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What is this?

This is a simple document indexer and searcher using Elasticsearch, Nltk, and Flask

  • Elasticsearch - Indexing of the files
  • Nltk - Determining what sentences are in the document, and possibly enabling things like pos_tag() to get parts of speech if needed
  • Flask - Giving a very basic front-end to display the results

The front-end uses basic jQuery, and datatables.js with almost no styling.

How to use

  • Install python3
  • Install elasticsearch & setup: sudo apt-get install elasticsearch
  • install needed python libraries: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Check this code out
  • put all docs in the docs directory
  • run to index all documents
  • Once everything is indexed, run to start flask
  • point browser to

You should see this:

Unit tests

  • Unit testing is in the file

Where to go from here

This is a very basic setup, and would need further developing to be useful. Some areas to consider:

  • Elasticsearch should be able to do its own word frequency counting using its analysis engine, but I couldn't get this to work, so I defaulted to other word-counting means. This would need to be fixed.
  • Elasticsearch is very flexible, and indexing could be done across nodes. I haven't done this before, but it would be an easy way to divide the load in indexing files
  • NLTK could do more and start to determining things like parts of speech. This could better refine results and how they're displayed and could even autosummarise to an extent what is being said about a given search term.
  • Data such as how often words appear is being calculated, but isn't being displayed. This could be added.
  • Drop-down menus could be added to the datatables to allow for narrowing down which documents to look for. A more complex solution would be to better structure the index so that different documents could be targeted by the search instead of an all-or-nothing search like is currently being done
  • Once stopwords are used, they should be removed from memory as they'll no longer be needed
  • Allow for different document types other than TXT. XML could be added (DOCX, ODT, etc) if we had schemas to get at the text elements and only index those.
  • Better styling
  • I would add in possibly things like backbone.js to more tightly integrate the views into an MVC
  • Better separate the different words that were found, possibly presenting in a selectable list that would update the datatables to only list occurances of that specific word
  • Test with different languages (e.g. Japanese, Spanish) to see if any code would need to be changed to be able to handle them.


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