SJdownloader is a python project created for downloading stuff from internet.
The project is initiated to provide a simple but yet powerful tool to download content from internet easily. It is not for commercial use. It provides a GUI based interface, where the user needs to enter url of site. All the links available on the page are listed as soon as the url is entered. There is option available to filter links according to user requirement. I hope, it will be of help to all.
The project is under work. Until now, it has individual python scripts for various tasks. The SJdownloader script in the downloader directory is the main script to run.
It can be run from command-line by:
NOTE: Windows users first need to check their system's path variable set to contain the path to python.exe
for linux:
:~$ sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8 python-wxtools wx2.8-i18n libwxgtk2.8-dev libgtk2.0-dev
Or else::~$ pip install pyinstaller
Get the source by:
Clone the repository.
:~$ git clone
You get a source directory named sjdownloader and some text files.
Let's start the process.
>cd /path/to/source
>pyi-makespec --noconsole --icon=sjdownloader/Icons/Logo.ico --onedir sjdownloader/
modify the generated SJdownloader.spec
file, add the following after the call to Analyse, on next line:
images = Tree('sjdownloader/Icons', prefix='Icons')
configs = Tree('sjdownloader/config', prefix='config')
texts = [('README.txt','README.txt','DATA'), ('LICENSE.txt', 'LICENSE.txt', 'DATA')]
next, in call to COLLECT, add three following lines, it should look like:
coll = COLLECT(exe,
now from command line, run:
pyinstaller SJdownloader.spec
you will find the exe in dist/SJdownloader/
under your current directory.
Then move the SJdownloader to C:\Program Files\
After that you can use the application in your system.
For more info visit here.
Get the source by:
git clone
You get a source directory named sjdownloader
and some text files.
:~$ cd /path/to/source
:~$ pyi-makespec --noconsole --icon=sjdownloader/Icons/Logo.ico --onedir
You will get a file named SJdownloader.spec
in the current directory.
Now modify the spec file, add the following after the call to Analyse, it should look like:
# -*- mode: python -*-
block_cipher = None
a = Analysis(['sjdownloader/'],
#----------------------------Add these lines here-----------------------------------
images = Tree('sjdownloader/Icons', prefix='Icons')
configs = Tree('sjdownloader/config', prefix='config')
texts = [('README.txt','README.txt','DATA'), ('LICENSE.txt', 'LICENSE.txt', 'DATA')]
Next, in call to COLLECT, add three following lines, it should look like:
coll = COLLECT(exe,
After this you should run the following command from command prompt:
:~$ pyinstaller SJdownloader.spec
you will find the executable SJdownloader
in dist/SJdownloader/
under your current directory. You wil get a build/
directory also, it is better to remove that.
you can run it from terminal by typing:
:~$ ./SJdownloader
You can use the application in the above mentioned manner, but it will be better to configure it into your system path so that you are not bounded to use it inside any directory. Run the following commands:
:~$ sudo mkdir /usr/share/sjdownloader-1.0.0
:~$ sudo cp dist/SJdownloader/Icons/sjdownloader-logo.png /usr/share/pixmaps/
:~$ sudo mv dist/SJdownloader/* /usr/share/sjdownloader-1.0.0/
:-$ echo "/usr/share/sjdownloader-1.0.0/SJdownloader" > sjdownloader
:-$ chmod +x sjdownloader
:-$ sudo mv sjdownloader /usr/bin/
Now you can run the application by command sjdownloader
Create a file named sjdownloader.desktop
and run the command:
sudo mv sjdownloader.desktop /usr/share/applications/
Your application is now ready to be used.
Rest and required information is provided in the script itself or you can visit the wiki. For updates visit the project page.