A Simon-like Memory Game for the ATTiny85 (+ some electronics)!
2011 (c) Christopher Woodall MIT License
Nomis is a Simon-like Memory game for the ATTiny85 (+ some electronics). The goal of the game is to copy the random string of moves that the microcontroller, makes. If you make a wrong move you go back to the IDLE state (the lights cascade). After you copy the string so far, the computer will display the string again and then add an extra move. The process repeats, until you mess up. The goal of the game is not to win (since there are no real winning conditions), the goal is to beat your previous score and "improve your memory".
nomis-memory-game.c: This is the main game file, which controls the game logic.
scripts/lcg.py: A little test of the Linear Congruential Generator, which I used to generate random numbers
scripts/lfsr.py: A little test of a Linear Feedback Shift Register, which was another option for my random number generator
schematics/nomis-memory-game-v01.sch: EAGLE schematic for the game