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My CDK RDS Proxy

Lamby: Simple Rails & AWS Lambda Integration using Rack.Lovingly copied from CDK Patterns from their RDS Proxy section for learning how to use Lamby with Database Connections. Includes the following changes:

  • Usage of Docker to encapsulate the project.
  • Removed API Gateway & Lambda resources.
  • Pass your VPC ID via the VPC_ID environment variable.

⚠️WARNING⚠️ Pay attention to your AWS bill. These resources are not free. Also, these resources are provided for easy use and learning purposes and do not follow many security best practices. For example, we recommend changing:

  • Changing the subnets from PUBLIC to PRIVATE.
  • Locking down the security groups.
  • Create distinct root and user accounts.
  • Use a SecureString type in SSM.

Bootstrap & Setup

All that is needed is Docker and your AWS account setup. This will install the Docker container and run npm setup.

$ ./bin/bootstrap
$ ./bin/setup

Deploy Your RDS Proxy

Please export the VPC_ID variable. Most AWS accounts have a default VPC and the ID can be found by navigating to Services -> VPC within the AWS Console. If needed, you can create a new VPC using this My CDK VPC project.

Optionally, you can export or pass an AWS_PROFILE (defaults to "default") environment variable. This will automatically set the CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT value. Likewise, you can pass or export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION (defaults to us-east-1) too.

$ DB_NAME=myapp VPC_ID=vpc-01a23b45c67d89e01 ./bin/deploy

Test Your Connection

The stack's outputs will contain the following information.

  • MyDbCredentialsArn
  • MyDbProxyDbUrlParameterName
  • MyDbInstancEndpoint
  • MyDbProxyEndpoint

Using the MyDbCredentialsArn value you can view your new root username & password by running the following command or by viewing it in the AWS Console under Secrets Manager.

$ aws secretsmanager get-secret-value \
  --secret-id "arn:aws:secretsmanager:..." \
  --query SecretString \
  --output text

Since this stack is created in your public subnets, you can use your favorite RDMBS tool like MySQL Workbench to connect to your RDS instance using the MyDbInstancEndpoint output.