Object-relational model using sqlalchemy for DINO version 2.1 data.
Developed and tested with/for python 3.7 and sqlite.
Install requirements into a new virtual environment: pipenv install
Install package: python setup.py install
pipenv run python -m DINO2.tools.imp "sqlite:///./DINO2.db" ../dino 9
pipenv run python -m DINO2.tools.graph "sqlite:///./DINO2.db" ./docs/DINO2/model
(use pipenv install --dev
pipenv run pdoc3 -c show_type_annotations=True -c sort_identifiers=False --html DINO2 -o ./docs --force
pipenv run pdoc3 -c show_type_annotations=True -c sort_identifiers=False --pdf DINO2 | iconv -f cp1252 -t utf-8 | pandoc --metadata=title:"DINO2 documentation" --toc --toc-depth=4 --from=markdown+abbreviations --pdf-engine=xelatex --variable=mainfont:"DejaVu Sans" --output=docs/docs.pdf
pipenv run python -m pytest
(uses test data inside <./tests/data/>)