: a novel simplex-valued exponential family (Tensorflow 2), Uses and Abuses of the Cross-Entropy Loss: Case Studies in Modern Deep Learning (Tensorflow 2), and On the Normalizing Constant of the Continuous Categorical Distribution (Tensorflow 2).
The continuous Bernoulli is now part of Tensorflow probability and PyTorch (as of writting this, only in the bleeding edge versions). Different likelihoods are in separate notebooks for didactic purposes, cb/cb_vae_mnist.ipynb implements the continuous Bernoulli VAE on MNIST. If you are only interested in the log normalizing constant of the continuous Bernoulli, see the code snippet below:
def cont_bern_log_norm(lam, l_lim=0.49, u_lim=0.51):
# computes the log normalizing constant of a continuous Bernoulli distribution in a numerically stable way.
# returns the log normalizing constant for lam in (0, l_lim) U (u_lim, 1) and a Taylor approximation in
# [l_lim, u_lim].
# cut_y below might appear useless, but it is important to not evaluate log_norm near 0.5 as tf.where evaluates
# both options, regardless of the value of the condition.
cut_lam = tf.where(tf.logical_or(tf.less(lam, l_lim), tf.greater(lam, u_lim)), lam, l_lim * tf.ones_like(lam))
log_norm = tf.log(tf.abs(2.0 * tf.atanh(1 - 2.0 * cut_lam))) - tf.log(tf.abs(1 - 2.0 * cut_lam))
taylor = tf.log(2.0) + 4.0 / 3.0 * tf.pow(lam - 0.5, 2) + 104.0 / 45.0 * tf.pow(lam - 0.5, 4)
return tf.where(tf.logical_or(tf.less(lam, l_lim), tf.greater(lam, u_lim)), log_norm, taylor)
For a self-contained example using the CC distribution, see cc/cc_example.ipynb
. This notebook can be used to fit linear and neural network models of compositional data using a Dirichlet and a CC likelihood, producing figures similar to 3, 5 and 6 from the paper.
To reproduce the results in the paper, we provide the following python scripts:
contains functions specific to the CC distribution (log-normalizer, log-likelihood etc.).cc/
contains sampling algorithms for the CC
runs simulations that can be used to evaluate the bias of the Dirichlet and CC.- The scripts
prepare the data and fit our models of the UK general election. They include example code for Keras model objects that use the CC (both linear models and neural networks). - The scripts
train teacher and student models for our model compression experiments. - The scripts
produce the plots used for the manuscript.
Note that the normalizing constant of the CC distribution is numerically unstable, especially in high dimensions. As a rule of thumb, for , instabilities are likely to occur if for some . For larger values of , the normalizing constant can be highly unstable. Finding numerically robust ways to compute the normalizing constant is ongoing work. To check whether a given eta
will cause numerical instability, one indicator is to check whether cc_mean(eta)
returns any nan values.
To reproduce the results on CC-LS:
trains CNNs on CIFAR-10 under different regularization/label smoothing
runs our CNNs across seeds/regularizations/LS settings and saves
summarizes ablation study results into a
plots logits under different label smoothing settings.
To reproduce the results on CC-AMN:
trains DQNs on Atari
trains AMNs on Atari*
runs and saves our DQNs and
plots the results.
Our code is available at cc/normalizing_constant/experiments.ipynb