A Gulp plugin for parsing Archie Markup Language (ArchieML) files into JSON using archieml-js.
From ArchieML.org:
ArchieML (or "AML") was created at The New York Times to make it easier to write and edit structured text on deadline that could be rendered in web pages, or more specifically, rendered in interactive graphics.
See the ArchieML spec and ArchieML.org for more information if you're interested in learning more about the language.
$ npm install --save-dev gulp-archieml
const gulp = require('gulp');
const archieml = require('gulp-archieml');
gulp.task('test', () => gulp.src('./path/to/*.aml')
Tests (written in Mocha) can be run using:
$ npm test
Coverage is calculated using Istanbul and output to the coverage folder:
$ open coverage/index.html
MIT ©2016 The Dallas Morning News