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Flexible semi-supervised classification for FRET traces


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FRETboard: supervise your FRET detection algorithm


FRETboard helps you train algorithms for the detection of Förster resonance energy transfer events in a (semi-)supervised manner.


FRETboard is available as web application on our server at Wageningen University, or can be installed on your own Windows, Linux or MacOS system using pip:

pip install git+

FRETboard is then started from the command line as:


A session on a random free port will start automatically.


Training an algorithm using FRETboard is easy; just follow the steps in the left column of your screen: GUI example

1. Load

Pick an algorithm from the drop-down menu. For now three types are available:

  • The vanilla hidden Markov model (HMM) - a simple fully connected HMM - should do for low noise data.
  • The boundary-aware HMM tries to improve state detection by adding extra states.
  • The GMM-HMM implements the boudary-aware HMM but models state emissions using Gaussian mixture models. This works best for typical noisy FRET traces.

Instead, you may load a model of a previous time you used FRETboard if you have it. Now load your data with the Data button. Tick the DBSCAN background subtraction box if your traces suffer from high background intensity. The lowest level in each trace will be detected using the DBSCAN algorithm and set to zero.

2. Teach

After loading your data you are presented with an example trace that the model found hard to classify. Clicking the symbols to the right of the trace lets you switch between panning and zooming with your scroll wheel. Caught an error? Slide the 'Change selection' slider or press a number key on your keyboard to set the state to which you would like to change classifications and click-drag over the trace in your screen. You have now adapted the labeling of that trace. Once you are satisfied with the current trace, click Train to retrain the algorithm using the modifications you just made as a guideline. Once done, click New to go to the next trace and repeat the process, until you're satisfied with the classification result.

While training, the training accuracy and posterior probability histograms can be used as indication of your model quality.

A few more options are available to you in this stage:

  • You can Delete the current trace, omitting it from further supervision and analysis.
  • Number of states: changes how many states the HMM will try to fit. Note that changing this value will reset your model!
  • Active features: depending on your data and goals, features may contribute valuable information or just noise. You can change
  • Guess trace: if your current trace is very long, correct classification in a short stretch and click this button. Then select your correctly classified stretch and a tiny HMM will be trained to guess the correct classification for the rest of this particular trace to save you a bit of time. which features you want to use in the bottom right of your screen, and then click Train to see the effect on accuracy. Current models train generally quickly, so you can play around to see what works for you. The feature distrubtions per state displayed in the screen can give an indication of whether a feature is helpful (i.e. some separation in displayed curves) or not.

3. Save

You may now download the classified traces on your machine using the 'Data' button. Produce a Report (download and view in browser) to see the model parameters generated, along with some summary statistics and graphs or download the model to quickly classify your data next time using the same parameters. Deselecting certain states here omits traces containing that state from your save file and the analysis report, which is handy if you captured all bleaching events in a given state.

Advanced options

The Settings tab contains some options for specific or more advanced use cases.


To load ALEX data, tick the box in this section.

If provided ALEX data FRETboard can perform corrections for direct acceptor excitation, crosstalk and detector efficiency. It can even esimate the rquired parameters if you do not have these (l, d and gamma), but for this a donor-only, acceptor-only and at least two other FRET states must be present in your data.

Filtering options

Stringency of the DBSCAN background intensity filter is controlled by the tunable parameter epsilon, which is defined as the maximum distance between a cluster’s core point and distant points of the same cluster. The preset value of 15 typically works well, but if too much is subtracted this can be set to a lower value.

Training options

The supervision influence level is the weight that is assigned to supervised examples when training (and 1 - the weight assigned to unsupervised examples). 1 denotes fully supervised training, 0 means that supervised examples play no role at all during training.

If you're training a boundary-aware or GMM-HMM (and possibly other algorithms in the future), the buffer value defines the number of boundary states that are defined between states. One typically works well, however for slow transitions this can be increased for better results.

Lastly you can set the number of times that the data is bootstrapped to find confidence intervals (CIs) on the transition rates when generating a report.

Accepted data format

The following data formats are accepted:

Format Description Extension
plain text Three tab-separated columns: time (s), donor intensity, acceptor intensity. No header. .dat
binary 16-bits, only equal-duration traces. First three numbers are trace duration, any (unused placeholder), number of traces. Time step size and ALEX/non-ALEX must be set in the settings tab. .traces
photon-HDF5 As defined here. Donor and acceptor pixel ID should be stored as spectral_ch1 and spectral_ch2. Each photon_data group is treated as a separate trace. .hdf5
NetCDF-4 Should contain at least intensity and time, where intensity is a 3D array of shape (number of traces, number of channels, trace duration), and the length of time matches the last dimension of intensity. .nc
Examples are stored in the data_format_examples directory.

Known issues

  • Please note that FRETboard cannot (yet) handle traces longer than 100k data points. This is mainly a grahical issue, so we expect to be able to fix this rather soon.

Setting up your own server

The easiest way to set up your own FRETboard server would be to make use of the docker image. First start up the container in interactive mode:

docker run -p -it cvdelannoy/fretboard /bin/bash

FRETboard is best served using the bokeh package on which the user interface is built. In the container run:

bokeh serve --num-procs 1 --check-unused-sessions 1000 --port=5102 --address= --allow-websocket-origin=* FRETboard/FRETboard

If you expose the GUI through a certain website, you may need to add . For more options, see the bokeh documentation on running a server here.

Writing new algorithms

If you would like to introduce a new (semi-)supervised algorithm to FRETboard, you can do so easily; follow the instructions template and everything should work accordingly. Do consider making a pull request if you think your implementation may be useful to others! Of course, contributors will be fairly referred to.

with ♥ from Wageningen University


Flexible semi-supervised classification for FRET traces







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