An arduino based weather station.
- Both stations need to be in the same WiFi
- Indoor station runs an MQTT broker
- Outdoor station sends data to MQTT broker
- Indoor station subscribes to it's own topics and display the information
- Outdoor station uses deep sleep (3min) to conserve battery
- 🍰 approximate uptime is stored in RTC memory during deep sleep
- Wemos D1 mini
- Waveshare 1.54" e-Paper Display
- USB powered
- Wemos D1 mini
- BME280
- 2x 4000mah Lithium Cells
- Solarpanel
- TP4056 based 18650 charger
- Wire from Bat+ with 100k Ohm resistor to A0 for battery voltage measurements
- Wire from D0 to RST for deep-sleep
Wiring could be cleaner, but lets first see if it survives the winter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯