diff --git a/cli/schema/cypress.schema.json b/cli/schema/cypress.schema.json index 9312ee3095a5..7099b4b626b0 100644 --- a/cli/schema/cypress.schema.json +++ b/cli/schema/cypress.schema.json @@ -1,294 +1,281 @@ { "title": "JSON schema for the https://cypress.io Test Runner's configuration file. Details at https://on.cypress.io/configuration", "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", - "definitions": { - "cypressConfig": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "baseUrl": { + "type": "string", + "description": "Url used as prefix for cy.visit() or cy.request() command’s url. Example http://localhost:3030 or https://test.my-domain.com" + }, + "env": { "type": "object", - "properties": { - "baseUrl": { - "type": "string", - "description": "Url used as prefix for cy.visit() or cy.request() command’s url. Example http://localhost:3030 or https://test.my-domain.com" - }, - "env": { - "type": "object", - "description": "Any values to be set as environment variables. See https://on.cypress.io/environment-variables", - "body": {} - }, - "ignoreTestFiles": { - "type": [ - "string", - "array" - ], - "items": { - "type": "string" - }, - "description": "A String or Array of glob patterns used to ignore test files that would otherwise be shown in your list of tests. Cypress uses minimatch with the options: {dot: true, matchBase: true}. We suggest using http://globtester.com to test what files would match." - }, - "numTestsKeptInMemory": { - "type": "number", - "default": 50, - "description": "The number of tests for which snapshots and command data are kept in memory. Reduce this number if you are experiencing high memory consumption in your browser during a test run." - }, - "port": { - "type": "number", - "default": null, - "description": "Port used to host Cypress. Normally this is a randomly generated port" - }, - "reporter": { - "type": "string", - "default": "spec", - "description": "The reporter used when running headlessly or in CI. See https://on.cypress.io/reporters" - }, - "reporterOptions": { - "type": "object", - "default": null, - "description": "The reporter options used. Supported options depend on the reporter. See https://on.cypress.io/reporters#Reporter-Options" - }, - "testFiles": { - "type": [ - "string", - "array" - ], - "default": "**/*.*", - "description": "A String or Array of string glob patterns of the test files to load. See https://on.cypress.io/configuration#Global" - }, - "watchForFileChanges": { - "type": "boolean", - "default": true, - "description": "Whether Cypress will watch and restart tests on test file changes" - }, - "defaultCommandTimeout": { - "type": "number", - "default": 4000, - "description": "Time, in milliseconds, to wait until most DOM based commands are considered timed out" - }, - "execTimeout": { - "type": "number", - "default": 60000, - "description": "Time, in milliseconds, to wait for a system command to finish executing during a cy.exec() command" - }, - "taskTimeout": { - "type": "number", - "default": 60000, - "description": "Time, in milliseconds, to wait for a task to finish executing during a cy.task() command" - }, - "pageLoadTimeout": { - "type": "number", - "default": 60000, - "description": "Time, in milliseconds, to wait for page transition events or cy.visit(), cy.go(), cy.reload() commands to fire their page load events. Network requests are limited by the underlying operating system, and may still time out if this value is increased." - }, - "requestTimeout": { - "type": "number", - "default": 5000, - "description": "Time, in milliseconds, to wait for an XHR request to go out in a cy.wait() command" - }, - "responseTimeout": { - "type": "number", - "default": 30000, - "description": "Time, in milliseconds, to wait until a response in a cy.request(), cy.wait(), cy.fixture(), cy.getCookie(), cy.getCookies(), cy.setCookie(), cy.clearCookie(), cy.clearCookies(), and cy.screenshot() commands" - }, - "fileServerFolder": { - "type": "string", - "default": "root project folder", - "description": "Path to folder where application files will attempt to be served from" - }, - "fixturesFolder": { - "type": [ - "string", - "boolean" - ], - "default": "cypress/fixtures", - "description": "Path to folder containing fixture files (Pass false to disable)" - }, - "integrationFolder": { - "type": "string", - "default": "cypress/integration", - "description": "Path to folder containing integration test files" - }, - "downloadsFolder": { - "type": "string", - "default": "cypress/downloads", - "description": "Path to folder where files downloaded during a test are saved" - }, - "experimentalComponentTesting": { - "type": "boolean", - "default": false, - "description": "Enabled experimental component testing, see https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/5922" - }, - "componentFolder": { - "type": [ - "string", - "boolean" - ], - "default": false, - "description": "Path to folder containing component test files (Pass false to disable)" - }, - "pluginsFile": { - "type": [ - "string", - "boolean" - ], - "default": "cypress/plugins/index.js", - "description": "Path to plugins file. (Pass false to disable)" - }, - "screenshotOnRunFailure": { - "type": "boolean", - "default": true, - "description": "Whether Cypress will take a screenshot when a test fails during cypress run" - }, - "screenshotsFolder": { - "type": "string", - "default": "cypress/screenshots", - "description": "Path to folder where screenshots will be saved from cy.screenshot() command or after a test fails during cypress run" - }, - "supportFile": { - "type": [ - "string", - "boolean" - ], - "default": "cypress/support/index.js", - "description": "Path to file to load before test files load. This file is compiled and bundled. (Pass false to disable)" - }, - "videosFolder": { - "type": "string", - "default": "cypress/videos", - "description": "Path to folder where videos will be saved during cypress run" - }, - "trashAssetsBeforeRuns": { - "type": "boolean", - "default": true, - "description": "Whether Cypress will trash assets within the screenshotsFolder and videosFolder before tests run with cypress run" - }, - "videoCompression": { - "type": [ - "number", - "boolean" - ], - "default": 32, - "description": "The quality setting for the video compression, in Constant Rate Factor (CRF). The value can be false to disable compression or a value between 0 and 51, where a lower value results in better quality (at the expense of a higher file size)." - }, - "video": { - "type": "boolean", - "default": true, - "description": "Whether Cypress will capture a video of the tests run with cypress run" - }, - "videoUploadOnPasses": { - "type": "boolean", - "default": true, - "description": "Whether Cypress will process, compress, and upload videos to the Dashboard even when all tests in a spec file are passing. This only applies when recording your runs to the Dashboard. Turn this off if you’d like to only upload the spec file’s video when there are failing tests." - }, - "chromeWebSecurity": { - "type": "boolean", - "default": true, - "description": "Whether Chrome Web Security for same-origin policy and insecure mixed content is enabled. Read more about this at https://on.cypress.io/web-security" - }, - "userAgent": { - "type": "string", - "default": null, - "description": "Enables you to override the default user agent the browser sends in all request headers. User agent values are typically used by servers to help identify the operating system, browser, and browser version. See User-Agent MDN Documentation for example user agent values here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/User-Agent" - }, - "blockHosts": { - "type": [ - "string", - "array" - ], - "items": { - "type": "string" - }, - "default": null, - "description": "A String or Array of hosts that you wish to block traffic for. Please read the notes for examples on using this https://on.cypress.io/configuration#blockHosts" - }, - "modifyObstructiveCode": { - "type": "boolean", - "default": true, - "description": "Whether Cypress will search for and replace obstructive JS code found in .js or .html files that prevent Cypress from working. Please read the notes for more information on this setting. https://on.cypress.io/configuration#modifyObstructiveCode" - }, - "viewportHeight": { - "type": "number", - "default": 660, - "description": "Default height in pixels for the application under tests’ viewport (Override with cy.viewport() command)" - }, - "viewportWidth": { - "type": "number", - "default": 1000, - "description": "Default width in pixels for the application under tests’ viewport. (Override with cy.viewport() command)" - }, - "animationDistanceThreshold": { - "type": "number", - "default": 5, - "description": "The distance in pixels an element must exceed over time to be considered animating" - }, - "waitForAnimations": { - "type": "boolean", - "default": true, - "description": "Whether to wait for elements to finish animating before executing commands" - }, - "scrollBehavior": { - "enum": [ - false, - "center", - "top", - "bottom", - "nearest" - ], - "default": "top", - "description": "Viewport position to which an element should be scrolled prior to action commands. Setting `false` disables scrolling." - }, - "projectId": { - "type": "string", - "default": null, - "description": "A 6 character string use to identify this project in the Cypress Dashboard. See https://on.cypress.io/dashboard-service#Identification" - }, - "nodeVersion": { - "enum": [ - "system", - "bundled" - ], - "default": "bundled", - "description": "If set to 'system', Cypress will try to find a Node.js executable on your path to use when executing your plugins. Otherwise, Cypress will use the Node version bundled with Cypress." - }, - "experimentalSourceRewriting": { - "type": "boolean", - "default": false, - "description": "Enables AST-based JS/HTML rewriting. This may fix issues caused by the existing regex-based JS/HTML replacement algorithm." - }, - "experimentalFetchPolyfill": { - "type": "boolean", - "default": false, - "description": "Polyfills `window.fetch` to enable Network spying and stubbing" - }, - "experimentalStudio": { - "type": "boolean", - "default": false, - "description": "Generate and save commands directly to your test suite by interacting with your app as an end user would." - }, - "retries": { - "type": [ - "object", - "number", - "null" - ], - "default": { - "runMode": 0, - "openMode": 0 - }, - "description": "The number of times to retry a failing. Can be configured to apply only in runMode or openMode" - }, - "includeShadowDom": { - "type": "boolean", - "default": false, - "description": "Enables including elements within the shadow DOM when using querying commands (e.g. cy.get(), cy.find()). Can be set globally in cypress.json, per-suite or per-test in the test configuration object, or programmatically with Cypress.config()" - }, - "component": { - "description": "Any component runner specific overrides", - "$ref": "#/definitions/cypressConfig" - }, - "e2e": { - "description": "Any e2e runner specific overrides", - "$ref": "#/definitions/cypressConfig" - } - } + "description": "Any values to be set as environment variables. See https://on.cypress.io/environment-variables", + "body": {} + }, + "ignoreTestFiles": { + "type": [ + "string", + "array" + ], + "items": { + "type": "string" + }, + "description": "A String or Array of glob patterns used to ignore test files that would otherwise be shown in your list of tests. Cypress uses minimatch with the options: {dot: true, matchBase: true}. We suggest using http://globtester.com to test what files would match." + }, + "numTestsKeptInMemory": { + "type": "number", + "default": 50, + "description": "The number of tests for which snapshots and command data are kept in memory. Reduce this number if you are experiencing high memory consumption in your browser during a test run." + }, + "port": { + "type": "number", + "default": null, + "description": "Port used to host Cypress. Normally this is a randomly generated port" + }, + "reporter": { + "type": "string", + "default": "spec", + "description": "The reporter used when running headlessly or in CI. See https://on.cypress.io/reporters" + }, + "reporterOptions": { + "type": "object", + "default": null, + "description": "The reporter options used. Supported options depend on the reporter. See https://on.cypress.io/reporters#Reporter-Options" + }, + "testFiles": { + "type": [ + "string", + "array" + ], + "default": "**/*.*", + "description": "A String or Array of string glob patterns of the test files to load. See https://on.cypress.io/configuration#Global" + }, + "watchForFileChanges": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": true, + "description": "Whether Cypress will watch and restart tests on test file changes" + }, + "defaultCommandTimeout": { + "type": "number", + "default": 4000, + "description": "Time, in milliseconds, to wait until most DOM based commands are considered timed out" + }, + "execTimeout": { + "type": "number", + "default": 60000, + "description": "Time, in milliseconds, to wait for a system command to finish executing during a cy.exec() command" + }, + "taskTimeout": { + "type": "number", + "default": 60000, + "description": "Time, in milliseconds, to wait for a task to finish executing during a cy.task() command" + }, + "pageLoadTimeout": { + "type": "number", + "default": 60000, + "description": "Time, in milliseconds, to wait for page transition events or cy.visit(), cy.go(), cy.reload() commands to fire their page load events. Network requests are limited by the underlying operating system, and may still time out if this value is increased." + }, + "requestTimeout": { + "type": "number", + "default": 5000, + "description": "Time, in milliseconds, to wait for an XHR request to go out in a cy.wait() command" + }, + "responseTimeout": { + "type": "number", + "default": 30000, + "description": "Time, in milliseconds, to wait until a response in a cy.request(), cy.wait(), cy.fixture(), cy.getCookie(), cy.getCookies(), cy.setCookie(), cy.clearCookie(), cy.clearCookies(), and cy.screenshot() commands" + }, + "fileServerFolder": { + "type": "string", + "default": "root project folder", + "description": "Path to folder where application files will attempt to be served from" + }, + "fixturesFolder": { + "type": [ + "string", + "boolean" + ], + "default": "cypress/fixtures", + "description": "Path to folder containing fixture files (Pass false to disable)" + }, + "integrationFolder": { + "type": "string", + "default": "cypress/integration", + "description": "Path to folder containing integration test files" + }, + "downloadsFolder": { + "type": "string", + "default": "cypress/downloads", + "description": "Path to folder where files downloaded during a test are saved" + }, + "experimentalComponentTesting": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": false, + "description": "Enabled experimental component testing, see https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/5922" + }, + "componentFolder": { + "type": [ + "string", + "boolean" + ], + "default": false, + "description": "Path to folder containing component test files (Pass false to disable)" + }, + "pluginsFile": { + "type": [ + "string", + "boolean" + ], + "default": "cypress/plugins/index.js", + "description": "Path to plugins file. (Pass false to disable)" + }, + "screenshotOnRunFailure": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": true, + "description": "Whether Cypress will take a screenshot when a test fails during cypress run" + }, + "screenshotsFolder": { + "type": "string", + "default": "cypress/screenshots", + "description": "Path to folder where screenshots will be saved from cy.screenshot() command or after a test fails during cypress run" + }, + "supportFile": { + "type": [ + "string", + "boolean" + ], + "default": "cypress/support/index.js", + "description": "Path to file to load before test files load. This file is compiled and bundled. (Pass false to disable)" + }, + "videosFolder": { + "type": "string", + "default": "cypress/videos", + "description": "Path to folder where videos will be saved during cypress run" + }, + "trashAssetsBeforeRuns": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": true, + "description": "Whether Cypress will trash assets within the screenshotsFolder and videosFolder before tests run with cypress run" + }, + "videoCompression": { + "type": [ + "number", + "boolean" + ], + "default": 32, + "description": "The quality setting for the video compression, in Constant Rate Factor (CRF). The value can be false to disable compression or a value between 0 and 51, where a lower value results in better quality (at the expense of a higher file size)." + }, + "video": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": true, + "description": "Whether Cypress will capture a video of the tests run with cypress run" + }, + "videoUploadOnPasses": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": true, + "description": "Whether Cypress will process, compress, and upload videos to the Dashboard even when all tests in a spec file are passing. This only applies when recording your runs to the Dashboard. Turn this off if you’d like to only upload the spec file’s video when there are failing tests." + }, + "chromeWebSecurity": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": true, + "description": "Whether Chrome Web Security for same-origin policy and insecure mixed content is enabled. Read more about this at https://on.cypress.io/web-security" + }, + "userAgent": { + "type": "string", + "default": null, + "description": "Enables you to override the default user agent the browser sends in all request headers. User agent values are typically used by servers to help identify the operating system, browser, and browser version. See User-Agent MDN Documentation for example user agent values here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/User-Agent" + }, + "blockHosts": { + "type": [ + "string", + "array" + ], + "items": { + "type": "string" + }, + "default": null, + "description": "A String or Array of hosts that you wish to block traffic for. Please read the notes for examples on using this https://on.cypress.io/configuration#blockHosts" + }, + "modifyObstructiveCode": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": true, + "description": "Whether Cypress will search for and replace obstructive JS code found in .js or .html files that prevent Cypress from working. Please read the notes for more information on this setting. https://on.cypress.io/configuration#modifyObstructiveCode" + }, + "viewportHeight": { + "type": "number", + "default": 660, + "description": "Default height in pixels for the application under tests’ viewport (Override with cy.viewport() command)" + }, + "viewportWidth": { + "type": "number", + "default": 1000, + "description": "Default width in pixels for the application under tests’ viewport. (Override with cy.viewport() command)" + }, + "animationDistanceThreshold": { + "type": "number", + "default": 5, + "description": "The distance in pixels an element must exceed over time to be considered animating" + }, + "waitForAnimations": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": true, + "description": "Whether to wait for elements to finish animating before executing commands" + }, + "scrollBehavior": { + "enum": [ + false, + "center", + "top", + "bottom", + "nearest" + ], + "default": "top", + "description": "Viewport position to which an element should be scrolled prior to action commands. Setting `false` disables scrolling." + }, + "projectId": { + "type": "string", + "default": null, + "description": "A 6 character string use to identify this project in the Cypress Dashboard. See https://on.cypress.io/dashboard-service#Identification" + }, + "nodeVersion": { + "enum": [ + "system", + "bundled" + ], + "default": "bundled", + "description": "If set to 'system', Cypress will try to find a Node.js executable on your path to use when executing your plugins. Otherwise, Cypress will use the Node version bundled with Cypress." + }, + "experimentalSourceRewriting": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": false, + "description": "Enables AST-based JS/HTML rewriting. This may fix issues caused by the existing regex-based JS/HTML replacement algorithm." + }, + "experimentalFetchPolyfill": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": false, + "description": "Polyfills `window.fetch` to enable Network spying and stubbing" + }, + "experimentalStudio": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": false, + "description": "Generate and save commands directly to your test suite by interacting with your app as an end user would." + }, + "retries": { + "type": [ + "object", + "number", + "null" + ], + "default": { + "runMode": 0, + "openMode": 0 + }, + "description": "The number of times to retry a failing. Can be configured to apply only in runMode or openMode" + }, + "includeShadowDom": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": false, + "description": "Enables including elements within the shadow DOM when using querying commands (e.g. cy.get(), cy.find()). Can be set globally in cypress.json, per-suite or per-test in the test configuration object, or programmatically with Cypress.config()" } - }, - "$ref": "#/definitions/cypressConfig" + } } diff --git a/cli/types/cypress.d.ts b/cli/types/cypress.d.ts index 06c72d9043cc..c52de05772ef 100644 --- a/cli/types/cypress.d.ts +++ b/cli/types/cypress.d.ts @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ declare namespace Cypress { type RequestBody = string | object type ViewportOrientation = 'portrait' | 'landscape' type PrevSubject = 'optional' | 'element' | 'document' | 'window' - type PluginConfig = (on: PluginEvents, config: PluginConfigOptions, mode: 'e2e' | 'component') => void | ConfigOptions | Promise + type PluginConfig = (on: PluginEvents, config: PluginConfigOptions) => void | ConfigOptions | Promise interface CommandOptions { prevSubject: boolean | PrevSubject | PrevSubject[] diff --git a/npm/react/cypress/plugins/index.js b/npm/react/cypress/plugins/index.js index b560c50f0bea..9aa6e0a55c27 100644 --- a/npm/react/cypress/plugins/index.js +++ b/npm/react/cypress/plugins/index.js @@ -60,11 +60,7 @@ const webpackConfig = { /** * @type Cypress.PluginConfig */ -module.exports = (on, config, mode) => { - if (mode !== 'component') { - throw Error('This is an component project. mode should be `component`.') - } - +module.exports = (on, config) => { on('dev-server:start', (options) => { return startDevServer({ options, webpackConfig, disableLazyCompilation: false }) }) diff --git a/npm/vue/cypress/plugins/index.js b/npm/vue/cypress/plugins/index.js index 4a575785d41a..1e01c246d085 100644 --- a/npm/vue/cypress/plugins/index.js +++ b/npm/vue/cypress/plugins/index.js @@ -5,11 +5,7 @@ const webpackConfig = require('../../webpack.config') /** * @type Cypress.PluginConfig */ -module.exports = (on, config, mode) => { - if (mode !== 'component') { - throw Error('This is a component testing project. mode should be `component`.') - } - +module.exports = (on, config) => { require('@cypress/code-coverage/task')(on, config) on('dev-server:start', (options) => startDevServer({ options, webpackConfig })) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index c24532237637..21d314579534 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "cypress", - "version": "6.7.0", + "version": "6.7.1", "description": "Cypress.io end to end testing tool", "private": true, "scripts": { diff --git a/packages/driver/cypress/integration/commands/actions/click_spec.js b/packages/driver/cypress/integration/commands/actions/click_spec.js index faf344fab1e7..634023a705ab 100644 --- a/packages/driver/cypress/integration/commands/actions/click_spec.js +++ b/packages/driver/cypress/integration/commands/actions/click_spec.js @@ -1607,6 +1607,24 @@ describe('src/cy/commands/actions/click', () => { expect(args[2]).to.eq(animationDistanceThreshold) }) }) + + describe('scroll-behavior', () => { + afterEach(() => { + cy.get('html').invoke('css', 'scrollBehavior', 'inherit') + }) + + // https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/3200 + it('can scroll to and click elements in html with scroll-behavior: smooth', () => { + cy.get('html').invoke('css', 'scrollBehavior', 'smooth') + cy.get('#table tr:first').click() + }) + + // https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/3200 + it('can scroll to and click elements in ancestor element with scroll-behavior: smooth', () => { + cy.get('#dom').invoke('css', 'scrollBehavior', 'smooth') + cy.get('#table tr:first').click() + }) + }) }) describe('assertion verification', () => { diff --git a/packages/driver/src/cy/actionability.js b/packages/driver/src/cy/actionability.js index 6123af226787..da4dd01f4c7c 100644 --- a/packages/driver/src/cy/actionability.js +++ b/packages/driver/src/cy/actionability.js @@ -309,6 +309,32 @@ const verify = function (cy, $el, options, callbacks) { } } + // scroll-behavior: smooth delays scrolling and causes the actionability + // check to fail, so the only solution is to remove the behavior and + // make scrolling occur instantly. we do this by adding a style tag + // and then removing it after we finish scrolling + // https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress/issues/3200 + const addScrollBehaviorFix = () => { + let style + + try { + const doc = $el.get(0).ownerDocument + + style = doc.createElement('style') + style.innerHTML = '* { scroll-behavior: inherit !important; }' + // there's guaranteed to be a