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DSL front-end for groove

Often, we would like to abstract away the way we perform measurements (e.g. query performance prediction) or the way we transform queries (e.g. query expansion/reduction); and we would like to do these things in a repeatable, reproducible manner. This is where boogie comes in: an experiment is represented as a pipeline of operations that cover the format of queries, the source for statistics, the operations and measurements for each query, and how the experiment is to be output. boogie translates a simple DSL syntax into a groove pipeline. Both groove and boogie are designed to be easily extendable and offer sane, simple abstractions.

The most important abstraction is the statistic source. A boogie pipeline is not concerned with how documents are stored or the structure of the index; only how to retrieve documents. In this way, boogie separates how you choose to store your documents from how you get your experiments done.


boogie can be installed with go install.

go install


For command line help, see boogie --help.

command line usage:

boogie --queries ./medline --pipeline pipeline.json
  • --queries; the path to a directory of queries that will be analysed by groove.
  • --pipeline; the path to a boogie pipeline file which will be used to construct a groove pipeline.
  • --logfile (optional); the path to a logfile to output logs to.

Important: Queries require a specific format that is used by groove. Each query file must contain one query, and the name of the file must be the topic for that query. For example, if topic 1 contains the query:

green eggs and ham

Then the file must be named 1. Groove uses this to process evaluation and result files.

must be


boogie uses a domain specific language (DSL) for creating groove pipelines. The boogie DSL looks like a regular JSON file:

  "query": {
    "source": "medline"
  "statistic": {
    "source": "elasticsearch"
  "measurements": [
  "preprocess": [
  "output": [
      "format": "json",
      "filename": "analysis.json"
      "format": "csv",
      "filename": "analysis.csv"

There are seven components to a groove pipeline: the query source, the statistics source, measurements, and output formats. These components are reflected in the top-level keys in the DSL. Each of the components are described below.

Query (query)

Query formats are specified using the format, the different query formats and options are detailed below.


  • mapping: Specify a field mapping in the same format as when loading a field mapping into transmute.


The options for the pubmed format are the same as medline.


A keyword query (just one string of characters per file). No additional options may be specified.

Statistic (statistic)

Statistic sources provide common information retrieval methods. They are specified using source. The source component and options are detailed below. groove/boogie does not attempt to configure information retrieval systems (e.g. sources for statistics), only attempt to wrap them in some way. For this reason, you should read how to set up these systems before using boogie.


  • hosts: Specify a list of Elasticsearch urls (e.g.
  • index: Elasticsearch index to run experiments on.
  • document_type: Elasticsearch document type.
  • field: Field to search on (for keyword queries).
  • analyser: Specify a preconfigured analyser for term vectors/analyse transformation.
  • analyse_field: Specify the field to be analysed for term vectors/analyse transformation.
  • scroll: Specify whether to scroll or not (true/false).

Note: The analyser and analyse_field are to be used in the cases where you may have stemmed documents and stemmed queries and wish to get a term vector for a pre-stemmed term in a query. To do this, point analyse_field to the analysed field name (i.e. "keyword"). When only analyser is set, this defaults to normal behaviour. In this case, the request to the Elasticsearch term vectors API will look like this:

    "doc": {
        "text": "disease"
    "term_statistics": true,
    "field_statistics": false,
    "offsets": false,
    "positions": false,
    "payloads": false,
    "fields": ["text.keyword"],
    "per_field_analyzer": {
        "text.keyword": ""

If analyse_field is not specified, the fields and per_field_analyzer keys will whatever field is set to in the pipeline (in the case above would be "text").


  • properties: Location of the terrier properties file.

Universal options:

  • field: Document field for analysis.
  • params: Map of parameter name to float value (e.g. k, lambda).
  • search: Search properties; size (maximum number of results to retrieve), run_name (name of the run for trec)

Query Preprocessing (preprocess)

Preprocessing is performed before analysing a query. This component accepts a list of preprocessors:

  • alphanum: Remove non-alphanumeric characters.
  • lowercase: Transform uppercase characters to lowercase.
  • strip_numbers: Remove numbers.

Query Transformations (transformations)

Query transformations are operations that change queries beyond simple string manipulation. For instance, a transformation can simplify a query, or replace Boolean operators. The output directory and a list of transformations can be specified. If the directory is not present, no queries will be output.

  • output: Directory to output transformed queries to.
  • operations: List of transformations to apply (see below).

The possible query transformation operations are listed as follows:

  • simplify: Simplify a Boolean query to just "and" and "or" operators.
  • analyse: Use Elasticsearch to analyse the query strings in the query.

Additionally, the following transformation can be used in conjunction with the Elasticsearch statistics source:

  • analyse: Run the analyser specified in statistic on the query.

Operations are applied in the order specified.

Measurements (measurements)

Measurements are methods that apply a calculation to a query using a statistics source. All measurements return a floating point number. This component accepts a list of preprocessors:

  • term_count - Total number of query terms.
  • keyword_count - Total number of keywords used in a Boolean query.
  • boolean_query_count - Total number of clauses in a Boolean query.
  • avg_ictf - Average inverse collection term frequency.
  • avg_idf - Average inverse document frequency.
  • sum_idf - Sum inverse document frequency.
  • max_idf - Max inverse document frequency.
  • std_idf - Standard Deviation inverse document frequency.
  • sum_cqs - Sum Collection Query Similarity
  • max_cqs - Max Collection Query Similarity.
  • scs - Simplified Clarity Score.
  • query_scope - Query Scope.
  • wig - Weighted Information Gain.
  • weg - Weighted Entropy Gain.
  • ncq - Normalised Query Commitment.
  • clarity_score - Clarity Score.

Evaluation (evaluation)

Queries can be evaluated through different measures. To evaluate queries in the pipeline, use the evaluation key. Each evaluation measurement comprises:

  • evaluate: The measure to evaluate each topic with.

The list of measures are as follows:

  • num_ret: Total number of retrieved documents.
  • num_rel: Total number of relevant documents (from qrels).
  • num_rel_ret: Total number of relevant documents that were retrieved.
  • precision: Ratio of relevant retrieved documents to retrieved documents.
  • recall: Ratio of relevant retrieved documents to relevant documents.

Output (output)

An output specifies how experiments are to be formatted and what file to write them to. The output component comprises a list of outputs. Each output can either of type measurements, trec_results, or evaluations.

For measurements, each item contains a format field and a filename field. The filename field tells the pipeline where to write the file, and the format is the format of the file. The formats are described below.

  • json: JSON formatting.
  • csv: Comma separated formatting.

For trec_results, a filename must be specified using output:

  • output: Where to write trec-style results file to.

For evaluations, both the qrels file must be specified, and a list of formats similar to measurements; i.e. a list of filename and format pairs:

  • qrels: Path to a trec-style qrels file.
  • formats: format, filename pairs.

The format of evaluations is currently only json.


Adding a query format, statistics source, preprocessing step, measurement, or output format requires firstly to implement the corresponding groove interface. Once an interface has been implemented, it can be added to boogie by registering it in the config.


The Go gopher was created by Renee French, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 Attributions license.


DSL front-end for groove query analysis pipeline







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