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test: node_modules installs for system-tests, other improvements (#18574
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Co-authored-by: Emily Rohrbough <>
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flotwig and emilyrohrbough committed Nov 24, 2021
1 parent cbfb3ca commit 71d92e0
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Showing 66 changed files with 7,134 additions and 418 deletions.
67 changes: 63 additions & 4 deletions circle.yml
Expand Up @@ -149,6 +149,55 @@ commands:
name: Restore all node_modules to proper workspace folders
command: node scripts/circle-cache.js --action unpack

description: 'Restore the cached node_modules for projects in "system-tests/projects/**"'
- run:
name: Generate Circle Cache key for system tests
command: ./system-tests/scripts/ > system_tests_cache_key
- restore_cache:
name: Restore system tests node_modules cache
- v{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ arch }}-system-tests-projects-node-modules-cache-{{ checksum "system_tests_cache_key" }}
- v{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ arch }}-system-tests-projects-node-modules-cache-

description: 'Update the cached node_modules for projects in "system-tests/projects/**"'
- run:
name: Generate Circle Cache key for system tests
command: ./system-tests/scripts/ > system_tests_cache_key
- restore_cache:
name: Restore cache state, to check for known modules cache existence
- v{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ arch }}-system-tests-projects-node-modules-cache-state-{{ checksum "system_tests_cache_key" }}
- run:
name: Bail if specific cache exists
command: |
if [[ -f "system_tests_node_modules_installed" ]]; then
echo "No updates to system tests node modules, exiting"
circleci-agent step halt
- restore_cache:
name: Restore system tests node_modules cache
- v{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ arch }}-system-tests-projects-node-modules-cache-{{ checksum "system_tests_cache_key" }}
- v{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ arch }}-system-tests-projects-node-modules-cache-
- run:
name: Update system-tests node_modules cache
command: yarn workspace @tooling/system-tests projects:yarn:install
- save_cache:
name: Save system tests node_modules cache
key: v{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ arch }}-system-tests-projects-node-modules-cache-{{ checksum "system_tests_cache_key" }}
- ~/.cache/cy-system-tests-node-modules
- run: touch system_tests_node_modules_installed
- save_cache:
name: Save system tests node_modules cache state key
key: v{{ .Environment.CACHE_VERSION }}-{{ arch }}-system-tests-projects-node-modules-cache-state-{{ checksum "system_tests_cache_key" }}
- system_tests_node_modules_installed

description: 'Installs & caches the dependencies based on yarn lock & package json dependencies'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -427,6 +476,7 @@ commands:
type: string
- restore_cached_workspace
- restore_cached_system_tests_deps
- run:
name: Run system tests
command: |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1083,6 +1133,12 @@ jobs:
path: /tmp/artifacts
- store-npm-logs

<<: *defaults
- restore_cached_workspace
- update_cached_system_tests_deps

<<: *defaults
resource_class: medium
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2007,19 +2063,22 @@ linux-workflow: &linux-workflow
- server-performance-tests:
- build
- system-tests-chrome:
- system-tests-node-modules-install:
- build
- system-tests-chrome:
- system-tests-node-modules-install
- system-tests-electron:
- build
- system-tests-node-modules-install
- system-tests-firefox:
- build
- system-tests-node-modules-install
- system-tests-non-root:
executor: non-root-docker-user
- build
- system-tests-node-modules-install
- driver-integration-tests-chrome:
- build
Expand Down
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion npm/webpack-preprocessor/lib/typescript-overrides.ts
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,15 @@ export const overrideSourceMaps = (sourceMap: boolean, typescriptPath?: string)

const typescript = require(typescriptPath || 'typescript') as typeof import('typescript')
// when using webpack-preprocessor as a local filesystem dependency (`file:...`),
// require(typescript) will resolve to this repo's `typescript` devDependency, not the
// targeted project's `typescript`, which breaks monkeypatching. resolving from the
// CWD avoids this issue.
const projectTsPath = require.resolve(typescriptPath || 'typescript', {
paths: [process.cwd()],

const typescript = require(projectTsPath) as typeof import('typescript')
const { createProgram } = typescript

debug('typescript found, overriding typescript.createProgram()')
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ describe('./lib/typescript-overrides', () => {
const err = typescriptOverrides.overrideSourceMaps(true)

expect(err.message).to.eq(`Cannot find module 'typescript'`)
expect(err.message).to.match(/Cannot find module '.*typescript\.js'/)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/server/lib/plugins/index.js
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const init = (config, options) => {

// test and warn for incompatible plugin
try {
const retriesPluginPath = path.dirname(resolve.sync('cypress-plugin-retries', {
const retriesPluginPath = path.dirname(resolve.sync('cypress-plugin-retries/package.json', {
basedir: options.projectRoot,

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/server/test/integration/http_requests_spec.js
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ zlib = Promise.promisifyAll(zlib)
// force supertest-session to use promises provided in supertest
const session = proxyquire('supertest-session', { supertest })

const absolutePathRegex = /"\/[^{}]*?\.projects/g
const absolutePathRegex = /"\/[^{}]*?cy-projects/g
let sourceMapRegex = /\n\/\/# sourceMappingURL\=.*/

const replaceAbsolutePaths = (content) => {
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions packages/server/test/integration/plugins_spec.js
Expand Up @@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ const Fixtures = require('@tooling/system-tests/lib/fixtures')
const pluginsFile = Fixtures.projectPath('plugin-before-browser-launch-deprecation/cypress/plugins/index.js')

describe('lib/plugins', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await Fixtures.scaffoldCommonNodeModules()

afterEach(() => {
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions packages/server/test/unit/files_spec.js
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ describe('lib/files', () => {
return files.readFile(this.projectRoot, 'tests/_fixtures/message.txt').then(({ contents, filePath }) => {


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ describe('lib/files', () => {
return files.readFile(this.projectRoot, '.projects/write_file.txt').then(({ contents, filePath }) => {

Expand Down
25 changes: 14 additions & 11 deletions scripts/binary/smoke.js
Expand Up @@ -159,21 +159,24 @@ const runFailingProjectTest = function (buildAppExecutable, e2e) {

const test = function (buildAppExecutable) {

const test = async function (buildAppExecutable) {
await Fixtures.scaffoldCommonNodeModules()
const e2e = Fixtures.projectPath('e2e')

return runSmokeTest(buildAppExecutable)
.then(() => {
return runProjectTest(buildAppExecutable, e2e)
}).then(() => {
return runFailingProjectTest(buildAppExecutable, e2e)
}).then(() => {
return Fixtures.remove()
await runSmokeTest(buildAppExecutable)
await runProjectTest(buildAppExecutable, e2e)
await runFailingProjectTest(buildAppExecutable, e2e)

module.exports = {

if (require.main === module) {
const buildAppExecutable = path.join(__dirname, `../../build/${os.platform()}-unpacked/Cypress`)

console.log('Script invoked directly, running smoke tests.')
30 changes: 26 additions & 4 deletions system-tests/
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ These tests launch the [Cypress server](../packages/server) process for each tes

These tests run in CI in Electron, Chrome, and Firefox under the `system-tests` job family.

## Running system tests
## Running System Tests

yarn test <path/to/test>
Expand All @@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ To debug the Cypress process under test, you can pass `--cypress-inspect-brk`:
yarn test test/go_spec.js --browser chrome --no-exit

## Developing tests
## Developing Tests

System tests cover the entire Cypress run, so they are good for testing features that do not fit into a normal integration or unit test. However, they do take more resources to run, so consider carefully if you really *need* to write a system test, or if you could achieve 100% coverage via an integration or unit test instead.

There are two parts to a system test:

1. A test written using the [`systemTests`](./lib/system-tests) Mocha wrapper that lives in [`./test`](./test), and
2. A matching Cypress project that lives in the [`./projects`](./projects) directory.
2. A matching Cypress [test project](#Test-Projects) that lives in the [`./projects`](./projects) directory.

For example, if you initialized a new project in `./projects/my-new-project`, and you wanted to assert that 2 tests fail and take a snapshot of the `stdout`, you'd write a test like this:

Expand All @@ -61,10 +61,32 @@ From here, you could run this test with `yarn test my-new-project`.

There are many more options available for `` and `systemTests.setup`. You can massage the stdout, do pre-run tasks, set up HTTP/S servers, and more. Explore the typedocs in [`./lib/system-tests`](./lib/system-tests) for more information.

## Updating snaphots
### Updating Snaphots

Prepend `SNAPSHOT_UPDATE=1` to any test command. See [`snap-shot-it` instructions]( for more info.

SNAPSHOT_UPDATE=1 yarn test go_spec

### Test Projects

Every folder in [`./projects`](./lib/projects) represents a self-contained Cypress project. When you pass the `project` property to `` or `systemTests.exec`, Cypress launches using this project.

If a test project has a `package.json` file, the `systemTests.exec` helper will attempt to install the correct `node_modules` by running `yarn install` against the project. This is cached in CI and locally to speed up test times.

`systemTests.exec` *copies* the project directory to a temporary folder outside of the monorepo root. This means that temporary projects will not inherit the `node_modules` from this package or the monorepo. So, you must add the dependencies required for your project in `dependencies` or `devDependencies`.

The exception is some commonly used packages that are scaffolded for all projects, like `lodash` and `debug`. You can see the list by looking at `scaffoldCommonNodeModules` in [`./lib/fixtures.ts`](./lib/fixtures.ts) These packages do not need to be added to a test project's `package.json`.

You can also set special properties in a test project's `package.json` to influence the helper's behavior when running `yarn`:

`package.json` Property Name | Type | Description
--- | --- | ---
`_cySkipYarnInstall` | `boolean` | If `true`, skip the automatic `yarn install` for this package, even though it has a `package.json`.
`_cyYarnV2` | `boolean` | Run the yarn v2-style install command instead of yarn v1-style.
`_cyRunScripts` | `boolean` | By default, the automatic `yarn install` will not run postinstall scripts. This option, if set, will cause postinstall scripts to run for this project.

Run `yarn projects:yarn:install` to run `yarn install` for all projects with a `package.json`.

Use the `UPDATE_YARN_LOCK=1` environment variable with `yarn test` or `yarn projects:yarn:install` to allow the `yarn.lock` to be updated and synced back to the monorepo from the temp dir.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions system-tests/__snapshots__/busted_support_file_spec.js
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ Error: Webpack Compilation Error
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './does/not/exist' in '/foo/bar/.projects/busted-support-file/cypress/support'
Looked for and couldn't find the file at the following paths:
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Error: Webpack Compilation Error
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (3:19)
File was processed with these loaders:
* ../../../npm/webpack-batteries-included-preprocessor/node_modules/ts-loader/index.js
* relative/path/to/webpack-batteries-included-preprocessor/node_modules/ts-loader/index.js
You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders.
| // The code below is ignored by eslint
| // because it tests failing spec.
Expand Down
79 changes: 0 additions & 79 deletions system-tests/lib/fixtures.js

This file was deleted.

3 comments on commit 71d92e0

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@cypress-bot cypress-bot bot commented on 71d92e0 Nov 24, 2021

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Circle has built the linux x64 version of the Test Runner.

Learn more about this pre-release platform-specific build at

Run this command to install the pre-release locally:

npm install

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@cypress-bot cypress-bot bot commented on 71d92e0 Nov 24, 2021

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AppVeyor has built the win32 x64 version of the Test Runner.

Learn more about this pre-release platform-specific build at

Run this command to install the pre-release locally:

npm install

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@cypress-bot cypress-bot bot commented on 71d92e0 Nov 24, 2021

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Circle has built the darwin x64 version of the Test Runner.

Learn more about this pre-release platform-specific build at

Run this command to install the pre-release locally:

npm install

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