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Specific Order

James Bury edited this page Aug 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

A list of specific order types for the screener:

  • Signal
  • Ticker
  • Company
  • Sector
  • Industry
  • Country
  • MarketCap
  • PE
  • ForwardPE
  • PriceEarningsGrowth
  • PriceSales
  • PriceBook
  • PriceCash
  • PriceFCF
  • DividendYield
  • PayoutRatio
  • EPS
  • EPSGrowthThisYear
  • EPSGrowthNextYear
  • EPSGrowthPast5Years
  • EPSGrowthNext5Years
  • SalesGrowthPast5Years
  • EPSGrowthQtrOverQtr
  • SalesGrowthQtrOverQtr
  • SharesOutstanding
  • SharesFloat
  • InsiderOwnership
  • InsiderTransactions
  • InstitutionalOwnership
  • InstitutionalTransactions
  • ShortInterestShare
  • ShortInterestRatio
  • EarningsDate
  • ROA
  • ROE
  • ROI
  • CurrentRatio
  • QuickRatio
  • LTDebtEquity
  • TotalDebtEquity
  • GrossMargin
  • OperatingMargin
  • NetProfitMargin
  • AnalystRecommendation
  • PerformanceWeek
  • PerformanceMonth
  • PerformanceQuarter
  • PerformanceHalfYear
  • PerformanceYear
  • PerformanceYTD
  • Beta
  • AverageTrueRange
  • VolatilityWeek
  • VolatilityMonth
  • RelativeSMA20Day
  • RelativeSMA50Day
  • RelativeSMA200Day
  • Relative50DayHigh
  • Relative50DayLow
  • Relative52WeekHigh
  • Relative52WeekLow
  • RSI14Day
  • AverageVolume3Months
  • RelativeVolume
  • Change
  • ChangeFromOpen
  • Gap
  • Volume
  • Price
  • TargetPrice
  • IPODate

If no Signal type is specified in the screen, then using the Signal order will fail.

The default Signal type is Ticker.

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